DeathSpank Reviews
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A.V. Club gives it an "A":
The world's gorgeous fairytale landscape seems to sprawl out forever, rolling into view as you travel, as if it were the backdrop for a lavish stop-motion movie. Variety means more here than (the desert level) or (the ice level,) as each of the seamlessly connected realms has character. There's a palpable gloom in the Demon Mines, and insane Care Bear-unicorn sugariness in the Enchanted Forest. The drive to keep exploring is strong. Cable-TV executives may not have major networks to fear in the summer, but they should be terrified of deep, blissful time-sucks like DeathSpank.
IncGamers gives it an 8.2/10:
These gripes aside, however, there's a palpable sense of fun one gets from watching DeathSpank plough through a horde of enemies or try to hold a sage-like conversation with a cow. The excellent voice acting, stunning visuals and engaging sense of humour also ensure that DeathSpank's quest for The Artefact never quite become a boring grind. Furthermore the game is huge; the expansive maps are brimming with missions and side-quests for the player to dive into and at 10 hours plus to complete the whole thing, it's also great value for money. DeathSpank is a brash, funny and enjoyable package, and while it may not appeal to gamers whose tastes run exclusively towards the high-brow (or, snobs as we'd call them), for our money it's the most fun you can have with a chicken-firing hand-cannon.
AggroGamer doesn't score it:
I had some fun with DeathSpank despite all of this, and while it only takes about eight or so hours to complete the main story, most of it wasn't too frustrating save for when the game itself gets in your way, like the annoying quest system, backtracking, or missing checkpoints in entire zones. There is a demo up for both versions and I'd advise anyone on the fence to try it out to see if it's your sort of game.
And gives it an 8/10:
The look and feel of DeathSpank does a lot to keep the game feeling fresh. The sound and voice work are absolutely excellent and the b-movie grindhouse score is spot-on. The visuals are colourful and well rendered and their comic-book style is perfect for the Saturday morning cartoon aesthetic the game aims for. Moreover, the world contained within the game offers a variety of different environments; the player will never feel like they're trudging through the same woodland or swamp-filled area. And this brings us neatly to DeathSpank's most impressive feature - its size. For a downloadable game, DeathSpank is immense; not only is its world a gorgeous, unique and fun place to spend hours in, but the list of quests on offer is substantial. The game's combat and RPG systems don't offer all that much depth, but they are fun and easy to get to grips with. DeathSpank may not be perfect, and it may take many of its gameplay cues from other titles, but it's a fun and entertaining romp which is well worth a look.