Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Project Update #1, Russian Localization Possible

With nearly a quarter of a million dollars pledged as I type this, inXile's Brian Fargo has just posted the first update to the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project suggesting that Russian localization is likely going to become a reality for the game if the pledges continue at the rate they have been. Great news:
WOW!!! You guys are amazing! The fans are really stepping up here with donations and spreading the word. I haven't been more excited to make a game in over a decade. It is a dream to focus all my attention on making a wonderful experience without distraction from outside forces. We will not let you down!

Я не знаю английский язык. Как мне поддержать Ваш проект?

Also for our Russian fans, our buddy Yegor at fallout-archives put together instructions for how to pledge and navigate Kickstarter. If our funding stays at this rate we will be able to localize in Russian. Thanks a ton, Yegor! http://blog.fallout-archives.com/podderzhim-fargo-vmeste
Related Games: Wasteland 2