Middle-earth Online Memories, Part Two
Category: News ArchiveHits: 830
Q: What did you gain and learn from working on the project, and how has this influenced or impacted your career since then?
Chance Thomas: MEO threw me into the deep end of the Tolkien mythological pool, and I never looked back. It started a nine-year adventure (so far) of designing, composing, recording and even managing music for Lord of the Rings titles. Including MEO, I've worked on seven different LOTR titles - Fellowship of the Ring (consulting and cinematic score), The Hobbit (Music Director), The Two Towers (cinematic music editing), Treason of Isengard (unreleased - music design, music direction), War of the Ring (Music Director, music design, live orchestral and choral music, cinematic scoring), Shadows of Mordor (unreleased - music design, gameplay and cinematic music, music direction) and of course, Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (Music Style Guide, live orchestral and choral score, small acoustic ensemble pieces, instrumental and vocal soloists, original music direction).
MEO also set me on a path of creating music and sound for massively multiplayer online games. If you count my contributions to Stargate Worlds (currently under development), I've worked on nine MMOs so far.