Fallout 76 - Halloween Events Incoming
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What with it being a live service game, Bethesda's multiplayer survival RPG Fallout 76 is getting ready for some seasonal festivities in the form of a few Halloween events, as well as some in-game sales and promotions. Here are the details:
Over the course of the next week, we’re kicking off Halloween and Bombs Drop festivities with a double-header event that’s bringing Spooky Scorched and trick-or-treating to the Wasteland. In addition, Bombs Drop weekend will feature a triple threat of in-game events, including 50% off from the Purveyor, Scrip Surplus, and Double Mutation Daily Ops. As is Bombs Drop tradition, we’re also offering sales on Fallout 76 and Atom Packs for a limited time.
Our next update for Fallout 76 is set to arrive on Tuesday, October 19, and with it Halloween will descend on Appalachia like costumed Dwellers on a bowl full of candy. Quite literally, hungry trick-or-treaters will haunt your doorstep in search of some sweets and Challenge rewards. Even the Scorched that prowl the Wasteland will be dressing in their most hair-raising attire and dropping special treats. Grab your favorite costume and read on to catch all the details so that you can join in the fun before these spine-tingling events expire on November 2.
Though the Scorched have lost much of what once made them human, it seems they’ve managed to retain some semblance of fondness for certain holidays. In fact, as Halloween approaches, they’re wriggling into creepy costumes and have even begun collecting sweet treats they’ve stumbled upon. From October 19 – November 2, you’ll occasionally run into these “Spooky Scorched” during your adventures in Appalachia. Each one will spawn as legendary, and taking them down will net you with a legendary item and a piece of Mystery Candy. You’ll also receive a Spooky Treat Bag, which you can open to receive rewards like consumables, ammo, and even a chance at some Halloween themed loot!
If you’ve got a sweet tooth, the Mystery Candy you’ll get from Spooky Scorched may seem enticing in the moment—especially because eating it will grant you with one of five random special buffs. However, you may want to bring a few pieces back to your C.A.M.P. for any visitors who stop by during the next couple of weeks…
Before the bombs fell, there was nothing quite like dressing up as your favorite comic book hero, storybook princess, or gruesome monster on Halloween, and going door-to-door with your closest friends on the hunt for some delicious sweets. This year, you can recapture some of that magic by raiding your wardrobe for a costume and trick-or-treating your way around Appalachia!
Starting October 19, everyone will be able to claim a free Spooky Candy Bowl from the Atomic Shop, place it in their C.A.M.P.s, and fill it with Mystery Candy they’ve collected from Spooky Scorched or purchased from train station vendors. Until November 2, all Dwellers will receive Daily Challenges to trick or treat at others’ C.A.M.P.s, as well as Daily and Weekly Challenges to hand out treats from their Spooky Candy Bowls. Each of these Daily Challenges that you complete will grant you one of several possible rewards, like a consumable item, Perk Card Pack, Lunchbox, Repair Kit, or some S.C.O.R.E. Additionally, Weekly Challenges to give candy to trick-or-treaters can award you S.C.O.R.E., rare crafting materials, or even Halloween costumes. If you manage to complete both Weekly Challenges, you’ll also receive the new Popcorn Machine that you can build in your Appalachian abode.
Remember to transform your home into a horrifying haunted house that will give your visitors a scare, and be sure to place your Spooky Candy Bowl where others can easily find it. Don’t worry about folks snatching all of your sweets in one go, either. Each Dweller will be limited to one piece of candy from your bowl per hour. Finally, just like in real life, you’ll need to be in costume in order to trick or treat successfully, so be sure to wear your most festive apparel when visiting others’ C.A.M.P.s.
Though a sugar-fueled Halloween is looming just around the corner, there is another important occasion that we remember at this time each year. Bombs Drop Day is a grim reminder of how the world changed forever on October 23. However, it’s also a cause for celebration, because despite the odds, you’re surviving, thriving, and making post-apocalyptic Appalachia your own. Join us in commemorating Bombs Drop Day with sales on Fallout 76 and Atoms, as well as several upcoming weekend events.
There’s never been a better time to play Fallout 76 than right now, and Bombs Drop Week offers the perfect opportunity to dive head-first into Appalachia. Until October 26, you and your friends can pick up the game for up to 75% off at select digital stores, like the Microsoft Store, PlayStation Store, Steam, and Bethesda.net. You’ll not only gain full access to the base game, but you’ll also receive every free content update we’ve released so far, including Wastelanders, Steel Dawn, and Steel Reign, among many others. Please note that offer availability, sale timings, and exact discounts vary by region and platform, so be sure to check your platform of choice for more details.
In addition to our game sales, we’re also offering discounts* on Atom Packs for the second time ever! From October 19 through October 25, you’ll be able to get best-value Atoms so that you can spend less cash to pick up even more of the items that have caught your eye in the Atomic Shop. Here are the details:DOUBLE UP ON SCRIP, LEGENDARIES, AND DAILY OPS NEXT WEEKEND
- 500 Atoms – 20% off base price
- 1000 Atoms (+100 bonus Atoms) – 25% off base price
- 2000 Atoms (+400 bonus Atoms) – 30% off base price
- 4000 Atoms (+1000 bonus Atoms) – 35% off base price
Next weekend, from October 21 – 25, we’ve got a triple threat of weekend events in store for you. The Bombs Drop savings continue, with a Scrip Surplus event where you can earn up to twice the normal daily Legendary Scrip by turning in your unwanted legendary items using Legendary Exchange Machines. Next, you can bring your stack of Scrip over to Purveyor Murmrgh’s shop inside the Rusty Pick to get legendary weapons and armor for 50% off her usual prices.
Finally, those of you who are daring enough to venture into Daily Ops can amp up the challenge by taking on Double Mutations all weekend long. Enemies will sport unique combinations of two mutation effects, but you’ll also receive bonus rewards for your efforts, including double XP during your Daily Ops runs, as well as twice the currency and Legendary Core rewards.
Happy (almost) Halloween! We hope everyone has a blast collecting frightful loot from the Spooky Scorched, trick-or-treating at one another’s C.A.M.P.s, and celebrating Bombs Drop this year. Until next time, we’ll see you in Appalachia.