The Temple of Elemental Evil v7.0.0 Modpack Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 7486
- Overhauled pregenerated characters so their hairstyles and colors match their portraits, so that strongmen are strong enough to wear heavy armor, and so that facemen are competent in social skills.
- Fixed pregenerated iconic characters Mialee and Tordek's incorrect portraits.
- Removed giant PC pregenerated character because it mysteriously stopped working.
- Fixed halberd and masterwork halberd long descriptions so they're not listed as reach weapons.
- Reassigned many script IDs to promote organization.
- Added ability to locate extraplanar chest if you leave it on a map and don't take it with you.
- Fixed exploit where you could rest indefinitely on second floor of inns when you only paid for 24 hours.
- Fixed targeting problem with spell Good Hope.
- Reduced volume of spell sound effects for multi-target spells by limiting playback to single instance rather than once for each target: Cone of Cold, Confusion, Consecrate, Deep Slumber, Desecrate, Flame Strike, Holy Smite, Ice Storm, Mind Fog, Prismatic Spray, Scare, Sleep, Sleet Storm, Spike Growth, Spike Stones.
- Removed Acid Fog spell, as it is apparently an irrevocably illegal spell due to being spell number 000.
- Fixed bug where Wonnilon, Jaer, and Wicked would cause problems with NPC interventions upon entering combat.
- Lowered CR on greater temple bugbear (proto 14174) and greater temple bugbear leader (proto 14346) by 2.
- Fixed rare bug in Hommlet joinable NPCs' dying scripts that could cause Butcher of Hommlet rep.
- Changed dragon meshes and added custom sound effects.
- Improved firepit on random encounter scrub road.
- Added unique critter sounds for bearded devils.
- Fixed duration of Giant Vermin spell.
- Fixed AI exploit where Spiritual Weapon could be abused by making enemies not target them.
- Fixed bug with Summon Monster spells initiative.
- Bulletproofed reward encounter scheduling.
- Updated Co8 section of in-game Help.
- Added five missing iconic pregenerated characters: Aramil, Eberk, Gimble, Kerwyn, and Naull.
- Added stone giants.
- Fixed Jaroo heartbeat script that caused his cloak to flap and gameplay to stutter in the Grove.
- Mobbed in Amii and removed unnecessary associated scripting from various NPCs.
- Made it so that Amii doesn't die immediately if you botch her quest through indifferent dialog with Jaroo.
- Recreated all Hommlet Exterior generic citizens.
- Fixed bug with Jaroo spell permanancy fix.
- Made it so Brother Smyth detects giant head in anyone's inventory, not just speaker's.
- Made it so Pishella can destroy golden skull while she's in the party.
- Tweaked pathfinding on Hommlet exterior map.
- Made it so Corl doesn't come back to Black Jay's field after you throw him out.
- Fixed some dialog and map inconsistencies with Mickey.
- Tweaked Lareth scripting for when he stays in his room after joining combat if players stay in the hall.
- Made the Nulb Rannos Davl fat like the Hommlet Rannos Davl.
- Fixed dialog bug where you could ask Mona about Serena without knowing anything about her.
- Fixed bug that was making Nulb revenge encounter fail.
- Made it so that Dala does not run off permanently after pickpocketing you if combat starts, while still avoiding combat.
- Bulletproofed Nulb Mickey's dialog conditions.
- Mobbed in electrical trap and control boxes on Temple level 4 and added TZGY scarab as method to defeat them.
- Fixed temple faction problem that sometimes caused oohlgrist to go KOS.
- Fixed blocking tiles problem on Temple deserted farm map.
- Fixed bug where Scorrp would repeat dialog during combat.
- Made it so that Brother Smyth gives you Orc Season quest if Kenter Nevets is dead, or if he becomes dead.
- Tweaked MOTA's heartbeat script so he appears more reliably.
- Changed Mother's mesh to modified version of old crone rather than Zuggtmoy and changed portrait.
- Added Season of the Witch quest as culmination to Moathouse Respawn.
- Fixed bug where Gnarley witch wouldn't give you ring of resonance if you came back a second time and bought it from her.
- Fixed bug where making the second payment on your mortgage on the castle in Verbobonc on time didn't stop you from becoming delinquent.
- Further bullet-proofed Wilfrick report dialog node.
- Made it so that Wilfrick does not still go to the warehouse if you reveal Darlia's assassination quest to him.
- Fixed bug where Castle of the Lords was not safe for rest even if ghost conditions hadn't been met.
- Fixed heartbeat bug with castle ghosts that caused them to make noises even if they weren't supposed to be there.
- Added a one day delay to get access to Darlia by paying.
- Changed method of reporting Hextorite job done to Canon Ramses to avoid incorrect var count and fixed object name reference error.
- Added scoutpoints to Hextorite patrol in Temple.
- Fixed bug where buying your way out of a Verbobonc execution would make it so that the Slavers would not appear if they had been scheduled to, and that Wilfrick would think you had murdered the Dyvers rescuers.
- Tweaked Wilfrick dialog re: drow and white dragon.
- Made it so you can't report on Drow situation to Wilfrick over and over.
- Fixed bug where Wilfrick acted like he never met you at home.
- Tweaked Prince Zook dialog re: drow being dealt with and defeated.
- Added following quests to Verbobonc: Ratting Out The Hextorites, Snitching On The Scarlet Brotherhood, Narcing On The Scarlet Brotherhood, The Rabbit Hole, The Gremlich, Lords and Ladies, Demons and Demigods.
- Added following reputations to Verbobonc: Hextor Rat, Scarlet Brotherhood Snitch, Scarlet Brotherhood Narc, Scarlet Brotherhood Whistle-Blower, Hextor Whore, Savior of Hommlet, Hommlet Deserter, Disfunctional, Uptight, Consort of Lady Asherah, Associate of Lady Asherah, Slayer of Iuz, Slayer of St. Cuthbert, Slayer of Alzoll, Hommlet Destroyer.
- Added repercussions for having above reputations.
- Added methods of discussing and reporting Scarlet Brotherhood and Hextorites to various NPCs.
- Added options for getting location of Slavers.
- Added redesigned Verbobonc castle interiors and an additional floor.
- Added Rabbit Hole map and Uncle Orrengaard III NPC.
- Added method for getting stats on NPCs, as well as answers to other common questions.
- Added Lady Asherah.
- Added Verbobonc Cave Exit worldmap location.