Dungeons & Dragons Online Developer Chat Log

Warcry has posted an edited log of last night's IRC chat with members of the Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach development team. Quite a bit of new information was revealed, such as the team's plans for new monsters (orcs, dragons, and giants), new classes (the monk and druid), and even a new race (half-orc).
WarCry: Borganian: are there going to be any new raids added with the level cap and if so will they play off as continuations of other raids or will they start completely new story lines?
TheRockingDead_DDO: Yes, there will be a new raid going in with Module 4. It'll be a continuation of one of the storylines we've introduced a long time ago, and ties in a lot of what you've experienced thus far. You can look forward to us putting the 's' in Dungeons & Dragon"S"

WarCry: melinore: Will there be new base classes added to DDO? Will prestige classes make an appearance?
Nereid_DDO: The next base class we will be adding is the Monk, and hopefully it will be in by Fall of this year (though it may be later if we run into any hiccups).
Nereid_DDO: Prestige classes are definitely something we are considering, but are not in active development at this time.