

Source Stone Sanctuary
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Source Stone Sanctuary


As soon as you enter the Source Stone, two Old One Warriors will be waiting for you. Defeat them and search the containers nearby for some treasures. Keep an eye for any heal potions you find from now on because you will need them later. You can also use the portal here to return back to the Castle Caverns.


An Old One Warrior is attacking a female that looks exactly like Lady Aribeth. Help her defeat the warrior and then speak with her. As you will find out, Asheera is a knight of the Shinning Order from the city of Sahaladar. Her world is apparently another parallel dimension which is also somehow connection to this strange world inside Morag's Source Stone. Speak with her for a while and you will figure out that she is also a parallel person of Lady Aribeth but have not fallen to Morag's will as Aribeth did. She can't however finish the task that her people assigned her because she can no longer stay in the Source Stone and defeat Morag. Her people also forged a powerful item to help her defeat the scaled people and Morag but since her time at this world passed she will offer to give you the item for you to finish the job. You will then acquire Asheera's Amulet, a powerful amulet especially against the scaled ones and Morag but requires you to achieve level 19 before you can use it though.

However if you decide not to trust Asheera and threaten her she will disappear and you will trigger an alignment shift for 5 points towards evil.


An Old One Invoker and an Old One Warrior stand guards in each of these rooms. After dispatching them, don't forget to search the containers for some treasures and/or magic items.


A fairly larger group of Old One Warriors and Invokers will try and prevent you from continuing forth though they will not offer much challenge. Once defeated continue to area #5 where a portal will take you to the Source Stone Guardian Lair.


Before you can access the portal that will take you to the Guardian Lair you will have to face an Old One Invoker, a Warrior and a Lizardfolk Chieftain. The chieftain can prove to be quite a challenge but if you cannot defeat him there is no point to move forward to the Guardian Lair. As always do not forget to loot the place and remember to keep any Heal potions you find for later use. Once you use the portal be prepared for a nice surprise.

NWN Walkthrough



Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four