David Allen Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1026
B: A lot of information related to your game up on the web, almost the entire design document, it promises a lot. Are you confident you can deliver that?
DA: We are currently adhering to about 90% of what's in the original design document, which I think is amazing. We have a couple of things going into horizons though that nobody knows about, and those are highly protected secrets at this time. The information we have put up though has achieved its goal. Right now I think Horizons is probably the hottest and most publicly supported MMOG in development in the world. People seem very excited about the fact we are willing to talk about our game and alter our designs based on player feedback. That's why we have released so much information. Sure some of the other companies have well 'noticed' some of our game ideas, but its not really worrying us. We still have some things which just haven't been seen in MMORPG's yet.