Top 10 Least-Played D&D Classes

GameSpy has posted an article entitled the "Top 10 Least-Played D&D Classes", giving a good laugh to some character classes that none of us have played (hopefully). Here's a snippet from the Horse Thief:

    Dungeon Master: Clamping toward you on the roadway you see a noble Knight of the order of the Rose, astride his great white stead. He addresses your party --

    Horsethief: Whoa, on a fully trained warhorse?

    Dungeon Master: --uh, yes. The Knight says, "Where are ye bound, fair travellers?"

    Wizard: I bow low. "Greetings, sirrah!"

    Dungeon Master: The Knight brings his horse to a halt and salutes your par-

    Horsethief: I pull him off the horse and take it! (rolls dice)

    Dungeon Master: Uh -- okay, now he's PISSED.

    Horsethief: Yeah, woop. Let's see how fast ol' had-a-horse can run in platemail. HYAH! MUSH! Go!

    Wizard: What about the rest of us!?!?

    Horsethief: Jack your own. I'm headed for ye olde choppe shoppe.