The Battle For Wesnoth v1.9.3 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 4477
Version 1.9.3:
* Campaigns:
* Descent into Darkness:
* Allow Darken Volk to open gates in A Small Favor part 3 (bug #17250)
* Legend of Wesmere:
* Fixed the recursion of the scenario 4 bug.
* Added the Elvish Horse Archer as alternative advancement for the scout
* (Singleplayer only) Added the Dwarvish Runemaster as advancement for the
* The Rise of Wesnoth:
* New portraits for Jevyan, Typhon and Rithrandil.
* Graphics:
* Terrain:
* Fixed display of UMC castles (which were being overdrawn by regular human
* Added ruined cottage and ruined hill village.
* Added a fence embellishment terrain.
* Language and i18n:
* Updated translations: Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Vietnamese
* Multiplayer:
* Fixed Siege Castles' description to state the correct map size, 36x36
rather than 40x30 (bug #15835)
* Multiplayer server:
* Increased username length limit from 18 to 20
* User interface:
* Converted some dialog boxes to GUI2
* Campaign difficulty descriptions must use Pango markup now
* Added a new hotkey sequence (by default unassigned) to toggle animated map
mode (feature #15976).
* Removed bottom border from character [message] dialogs.
* Improved the width of portraits in the wml_message once the maximum text
width is reached.
* Fixed display of unit-specific image mods on the Status Table dialog
(bug #16285)
* WML engine:
* Created tag [petrify] (bug #17077). Moved [unpetrify] to lua. Syntax
changed from [unpetrify][filter]<SUF> to [unpetrify]<SUF>.
* New [floating_text] tag for creating floating text similar to the damage
and healing numbers.
* Introduced [recall]fire_event=yes|no (default no) parameter (fixes
bug #17083).
* Deprecated the following macros: FLOATING_TEXT, CAPTURE_FILTERED_VILLAGES,
* Make [select_unit] highlight= (def. yes) work as intended for displaying
the selected unit's reach (bug #16819)
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes:
* Fixed the submerge ability not working on all deep water terrains.
Version 1.9.2:
* Campaigns:
* Descent into Darkness:
* Made 'Alone at Last' easier.
* Legend of Wesmere:
* Map updates.
* Implemented gold carryover between the multiplayer chapters.
* Added extra keeps to keep up with the growing number of leaders.
* Fixed scenario 04 not being playable.
* Corrected the objectives of scenario 3.
* Bug fix for the fleeing orcs in scenario 07.
* Heir to the Throne:
* Fixed a bug causing Warven in 'Cliffs of Thoria' not able to move through
* Liberty:
* New set of portraits.
* Changed Relnan's character to a woman.
* New (unanimated) sprites for the Rogue Mage unit line.
* Various balancing changes to the Rogue Mage unit line.
* Northern Rebirth:
* Make it possible to choose whether a unit should pick up the
Rod of Justice or not.
* The Rise of Wesnoth:
* New set of portraits, except for Jevyan and Rithrandil.
* Gave Jevyan's familiar a custom unit type.
* Sceptre of Fire:
* Thursagan can now advance to Dwarvish Arcanister.
* New (unanimated) sprites for the Dwarvish Miner.
* Son of the Black Eye:
* Changes to the objectives and gameplay of 'Clash of Armies'.
* The South Guard:
* New portrait for Mal M'Brin.
* Editor:
* Verbose terrain names can be specified using terrain.editor_name to
be displayed in the editor as "<verbose name>/<common name> (<underlying>)"
(bug #16450)
* Graphics:
* Terrain:
* Any Castle or Keep except Dwarvish can now be combined without large gaps
or extra walls.
* New graphics for wooden bridges.
* Added variant of chasm bridge for over water.
* New transitions from all Hills and Mountains to Water.
* Underground and chasm friendly volcanoes.
* A new desaturated color of shallow water (Wwg).
* Much improved lava transitions.
* A new desaturated ocean color (Wog).
* New Waterfall automatically placed between chasm and water or swamp.
* New Sand-to-Water transitions
* Wave animations on sand
* Added Ruined Human City terrain
* Animations:
* Standing anims: Fencer, Spearman, Dwarf Guard.
* Idle anims: 2 for the Spearman.
* Fixed drakes flying or not flying over all the correct terrains.
* Portraits: Drake Blademaster, Hurricane Drake, Drake Flameheart, alternate
* Units: New base frame and animations for Mudcrawler.
* Language and i18n:
* Updated translations: Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, Galician,
German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian,
Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Shavian, Slovak, Slovenian, Vietnamese
* Unit changes and balancing:
* Decreased the physical resistances of the Dwarvish Scout and Dwarvish
Pathfinder to 10% and those of the Dwarvish Explorer to 20%.
* Decreased the village defense of Chocobone from 60% to 40%.
* Moved the Fire Guardian unit to core.
* Fixed villages on snow and sand hills providing worst instead of best
* The complete Dwarvish Runesmith line moved from SoF to core along with new
* User interface:
* Fixed: Addon dialog in title screen shows last host again.
* Fixed: Addon download progress dialog shows the correct addon name again.
* Fixed: Fullscreen hotkey works again in the title screen.
* Fixed: Termination of the game when making the title screen small
(bug #16724).
* Fixed: A resize glitch causing resize events to be lost.
* Changed: All buttons in the title screen now have a hotkey.
* Changed: Refresh cache hotkey is CTRL+F5 on the Mac by default now.
* Fixed: Don't trigger an assertion failure if no tips are defined
(bug #16731).
* Fixed: Enter no longer shows the credits in the title screen.
* Changed: The title screen now has a maximum width for the tips text.
* Changed: Improved the layout of the title screen.
* Fixed: Changing the language updates map and logo in title screen
(bug #16631).
* Fixed: No longer cut off large title screen logos (bug #16632).
* Refresh cache (F5) works in editor.
* Add a "Save All Maps" menu item and hotkey in editor.
* [object] description messages are now shown using GUI2, allowing usage of
Pango markup (bug #16859).
* Whiteboard planning system:
* Fixed: Crash when creating a planned move on Windows (bug #16705)
* New "Execute all actions" command bound to CTRL+y
* WML Engine:
* id= in SUFs now accepts a comma-separated list.
* [capture_village] now accepts a full SLF.
* events can be fired depending on a condition using [filter_condition].
* Added support for SLF to [terrain]. Note that the SLF's terrain= key is
not valid; terrain= specifies the new terrain instead like it used to do.
Filtering for terrain can be done with the [terrain][and]terrain=
* Renamed [removeitem] to [remove_item].
* added new parameters directional_x and directional_y to animations
* added new parameters auto_vflip and auto_hflip to animations
* Made it so that units affected by [hide_unit] don't appear on the minimap
(FR #16796)
* New [store_reachable_locations] tag for storing the locations reachable (by
movement, attack or vision) of units.
* New [select_unit] tag, with optional fire_event (def. no) and hilight_hex
(def. yes) attributes (FR #16819)
* New [message] scroll= attribute to specify whether the game view should
scroll to the speaking unit (defaults to yes) (FR #16843)
* New key 'random_start' (default = yes) in [terrain_graphics][image]
allowing to disable random animation shift in animated terrains.
* Added a new key "primary" to animation to separate frames that should be
treated as primary from frames that shouldn't
* Made it so that if several [advancefrom] tags for a certain base unit are
encountered, the lowest experience= keys from these is chosen (so if
there's only one [advancefrom] referencing this base unit the experience
needed can be increased).
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes:
* Changed: Lowered severity of some gui2 timer log messages.
* Units created in debug mode now play their recruit animation (FR #16766).
* Fixed: properly update cmake revision numbers (bug #16483)
* Fixed: hotkeys dialog in editor is big enough to display them correctly.
* Fixed: Shifted windmill animation (bug #16529)
* Files matching *.wesnoth and *.project in add-ons are now ignored by
default when uploading
Version 1.9.1:
* AI:
* Fixed bug #16585: made AI move in targeting phase even if for some of the
'best' units moves to targets are impossible
* Campaigns:
* Unified the campaign description of the number of scenarios. Now the
number reflects only the battle scenarios of each campaign.
* A Tale of Two Brothers:
* New portraits for Arne and Bjarn.
* Dead Water:
* Fixed the last scenario not working due to an 'unknown scenario' error.
* Descent into Darkness:
* Fixed the 'A Small Favor' scenarios being unbeatable.
* Eastern Invasion:
* Increased Owaec's hitpoints and attack stats, and added a new weapon
special to his morningstar on levels 2 and 3.
* Legend of Wesmere:
* Splitted the multiplayer port into five chapters with 3 difficult levels
* (Beta) Chapter one, a two player campaign, ends after scenario 3.
* (Beta) Chapter two, a three player campaign, ends after scenario 7.
* (Alpha) Chapter three, a four player campaign, ends after scenario 13.
* (Alpha) Chapter four, a four player campaign, ends after scenario 17.
* (Alpha) Chapter five, a two player campaign, ends with the single
player version.
* There is no savefile compatibility between saves from an older version
of Wesnoth.
* Scenarios
* Scenario one's objectives changed.
* Completed a rewrite of scenario 5, changing the objectives, ai and
game mechanism slightly.
* Scenario 7
* Shortened by letting the orcs flee if their numbers went too low.
* The player can choose between two different starting positions for
* Rebalanced Scenario 14.
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes:
* Renamed some of the locations at the Kalian to fit with the map
* Fixed scenario number 5 where the gold carrier's overlay was not
* Fixed the bug with the army split up before scenario number 9.
* Map and coding updates regarding the new terrain types and graphics.
* Added keeps to every scenario to match the number of leaders
(singleplayer) or sides (multiplayer).
* Removed the obselete Haldric the second portrait.
* The Rise of Wesnoth:
* Made surprise enemy spawns appear in a less immediately dangerous way in
'The Midlands', 'The Swamp of Esten', 'Peoples in Decline',
'A Rough Landing', 'The Vanguard', 'Return of the Fleet' and
'Rise of Wesnoth'.
* Clarified the early finish bonus conditions in 'Fallen Lich Point' and
'Sewer of Southbay'.
* Allowed Merman Hunters to be recruited alongside Merman Fighters.
* Sceptre of Fire:
* Fixed bug #16542: Alanin not appearing in the epilogue.
* The South Guard:
* Fixed a bug causing a freeze at the beginning of 'The Long March'.
* Editor:
* Added a standard click sound to brush bar buttons (bug #15635)
* Graphics:
* New animations: Merman Hunter ranged animation and defence, Warrior se
attack and defence, Drake Flare and Flameheart leadership.
* New portraits: Inferno Drake, Mermaid Initiate alternate, Goblin spearman
* Terrain:
* Tropical Ocean added
* Improved transition between void and off-map and with both and the
* Snowy Human City Village added
* Muddy Quagmire (Sm) added - alias of swamp
* Old Desert Mountains replaced with a non-green version of the mountains
* Slightly tweaked dirt colors and new, smooth dirt transitions
* Better transitions for Cobbled Road, Clean Cobbles, and Overgrown Path
* Fixed hard edge on immpassible mountains clouds.
* Fixed Transition of leaf litter to water.
* Fixed hard edge on top of cave beams
* Fixed lava drawing extra transition on off-map
* Any Castle or Keep except Dwarvish can now be combined without large gaps or extra walls.
* Better rendering of unit in water: transparency decreases with depth.
* Language and i18n:
* Updated fonts: DejaVu 2.32
* Updated translations: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French,
German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian,
Slovak, Vietnamese
* Multiplayer:
* Updated maps: 4p Hamlets.
* Updated most of the maps taking advantage of the new terrains.
* Side vision is now switched before the healing phase of the turn (only
visible in hotseat)
* Re-added the old MP lobby.
* Terrain WML:
* Updated height adjust of desert, orcish, and snowy keeps.
* Fixed broken aliasing of the wooden floor.
* Stop using negative unit height adjust for water terrains.
* Chasm bridges can now be placed on any terrain, and the lit-by-lava
variants are automatically used when placed over lava.
* Removed village terrains: ^Voha, ^Voh, ^Vhms, ^Vhm, ^Vcha, ^Vch, ^Vcm. See
the village aliasing change listed below.
* Unit changes and balancing:
* Decreased the melee and ranged attack of the Footpad from 5-2 to 4-2.
* Decreased the XP requirement of the Mage from 60 to 54.
* Decreased the XP requirement of the White Mage from 150 to 136.
* Decreased the XP requirement of the Mermaid Priestess from 150 to 132.
* Added the Ghast unit from DiD to core with new base frame and animations.
* Made the Giant Rat have a normal AMLA instead of an AMLA with no fullheal.
* All bats are now given a 'feral' trait which caps their defense on villages
to 40% and also making them receive only one random trait.
* All villages except for water and swamp villages are now aliased to both
village and the terrain they're placed on, giving best movement and defense
of both.
* User interface:
* Changed: the title screen is now gui2 (bugs #12906, #12908 and #15987).
* Use red/green color for damage in sidebar when modified by bonus/malus
* Placing a waypoint on a capturable village will now make the unit pause
there to capture it (FR#16603)
* Fixed bug #16653: Avoid markup when calculating the text length for
ellipse text (Debian bug #547476).
* Damage type tooltip now also shows damage after resistance calculation.
* Whiteboard:
* Added cost display for planned recruits and recalls
* Fixed bug #16554 : Infinite attacks with the whiteboard
* WML Engine:
* Added tag [kill][secondary_unit] for specifying the killing unit.
* Added a LOW_MEM define to WML to be able to adapt WML to low memory
* Added event: side turn X
* Added event: turn X refresh
* Added [chat] tag for outputting public or private messages to the chat.
* Added events: turn end and turn X end_text
* Added events: side turn end, side X turn end, side turn X end,
and side X turn Y end
* Added "variations" key and "@V" symbol in [terrain_graphics] (syntax is
not final, and may change later)
* Fixed a bug causing the PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST macro to freeze the game.
* Modified [set_variable] "divide" so that it always performs a
floating-point divide.
* Allow time_area to define local time of day on map border (bug #16508)
* Fix time of day not changing in time area (bug #16584)
* Allowed negative defense values as a way to set upper bounds,
e.g. village=-60 means that a unit cannot have less than 60 def (more
than 40% def) on terrains containing villages.
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes:
* Removed: statistics upload code.
* Changed: compiler mode set to c++98
* Optimize terrain rules which speed up cache creation and loading
* Optimize rendering of flying units
* Fix crash when attacking in fog (using teleport+attack to a fogged village)
* Fixed a bug causing turn counter in the objectives dialog to duplicate when
the objectives are viewed several times.
* Replace "working peasant" (indicating missing images in debug mode) by
half-transparent "Image not found"
* Improved rendering algorithm: reduced memory requirements and a much faster
render loop; very noticable on big maps
* Improved framerate by removing useless 20ms delay between frames.
Version 1.9.0:
* AI:
* Fixed bug #15994 : Formula AI candidate actions specified in [side][ai]
don't always work.
* Fixed bug #16406: Broken AI of SoF 1, and improved upgrade procedure for
old-style AI config.
* Campaigns:
* An Orcish Incursion:
* Made 'Valley of Trolls' easier on the easiest difficulties.
* Dead Water:
* New campaign added to mainline from the Wesnoth-UMC-Dev Project's
repository (Intermediate level, 13 scenarios)
* Descent into Darkness:
* 'A Small Favor' (part 1) now gives an early finish bonus.
* Dela is no longer invulnerable in 'Alone at Last' but cannot be safely
* Eastern Invasion:
* New (unanimated) sprites for Owaec.
* Made it slightly easier to rescue the knights in 'Mal-Ravanal's Capital'.
* Increased the turn limit in 'Two Paths' from 18/16/14 to 18/17/16.
* Heir to the Throne:
* Made 'Cliffs of Thoria' much easier.
* Made 'Isle of the Damned' slightly easier.
* Liberty:
* Increased the difficulty of 'Unlawful Orders', 'The Grey Woods' and 'The
Hunters' and 'Glory'.
* Northern Rebirth:
* In Showdown, you recover full gold only if Sisal survived the previous
* Son of the Black Eye:
* Increased the turn limit in 'Black Flag' from 30/25/20 to 30/28/24.
* The South Guard:
* A new set of story art by Scavenger.
* In 'Vengeance', the final objective is now revealed at the beginning of
the scenario.
* New images for the Infantry Lieutenant and Commander by Rhyging5
* Scenarios in Eastern Invasion, Liberty, Northern Rebirth, Son of the
Black-Eye and The Rise of Wesnoth which feature computer-controlled allies
now allow you to affect their behavior via the right-click menu.
* Graphics
* Added new portraits for: the Orc Archer, Crossbowman, Slurbow, Sayer,
several new Orc Grunt line alternates, Draug and one alternate, Ghoul,
Skeleton Archer line, Giant Mudcrawler, Orc Leader/Ruler, alternate Leader
and Sovereign, alternate for Loyalist Swordsman, Drake Fighter, Burner.
* New animations (not yet including leading animations) for Drake Flare
and Flameheart, Dwarf Lord ranged attack, Dwarf guard melee attack, Dwarf
Pathfinder idle, Ruffian attack and defend, Spearman s and se attack.
* New base frame and animations for Armageddon Drake.
* Fixed bug causing Drake Clasher's animation to display incorrectly.
* Added missing help version for Sea Serpent portrait.
* Items & scenery: New anvil, and revised trash and lighthouse
* Two new flag styles.
* Animate terrain in editor
* New advanced preference to use a local ToD color-shift
* Added framework allowing to draw various arrow styles on the map.
* Language and i18n:
* Updated translations: British English, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified),
Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician,
German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Latvian,
Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Slovak, Vietnamese
* Updated DejaVuSans to 2.31
* Fixed bug #15653: Made untranslateable strings translateable.
* Fixed bug #15843: Made untranslateable strings translateable.
* Fixed bug #15934: Flushed image cache when changing language
* Fixed bug #15937: Made untranslateable strings translateable.
* Make map labels store translatable strings, so when the language changes,
the labels also use the new translation.
* Multiplayer:
* Updated map: Ruins of Terra-Dwelve.
* Fixed bug #15865: missing WML Child error.
* Added the winner of the first Wesnoth map competition, the 2 player map
"Elensefar Courtyard" by krotop.
* Music and sound effects
* New version of "Northerners" by Stephen Rozanc (TreizeCouleurs)
* New sounds for wolves and wolf riders. Removed all old wolf-* sounds.
* Terrain:
* all villages except water and swamp villages can now be placed on any base
* orcish, elven and human snow villages are now aliased to village,snow
instead of just to village
* orcish and human snow hills villages are now aliased to village,snowhills
instead of just to village,hills
* animated terrain animations are not synchronized anymore
* reworked macros to handle animations
* added new stone-wall-lit terrain
* made all animated terrains use the new macro system
* added a new "snowy castle" terrain
* added new mausoleum scenery
* added new "snowy fort"
* added new "desert castle"
* added new "tropical water"
* added new "dead grass" terrain
* improved dry grass "savanna" terrain
* improved green grass "grassland" terrain
* improved "desert road" terrain
* added new "dark dirt" terrain
* added new "small stones" embellishment
* added new "small mushrooms" embellishment
* fix for dwarven castle to cave wall alignment issue by Alarantalara
* made encampment and orc forts use regular dirt rather than a custom terrain
* created new editor group: "embellishments", and added desert plants to
that group
* improved snow terrain
* added "leaf litter" terrain
* added new "mine rail tracks" terrain
* added 3 new variants for log cabin
* added impassable snow mountains
* adjusted the color of various terrains for a more coordinated appearance
* added new dry hills terrain
* new ford that works with animated water
* improved cobbled road now also used for castle (not keep) floor
* new etherial abyss terrain added to mainline
* flower base terrain is deprecated, now available as an overlay
* added new clean cobbled road terrain
* added castle to chasm transitions
* improved human city village
* Dark flagstones mainlined from UtBS
* added castle to lava chasm transitions
* chasm type terrain now blend nicely with void and off-map
* new banks for transition between flat or cave terrains and water
* adjusted all underground terrain to harmonize with other terrains
* improved mini-map appearance for most chasm, wall and grass terrains
* stone path now matches other terrains
* added wooden floor terrain
* added mushroom farm terrain
* added volcano terrain.
* added a special blend transition for mountains next to chasms
* added snowy encampment
* special snowy chasm appears next to snow terrains
* added earth-toned chasm
* added earthy cave floor
* added hewn cave wall, earthy cave wall, and earthy hewn cave wall.
* animated water and swamp now use a double-sided transition to blend gradually into each other
* Terrain WML
* All unused macros are slowly removed to try to get a logical and complete subset of macros
* Allow to use local ToD terrain variants in [time_area]
* ToD key in terrain [variant] now accept a list of ToD
* New key 'set_no_flag' in [tile] which combines 'set_flag' and 'no_flag'
* Units:
* Giant Rat moved from DiD to core.
* User interface:
* Added the era AI in the list of AI shown when opening a game
* Added dialog for installation of add-on dependencies
* Removed the unused gui2 menu bar
* Added a window register framework
* Enabled the --new-widgets MP create dialog again
* Enabled the hidden join observe buttons per row
* Enabled alignment in labels
* Avoid resizing when next or previous button is pressed in the
--new-widgets title screen
* Added gui2 progress bar widget
* Added "animated" logo to the --new-widgets title screen
* Fixed the language is refreshed after the language is changed in the
--new-widgets title screen
* Implemented bug #15623 (patch #1568): On change resolution screen,
widescreen resolutions are now marked as such
* Added tooltips to the --new-widgets title screen
* Added a place holder upload statistics button in the --new-widgets title
* Fixed bug #15716: Lobby crash when refreshing with filtered out games
* Fixed bug #15768: Avoid parts of the previous game show in the lobby
* Fixed bug #15727: Allow wml message titles to wrap
* Added the total number of villages to the status table lists
* Added a new attack dialog, available for testing with --new-widgets
* Patch #1645: Fixed a bug sending keyboard events to deactivated controls
* Deprecated the resize flag for gui2 image, use the resize_mode instead
* Patch #1639: Added handlers for keyboard (arrow keys) to move gui2 sliders
* Added new experimental list box implementation, available for testing
* Damage in sidebar now also take account of ToD and leadership
* More info in the weapon tooltip (damage bonus calculation and swarm effect)
* Terrain defense tooltip show terrain's info and defense calculation
* Level tooltip shows next advancements
* Each trait and special attack has its own tooltip
* Most sidebar tooltips have now a category indication
* Tooltips of ellipsed text are grouped in the last visible item's tooltip
* Increase a little tooltip's opacity
* Render grid above foreground terrain
* Clicking on some elements of sidebar now open the related help page
* Display weapon stats in recruit/recall dialog the same way as in sidebar
* Accuracy/parry have its own line and tooltip in sidebar.
* Add first, last, play and back buttons to storyscreens
* Remember recall list sorting order (FR #16149)
* accelerated movment speed to 200ms per hex
* --logdomains accepts a filter argument and uses multiline output
* New mouseover image instead of simply highlighting the hex
* Tab completion for :commands and units search function
* Fixed #15781: On maps with statues player can pick statues team
* Fixed move+attack not interrupted when ambushed at destination
* Stop disabling mouse during attack+move
* Added the whiteboard planning system (GSoC project), see release notes for details.
* Allowed viewing terrain defense for the selected unit outside of your turn.
* WML Engine:
* Added wml action tag: [modify_unit]
* Added wml action tag: [move_unit]
* Deprecated [set_variable]'s random key, use rand instead
* Renamed [unit][status] healable to unhealable so it can default to 'no'
* Added 'side X turn refresh' and 'side X turn Y refresh' events
* Add ~DARKEN() counterpart to ~BRIGHTEN()
* Implement min_value for [illuminates]
* Added lua functions wesnoth.get_side_count() and wesnoth.is_enemy(a,b)
* Add 'recall_cost' key for [side], to override [game_config]'s default
* Add [replace_schedule] tag, which replaces the time of day schedule
* Trying to include a missing macro/file is now a fatal error
* Added #ifhave/#ifnhave for testing existence of files and directories
* Added [volume] tag, which allows game volume to be changed during scenarios
* Prototype support for [set_global_variable]
* Prototype support for [get_global_variable]
* Prototype support for [clear_global_variable]
* Added scroll_to_leader attribute to side tag.
Default value is 'yes' (bug #15921)
* Draw the map border over _off^_usr tiles too.
* Add 'immutable' key to [label], defaulting to true (feature #16078)
* Added search_recall_list key to [have_unit] tag
* Added [move_units_fake] tag
* Added reveal_map key to [endlevel] tag
* Rename all "colour" keys to "color" (in [side] and [label]), same for
* Allow a [case] value to take comma-separated values
* Move fog/shroud image definition into game_config.cfg
* Add new game_config keys "hex_brightening", "hex_semi_brightening",
"mouseover_image" and "selected_image" to tune mouse interface
* Fixed bug #16219: Handled ToD areas in a LIFO way, so that it is possible
to override them without first removing them
* [effect] violate_maximum= (for use when increasing HP) takes a real boolean
value now instead of taking any non-empty value as "true".
* Allow checking out terrain defense for units when it's not your turn.
* New image path function: dst~BLIT(src[, x, y]) blitting src image on dst
image at coordinates (x,y)
* Fix bugs in 'illuminates' when using non-standard values. Now max and
min_value only clamps the effect of the illuminates bonus, but ToD and
terrain effect can pass them.
* Added [gold_carryover] tag to the [objectives] tag.
* Added [note] tag to the [objectives] tag.
* Added caption= and show_turn_counter= keys to the [objective] tag.
* New WML macros: ON_DIFFICULTY (a macro that makes using different values
based on difficulty simpler), ON_SIGHTING (a substitute for sighted events)
* Removed WML macros: NEUTRAL_SIDE
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes:
* Added a network library for asynchronous server & client applications (ANA)
* Rewrote the network module using this (ANA) library
* Added help entry when new unit is created directly in the recall list
* Defaulted log level to warning again
* better fix for bug 14765 now that string freeze is off
* Fixed picking the proper locale, the problem only occurred on some
* Added a way to compile wesnoth on windows by using CMake + MSVC9.
* Added the possibility to specify absolute paths for "--config-dir"
* Added more command line arguments for starting a campaign + scenario
* Added command line "--preprocess" to preprocess a specified file/folder and
output the result
* Added command line "--preprocess-input-macros" to specify extra input macros
* Added command line "--preprocess-output-macros" to output the preprocessed
macros to a file
* Added command line "--data-dir" to explicitly override the data directory
* Fixed the ping timeout not waiting for the default ping interval when
ping timeout is not set to 0
* Fixed a bug in scoring of AI recall list. Patch by billynux.
* Strip whitespace characters from .ign patterns (bug #15902)
* Fixed wesnoth_addon_manager's support for .ign files (bug #15846)
* Never allow uploading *.pbl files (case-insensitive) to the add-ons
server from the regular game client.
* When warning the player about installing add-ons with missing dependencies,
make 'OK' and 'Cancel' work as expected (bug #15960)
* Fixed tab completion not working in the new lobby (bug #14730)
* Fixed compilation for g++ 4.5
* Cleaned up the gui2 code at various places
* Don't crash if a [story] [part] [if] misses [then] or [else] (bug #16028)
* Fix a crash on OS X caused by passing invalid utf8 to pango (bug #16020)
* Hidden weapons (attack_weight = 0) no longer skew the best weapon selection
* Prevent dereferencing freed memory when reporting malformed maps, i.e. when
using an invalid terrain type
* Fixed attack predictions for combats with a unit leveling up thanks to a kill
* Fix rare layer's order bug about unit drawn above big south-west unit
* Improvements to make Wesnoth compile better with g++-4.5 in C++-0x mode
* Added ":undiscover" to clear all your discovered units from help
* Added ":turn" to change the current turn/time of day in debug mode
* Added ":turn_limit" to change the turn limit for a scenario in debug mode
* Fix a crash when a sighted event killed a unit just before a fight
* Fixed bug #16171: Disable commands during [animate_unit]
* Fixed bug #16235: Avoided displaying an empty menu and therefore choosing
a random weapon, when there is none
* Fixed bug #16243: Added detection for server replays, as they are missing
the core [lua] tags
* Fixed bug #16261: Added test for invalidated death due to positive hp
after the 'die' event
* Fixed bugs when a waypoint is unreachable
* Fixed attacker still getting resting bonus after attack using movement_used=0
* Fixed [store_time_of_day] for earlier turn
* Fixed _off^_usr not using the tile_image of theme.
* Patch #1727: Fixed revision.hpp generation with cmake 1.8(.2)
* Added debug command ":foreground" to better visualize foreground terrains
* Added debug command ":layers" displaying various layer info from the hex under
the mouse.
* Reducing cache loading for title screen, --test, --editor and --load
* Removed Lua dependency, the source is now in the source tree
* Introduced a new allignement called "Liminal". Those units fight best during the twilight times of day.
* Fixed #16343: wmllint wants to add translation markers to the empty string in description=
* Reduce individual memory cost of each terrain image