More Alpha Protocol Tidbits
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-Obsidian, or at least Chris Parker, believes the role-playing game is evolving into a mix of player skill and character skill and cites Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Oblivion as inspirations for the "new" type of role-playing game. All the while he is talking about "doing something different" making an action RPG.Chris Avellone is quoted as stating "By the end of it, your pants will be off."
-You are Michael Thorton no matter what. Appearance changing is in however.
-You've apparently been framed and have to go underground to uncover a conspiracy "for the good of the country".
-Many comparisons to Mass Effect and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune in reference to combat.
-"There is running and gunning, but I want to make absolutely clear that first and foremost, it's a role-playing game."
-Skills will go from trained agent level to "comic book style near-superhuman" as described in the magazine. They then reference Bond, Bauer and Bourne to make it seem less batshit crazy.
-Skill system is closest to Fallout, as it is classless and has ten skills with ten ranks each.
-Skill system supposedly "opens up new possibilities" with each rank instead of making you just marginally better.
-Hypothetical "multiple choice" scenario described like this:
#PC is in a hallway and hears a guard's footsteps.
*Use remote explosives
*Jack Bauer his ass with a pistol from behind cover
*Use those Dexterity points and snap his neck.
-Bullet time ability called "Chain Shot" is described where Micheal slows down time, pops out of cover, assesses the situation as the player "marks" targets, then returns time to normal and pops a cap in all the marked target's asses.