Neocore Games has teamed up with GOG to make their 2012 strategy/RPG sequel, King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II, availa...
Considering Paradox Interactive has published several games we have covered throughout the years, and that they have recently...
Neocore Games has kicked out a new v1.107 patch for King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II, bringing around 30 more welcome...
There's an interview with Neocore's Orsolya Toth over at True PC Gaming this morning, during which the community manager fiel...
We have a new handful of critiques for Paradox and Neocore's mix of strategy and RPG elements, King Arthur: The Role-playing ...
Paradox and Neocore's sequel to the strategy/RPG hybrid King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame has received the review treatme...
We have rounded up a new batch of reviews for Paradox and Neocore's Arthurian blend of role-playing and strategy elements, Ki...
Should you be interested in reading some more reviews dedicated to Paradox and Neocore's sequel to King Arthur: The Role-play...
We have rounded up yet another batch of, mostly mixed, reviews for Paradox and Neocore's strategy/RPG hybrid King Arthur: The...
We have a few more reviews for Paradox and Neocore's inspired-by-Arthurian-legends strategy/RPG hybrid King Arthur: The Role-...
Word on the official King Arthur II forums is that the strategy/RPG sequel will be getting updated to version 1.1.04 the next...
We have yet another batch of reviews for Paradox and Neocore's RPG/Strategy hybrid, and they're all favorable this time aroun...
The weekend brought us a handful of new critiques for Paradox and Neocore's King Arthur sequel, and all but one or two are re...
Now that Paradox and Neocore's King Arthur sequel is ready to start consuming space on our hard drives, it's time to round up...
Technically, the game has been available for purchase on Steam since Friday, but it wasn't until this morning that Paradox In...
We have two new previews for Paradox and Neocore's RPG/Strategy hybrid King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II, the first co...
With King Arthur II hitting digital shelves tomorrow, Paradox and Neocore have announced the availability of a demo for the s...
Neocore Games' Zoltán Pozsonyi, Vilmos Szebeni, Péter Szabó, Viktor Juhász, and Orsolya Tóth field a bevy of q...
The latest King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II's developer diary posted on Paradox's website deals with the sources cons...
Neocore's King Arthur sequel might still be mysteriously absent from Steam's new release list, but that hasn't stopped a coup...
A third "features in detail" article is up over at the official King Arthur II forums, and this time we learn more about the ...
With the sequel launching tomorrow, Paradox and Neocore kicked over a press release this morning announcing the launch of an ...
After managing to get their hands on an early copy of Neocore's King Arthur II, the folks at GameScope have doled out a lengt...
Neocore Games' promising RTS/RPG sequel is the subject of two more articles today, starting with this hands-on preview over a...
According to a press release we just received this morning, Neocore Games' Orsolya Tóth and Linda Bozoradi will be hosting...
There are two new hands-on previews of Neocore's King Arthur II to send you to this evening, including a 29-minute video prev...
Not only can you pre-order a copy of King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II on Steam at a 10% discount over the next seven ...
With only eight days to go until the sequel's release, you may want to check out the new hands-on preview of King Arthur II t...
The Elder Geek offers a three-minute video preview of Neocore and Paradox Interactive's upcoming King Arthur: The Role-Playi...
A second entry to Neocore's "in-depth" article series on the official King Arthur II forums is now available, with this parti...
Since last time we posted, not one but two new developer diaries have been posted over at RTSGuru by the King Arthur II team,...
Neocore Games' Orsolya Tóth has kicked off a new in-depth, screenshot-laden article series over on the Paradox Interactive...
GotGame is hosting a nearly seven-minute video interview with Neocore's Orsolya Toth about their upcoming King Arthur sequel....
Next in line with a preview for Paradox and Neocore's upcoming sequel to King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame is Cheat Code ...
GamesRadar is next in line with a hands-on preview of King Arthur II, with their article primarily focusing on the massive ba...
Destructoid has another preview for Neocore and Paradox's sequel to King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, and they certainly...
GameSpot has a preview for Paradox Interactive and Neocore Games' RPG/Strategy hybrid set in the Arthurian mythos, courtesy o...
Paradox Interactive just sent over their release plans for quite a few of the PC games they'll be publishing over the next se...
Earlier today, Neocore Games sent us over a couple of new developer diary videos for their forthcoming King Arthur sequel. T...
"The Once and Future King Reborn" is the title given to the second King Arthur II developer diary to make its way online over...
Paradox Interactive and Neocore Games have announced that they're now accepting registrations for closed beta testing of King...
Rock, Paper, Shotgun brings us a solid hands-on preview of King Arthur II this evening, with most of the text comparing and c...
Paradox and Neocore Games have just fired over their King Arthur II GamesCom assets, which include a new teaser trailer and t...
After chatting up Neocore Games' Orsolya Toth about their forthcoming King Arthur sequel during last month's E3, the guys ove...
The editors at PC Gamer have put online a new preview for Paradox Interactive and Neocore Games' RPG/RTS hybrid King Arthur: ...
If the prospect of leading armies in Camelot as King Arthur for more adventures entices you, then you may be interested in re...
GamingLives has put together a short new preview for Paradox and Neocore Games' sequel to King Arthur: The Role-playing Warga...
PC Gamer recently chatted with the CEO of Paradox Interactive Fredrik Wester. The publisher is known for titles like Magicka,...
A new preview for Paradox and Neocore Games' King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II has surfaced recently, courtesy of the ...
We have some more impressions of Paradox and Neocore Games' King Arthur II to share with you this evening, courtesy of the bu...
NeoCore has a video developer diary on offer for their upcoming strategy-RPG hybrid King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II....
Gamereactor managed to corner Neocore Games community manager Linda Bozoradi during E3 for a gameplay-laden video interview a...
When you're finished feasting upon the sixteen new screenshots in our King Arthur II image gallery, you'll definitely want to...
Paradox and Neocore Games have released seven new screenshots showing off some high-flying combat and campaign map environmen...
Neocore Games has launched their own official blog, and to kick it off lead artist Anikó Salamon has posted an interesting...
"Remixing Mythology, Part 1: Choosing the Right King Arthur for the Right Purposes" is the long title of a new King Arthur II...
Due to the favorable feedback they've received since the announcement of Magicka: Vietnam, Paradox Interactive has decided to...
Courtesy of Paradox Interactive's GDC attendance, we have some new box artwork, three pieces of sweet-looking concept art, fi...
Hooked Gamers offers a fairly short interview with writer and content designer Viktor Juhász about NeocoreGames' upcoming ...
The Examiner brings us a weekend preview of King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II, with quite a bit of added commentary fr...
We're able to glean some of the very first details about Neocore Games' King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame sequel from thi...
In this two-minute video interview on GameTrailers, Neocore Games' Orsolya Toth talks about the persistent morality chart, a ...
Gamereactor UK has put together a quick write-up of Paradox Interactive's recent press event in New York City, during which w...
It appears that those mysterious teaser images had nothing to do with The Druids expansion, as Paradox Interactive and Neocor...