

Set: Beastmaster
Set Bonuses:

2/5 +5 Intelligence, +25 Health, 1% Mana Steal, +1 to Summon Fortitude, +1 to Summon Might, +1 to Summon Bond
3/5 +10 Intelligence, +50 Health, 2% Mana Steal, +2 to Summon Fortitude, +2 to Summon Might, +2 to Summon Bond
4/5 +15 Intelligence, +75 Health, 4% Mana Steal, +2 to Summon Fortitude, +2 to Summon Might, +2 to Summon Bond
5/5 +25 Intelligence, +115 Health, 7% Mana Steal, +3 to Summon Fortitude, +3 to Summon Might, +3 to Summon Bond