

Talents: Katarina
Tier 1 (Level 1)

Steady Aim

Katarina's total Agility score is increased by 4% per rank.


Katarina's rifle shots gain a 4% chance per rank of ricocheting to a second target.

Call Your Shots

Each time Katarina kills a target cursed by Caress of Suffering or Chosen Prey, she recovers 2 points of Focus per rank.

Rites of Restoration

Every time Katarina receives any healing, the amount of health recovered is increased by 4% per rank.

Tier 2 (Level 10)

Critical Precision

Katarina's Critical Hits inflict 4% more damage per rank of Critical Precision.

First Strike

Katarina gains a 3% per rank bonus chance to score a Critical Hit on an uninjured target.

Swift Defense

Katarina's Block is increased by 10% per rank of her Agility.

Tier 3 (Level 20)

Spiritual Backlash

Each time Katarina is hit, there is a 4% per rank chance her assailant will be pushed away from her.

Thrill of the Hunt

Katarina regains 5% per rank of her Power each time she inflicts a Critical Hit.

Surprise Attack

Katarina inflicts damage on any enemy caught in the path of her dodge.