Retro Role-Playing, Arcade Style
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But a frontend like Maximus Arcade actually supports 57 different systems, so you also have the staggering number of role-playing games that span the realm of console and early PC emulation. For the sake of example, here's a quick list of some of the stand-out titles that are worthy of a spot on an arcade machine: - NES: Faxanadu, Wizards & Warriors (and its sequel), The Magic of Scheherazade, the first three Final Fantasy games, and ports of many popular PC titles from the Might and Magic, Ultima, Wizardry, and Bard's Tale series.
- Super NES: The very first Shadowrun video game, Chrono Trigger, more Final Fantasy titles, additional Might and Magic, Ultima, and Wizardry ports, and ports of Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master.
- Sega Genesis: Another Shadowrun RPG, Sword of Vermillion, Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun, a few Shining Force titles, and ports of the original King's Bounty, Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, and Might and Magic II.
- Sega Saturn: Virtual Hydlide, Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga, and an assortment of JRPGs.
- Intellivision: The first two Advanced Dungeons & Dragons video games ever released - Cloudy Mountain and Treasure of Tarmin.
- TurboGrafx-16: Dungeons & Dragons: Order of the Griffon and Dungeon Explorer.
- Amiga: While many games are not really suited for arcade controls, the popular WinUAE emulator works great with your favorite frontend and the system sports a virtual jackpot of RPGs Autoduel, The Crescent Hawk's Inception, The Keys to Maramon, as well as numerous titles from the Gold Box, Silver Box, Bard's Tale, Might and Magic, Ultima, Dungeon Master, and Ishar series. Just be prepared to use your pull-out keyboard or manage a different key configuration for some games.
- DOS: If built-in support for the Amiga isn't enough for you, you can even configure a frontend like Maximus Arcade to run batch files at the touch of a button on your control panel. Coupled with DOSBox, this means you can run virtually any classic RPG on an arcade cabinet. Like the Amiga, though, many games aren't really suited for arcade controls unless you do some tweaking.
NorthCoast's fully built systems will set you back quite a bit (they start at about $2600), but you can always purchase just the components you need (the cabinet alone is only $450, for example) and then build the rest yourself. In any event, I'm very pleased with the final product, as I now have the means to conveniently fire up many great classic RPGs and a much friendlier way to introduce my kids to the games of yesteryear.