Silver Keys are pretty much synonymous with the Fable games at this point, and Fable III isn't stingy with them, as you'll find a grand total of 50 scattered across Albion. You'll have to find all of these, in addition to the four
. Of course, Silver Keys are also used to open the game's many
, and you'll need all 50 if you want to open every single one. Consult our guide below for the locations of each and every one in the game.
Bowerstone Castle 1/2
In the rear courtyard after becoming King or Queen, head to the entrance to The Catacombs and take a left all the way to the wall. You'll find the Silver Key behind the statue of a previous ruler.
Bowerstone Castle 2/2 (The Catacombs)
The first Silver Key you're likely to come across is in the Catacombs. After entering the cave proper, continue to the left and you'll come across the Silver Key just off the main path just as it begins to turn right.
Bowerstone Industrial 1/4
This Silver Key requires a bit of puzzling to acquire. Near the docks and the sewer exit to Mourningwood, you'll find a factory (it's the one The Voice begins in, if you have the Understone Quest Pack DLC). The Silver Key is up on the catwalk, but inaccessible due to some steam vents around it. To solve the puzzle you'll need to manipulate the levers by turning the vents on and off. For the less adventurous, the correct order to turn the levers should be: rear left, front right, rear right, rear left, front right, front left, rear right, rear left.
Bowerstone Industrial 2/4
You'll only be able to obtain this Silver Key after returning from Aurora and becoming ruler of Albion. Go to the factory by the docks you broke into during your boat hijacking session, and you'll find the crates inside have been reorganised to let you climb up to the second floor. You'll find the Silver Key inside the elevator.
Bowerstone Industrial 3/4 (The Sewers)
You'll likely first spot this Silver Key when entering the Bowerstone Resistance headquarters for the first time, behind bars, but you'll have to enter from a secondary door underneath the large crane in Bowerstone Industrial to get to the other side. Take the right-hand tunnel as you enter to claim the Silver Key as your own.
Bowerstone Industrial 4/4 (The Cesspools)
The Cesspools can be found by entering a trapdoor in a building across from the Bowerstone Shelter (or Brothel, depending on your decisions). After diving into a murky pond from Nigel's hideout, you'll enter into a sewer tunnel. Turn right and you'll see a wooden barricade covering a hole. Smash it with your choice of attack and grab the Silver Key inside.
Bowerstone Market 1/3
Search for this Silver Key along the Market's canalside - it's on the side with the vendor stalls. Look for a bunch of small boats and run behind the crates to find it, along with a chest.
Bowerstone Market 2/3
For this Silver Key, check the backyard of the Hauteville Heights house, near the exit to Bowerstone Castle.
Bowerstone Market 3/3
You'll only be able to nab this Silver Key once you've started the Crime & Punishment quest. Inside Nigel Ferret's Hideout in Bowerstone Market, head to the prison and you'll find a doorway leading to a basement storage area; the Silver Key can be found in one of the cells.
Bowerstone Old Quarter 1/2
This Silver Key is somewhat well hidden unless you enter every house you come across. Check the second floor of the Nightshade House, at the top of the hill leading to the small park. Either buy the house or break in to claim the key.
Bowerstone Old Quarter 2/2
The second Silver Key in the Old Quarter can be found near the shore. Upon leaving through the gate, vault down the ledge and turn right. Head towards the cliff wall and you'll find this Silver Key. For reference, there's a clothesline nearby; if you have the Understone Quest Pack DLC, the entrance to Understone is only a short distance away.
Brightwall Village 1/5
Before entering the village itself, continue along the path coming in from Mistpeak, past the bridge, and you'll come across a house and a smaller bridge. Turn left after crossing and head down the stairs; the Silver Key is underneath the small bridge overlooking the cliffside.
Brightwall Village 2/5
This Silver Key is located near Brightwall Academy. Face its entrance, then turn left towards the town's wall. The Silver Key should be easily visible; just navigate your way around the rocks to pick it up.
Brightwall Village 3/5
Near the House of Cluck (where chicken races are held), you'll find this Silver Key located around behind he house and a couple of crates, next to a tree.
Brightwall Village 4/5 (The Reliquary)
At a certain point in your travels through the Reliquary, you'll dive off a broken bridge into a small lake. Continue to the end of the large chamber shortly after, and you'll come across a door in the wall surrounded by six torches, with one of them lit. Equip your Fireball Spell Gauntlet, light the remaining torches and the door will open, revealing the Silver Key inside.
Brightwall Village 5/5 (The Reliquary)
At a certain point in your travels through the Reliquary, you'll dive off a broken bridge into a small lake. Continue forward and you will pass through a cave, eventually arriving at the other side of the bridge you dove off earlier. Climb along the side path and you'll find yourself above the room with the rising platforms, with a lever at the very top. Pull the lever and fight some Hollow Men that appear; this will raise a staircase in the platform room. Vault down and climb up the staircase, follow the platforms, and continue to the Silver Key.
City of Aurora 1/2
Heading up past the Demon Door to Shifting Sands, turn right just past the two flags. You'll see this Silver Key tucked behind a large rock.
City of Aurora 2/2
This tricky Silver Key is quite well-hidden. From the market at the centre of the city, take the road up past the pawnbroker's shop and you'll come across a large shrine (if you made Aurora a colony and mined it, the shrine is gone and you'll have to head through the fence around the mine entrance). Take the small path to the right and vault your way down onto the roofs. The Silver Key is resting on an archway above the street and is fairly hard to miss once you're up there.
Driftwood 1/2
The first Silver Key can be found inside a cave on the right-hand island. Swim up to the front of it and look for a small grove of trees in front of the cave entrance. Head inside and you'll find the Silver Key at the rear wall.
Driftwood 2/2
This second Silver Key is a bit trickier. Head to the left-hand island upon coming in, and climb to the top of it. Just before the path bends toward the Hobbe camp (or settlement), look down the cliffside and you'll spot a ledge you can vault to.
Dweller Camp 1/1
Located within Sabine's enclosure, against the right-hand wall. Very hard to miss, but it may not be available until after you've assisted the Dwellers and finished the Leaders and Followers quest.
Mercenary Camp 1/1
The lone Silver Key in the Mercenary Camp should be easy to find. Travel up the hill from the camp proper and you'll see it next to a watchtower on a hill, near the animal cages.
Millfields 1/7
This elusive Silver Key can be had by running up the path from Millfields Monorail Station. You'll see a small dirt trail on the left-hand side of the path; hop over the fence and follow the trail up to the side of the large stone building, where you'll find the Silver Key in an elevator.
Millfields 2/7
To grab this Silver Key, you'll need to head to the top of the hill overlooking the lake, leading from Millfields Monorail Station. Near the statue with the spyglass, you'll spot the Silver Key at the edge of a pond; jog down and swim to it to claim your prize.
Millfields 3/7
This Silver Key is overlooking the lake, right outside the entrance to the cemetery.
Millfields 4/7 (Reaver's Manor)
This Silver Key can't be acquired until you've finished The Masquerade, and you'll most likely find it when searching for Reaver's undergarments. To find it, head to his secret bedroom (up the stairs, take a right and go through the hidden door/bookshelf), then check behind the bed.
Millfields 5/7 (Pepperpot Cave)
You'll find Pepperpot Cave just opposite the Millfields Monorail Station; look for a boarded-up mine entrance and smash your way through. Follow the cave past some Hobbes, around a bend, and you'll encounter the Silver Key in plain sight at the end of the path.
Millfields 6/7 (Dankwater Cavern)
This Silver Key is only available after you've finished the game and the Hobnobbing With Hobbes quest. Head to where you dropped off Dans Mourir, and follow the path through the cave until you reach some water. Swim your way out in the direction of the cave's entrance, and then follow the path up to dry land, where you'll find the Silver Key overlooking the cavern.
Millfields 7/7 (Dankwater Cavern)
This Silver Key is only available after you've finished the game and the Hobnobbing With Hobbes quest. Head to where you dropped off Dans Mourir, and follow the path through the cave until you reach some water. Jump in, then swim to the righr and follow the winding path to dry land. Climb ashore and claim the Silver Key as your own.
Mistpeak Valley 1/6
On the hill overlooking the entrance to the Mercenary Camp, you'll find a pile of logs. Look behind the logs for the Silver Key.
Mistpeak Valley 2/6
Near the Mistpeak Monorail Station, follow the path to the right, up the hill. The Silver Key is plainly visible from the overlook; there's an Evil Gnome there if you have accepted Brian's quest to find them.
Mistpeak Valley 3/6 (Chillbreath Caverns)
Follow the path leading to Brightwall up from the lake, but take the right path where the road forks, and follow it across the bridge to Chillbreath Caverns. If you continue to the end of this section of the Caverns, you'll find the Silver Key in plain view, overlooking a makeshift fort for some teddy bears.
Mistpeak Valley 4/6 (The Hole)
Shortly after encountering the crashed monorail, you'll come across an open area with lots of barrels stacked up. The Silver Key can be found behind the barrels.
Mistpeak Valley 5/6 (The Hole)
You'll find a locked gate during your Hobbe-killing spree, next to the room full of barrels. To open the gate, you'll need to get the Technician's Key, which is found in a chest just past the Hobbe arena at the end of the dungeon - follow the winding path to the left coming out of the arena to find it. Backtrack all the way to the gate, open it, climb the stairs, and trek through the caves to eventually find this elusive Silver Key overlooking the arena.
Mistpeak Valley 6/6 (Millfields Monorail Station)
Though this Silver Key is counted as being in Mistpeak, you can only reach it from Millfields. Head into the Millfields Monorail Station near the entrance to Bowerstone Market, and make your way to the very end of the boarding platform. The Silver Key is tucked away around the corner.
Mourningwood 1/4
Just past the Mourningwood Fort, you'll find some trenches. On the right side of them, there's a Silver Key plainly visible behind some wooden boards. Smash them down with your weapon of choice to grab the key.
Mourningwood 2/4
Make your way to the Eco-Warrior Village (the small settlement near the Bowerstone sewer entrance). Head out the path towards the Mourningwood Fort, but then turn right and you'll see this Silver Key hidden behind some ruins.
Mourningwood 3/4 (The Ossuary)
This Silver Key rests on the top of a ledge overlooking the area near the entrance. To get it, climb up the nearby stairs to the upper floor, then take a left and hop down from above.
Mourningwood 4/4 (The Ossuary)
Just inside the entrance to this dungeon, you'll see a row of crypts on the right. Check the fourth one from the entrance for the Silver Key.
Shifting Sands 1/5
Look for this Silver Key in the middle of the desert, beyond the massive stone arch. You'll find it next to a vaguely anchor-shaped stone statue jutting out of the sands.
Shifting Sands 2/5
Heading towards the giant stone arch from the City of Aurora, begin climbing the hill to the Silver Chest, but take a right on the way and you'll find this Silver Key tucked away.
Shifting Sands 3/5
After passing through the massive stone arch in the middle of Shifting Sands, turn left and hug the cliffside to find this Silver Key in the corner, next to a large boulder.
Shifting Sands 4/5 (Sandfall Palace)
This Silver Key is behind the large stone door immediately upon entering the Sandfall Palace during The Desert Star. To open it, look above the door for a Flit Switch; shoot it a few times and the door will open for you. Inside you'll find a chest and the Silver Key on a balcony.
Shifting Sands 5/5 (Sandfall Palace)
You'll find this Silver Key in the room where the Desert Star rests (or rested, if you've been here before). Check behind the gear-like statue to the left of the Star's podium for it.
Silverpines 1/2
You'll find this Silver Key overlooking the Silverpines village. To reach it, head out of town and find the path leading up to the ridge, near the pond.
Silverpines 2/2 (Silverpines Mine)
The second Silver Key in Silverpines is inside the mine at the centre of the village. Head inside and you'll find it at the back of the mine, next to the tracks.
Sunset House 1/2
This Silver Key can be found upon entering the Sunset House area. Simply turn left and circle behind some nearby rocks. For reference, it's quite close to the nearby Demon Door.
Sunset House 2/2
The second Silver Key in Sunset House is only slightly more difficult to find. Continue past the fence and then turn right; you'll find the Silver Key nestled between a tree and a rock, quite close to the nearby .
The Veiled Path 1/2
Make your way to the very end of The Veiled Path, where you'll find a massive stone door. The Silver Key is to the right of the door, hidden behind a gear-like statue protruding out of the sands.
The Veiled Path 2/2 (The Enigma)
One of the final Silver Keys you'll likely find, this one is inside The Enigma. Make your way to the very end of it, lighting the torches in one room and killing all the Dark Minions in the next, and you'll find it in the room with the multi-coloured candles.