This skill is used to spot, disarm, and plant traps and explosives. If you attempt to use a trapped item, you will have a chance to notice the trap based on your Traps skill or Perception (depends on the trap.) If you do not notice the trap, it will go off in your face. You can use the Traps skill to attempt to disarm the trap. If you succeed, the trap is disarmed. If you fail, you can always try again. If you critically fail, the trap goes off in your face.
If you find a trap trigger on the floor, you will see the trigger appear. Use the Traps skill on the trigger to attempt to disarm it. If you find a trap on a container, or door, then you see a message in the display window. If you were attempting to open the trapped container or door, Fallout will stop you. Try again and you can set off the trap. The Traps skill is also used when you set and place explosives.