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by Ugipse2031
Tue May 29, 2007 11:29 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: Kotor 3...
Replies: 61
Views: 74967

I think it would make the game good and very intresting if u started out about to die -random people are trying to kill u- and a bunch of HK-50's save u and they protect u in the game on different planets . this would add spectualion as to what is there purpose
by Ugipse2031
Tue May 29, 2007 8:27 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 159769

I no its completely unusualbut instead of a plot where u go to the los land to find revan maybe a different storyline-

darkness nce again fills the galexy; the republic is all but destroyed coresaunt has fallen Revan has returned with fleets of sith they are taking 1 planet by 1. carth onasi has ...
by Ugipse2031
Mon May 28, 2007 5:17 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 159769


Ithink due to the events in kotor 2 it would be quite hard without being cheesy -(massive sith force from outta space, blah blah)

however there are still some unresuloved parts of kotor - the HK-50's some one who is not known is hunting the jedi unlike GOTO - wanting him/her alive the ...