I've been looking at the pala skills and suddenly it stroke me... what about mixing vengeance and Conviction.
is this a good idea ?
what damage...
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Avengers, generally speaking, simply aren't effective compared to other characters. The only benefit, compared to say a Hammerdin, is the Conviction...
OK I recently had to reinstall D2, when I reinstalled the game I started it up and my character was still there. Seeing everything went well I exited...
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Always be aware of patches as well, once a character is upgraded to a newer patch it will not be visible at lower patched games.
Ok this has probaly already been posted as a thread , and it's probaly just a bug but in version v1.11 , I started a necromanser again the other day...
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They've changed the colours of a few monsters through out the patches, can't remember if the smith was blue in my game though. Mind you monsters...
what is the difference of having a high defense than of having a shield that protects a big %? (SITUATION IN A BARBARIAN)
Thank you
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I hate to say this but, don't listen to Mephisto. As quoted by Darzog, the chance to block (and this only applies, like defence to physical attacks)...
Ok, so I was playing with this guy and we were having an especially good play, right. So about after two hours he asks me if we could be friends...
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Thank you verry much for your answer. As in the past I have found this site usefull. And I thank you again for your unexpectadly fast replie....
I've finally decided to come back and play diablo, after experimenting with several other free online rpg's.. I just can't get enough of that awesome...
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HE he he, I know what you mean, I tryed playing other mmorpgs after i tryed diablo II they all sucked in comprassion :D
Idiot newbie here... I came on here for help defeating Duriel, and everyone keeps talking about equipping mercs. So let me get this straight... the...
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With the right equip (which I had) my merc could solo any barb (anyone but a sorc or amazon) with my pallies concentration aura on. :D (patch 1.10 is...
i have jamellad2edit but it says that my saves have a corrupted feild so i cant use it. so does anybody know where i can get a good hero editor? i am...
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Best one I've found (and still use) is called Hero Editor.
You can dlowload it here:
It still says it's a beta version (mind you, I haven't looked...
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