This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Since I just got a very nice LCD monitor for Christmas I am truly appreciating the fun of screenshots (my old monitor dated back to 1996, and had all...
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There was recently a thread about this, Fable suggested the assasins armoury mod, check it out at MW Summit, it might be there.
if any one would tell me how i can become a werewolf i would be greatful or a vampire.
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Also, if you become a vampire it's next to impossible to finish the main quest - and many other quests. Nobody likes vampires. Go figger ;) .
I have been doing the Ahnassi quests, and I have gotten to the stage where I must give her a gold kanet flower and coda flower, the gold kanet flower...
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Tarl, I think you have misread my posts, I just want to see what happens and I have heard there is no love thing with Ahnassi, so I am protected from...
yea i need 1 i wanna become a werewolf cant find 1 though
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Rangetsa, if you have built your character high enough, going North to the island of Solstheim will allow you to interact with Werewolves as long as...
The modder JOG just released Booty Island a short while ago, and I've just started playing it. It's fun, with different sorts of quests than you'd...
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Wrath, I can't speak to the reasons for other mods to require BM/TB, but Booty Island does because it sets you quests in the add-on areas. Frankly, I...
If you have a mod-derived item in your character's possession, save the game and exit, then uncheck the mod and reload, will the item remain in your...
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Yes, that explains why Goldbrand remained: it's both part of the regular quest series in the game, and also a reward for one of the Haldenshore...
While sitting here bored at work I've been roaming around the forums having fun. Then, I realized that I have never advanced with the Ashlanders...
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too bad my Box doesn't allow for modding... After reading somewhere that Fable has 250 mods installed on his game, I realized that what I think of as...
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