This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Ok I have the royal signet ring and its great I love it the only problem is that it does not rechargew my magic as well like it does my health and I...
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well technically you can if you know how to put the spell into the game with the construction tools. Then you can buy it and enchant a ring or...
Ok I'm doing the hassour mission for the temple I found the cave and I have been though it like 3 times and my journal hasnt updated. I am looking at...
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I can't recall much about this one, nor can I recall having problems with it.. But try resting and see what happens. Usually if enemies are still in...
I am a member of most organisations on Morrowind, but I can no longer advance in the Fighters Guild or the Imperial Legion because I killed the head...
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you can't advance to grand master in both fighters guild and thieves guild, i assume that you've joined both before doing some quests that makes it...
Ok ill get right to the point i am on the blade quest (caius cassades) where you have to get the bonebiter bow for the urukeiifif (what ever it's...
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its a little off topic, but i know on xbox, after you leave X amount of stuff on the ground, it gets compressed into an Overflow Loot Bag (limitless...
Hay guys i started morrowind again with a breton like you said and i have just finished seyda neen and i was wondering where the next best place to...
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one tip for you before stealing the armor. you need a sneak skill of about 80 with some chameleon (i used about 30%) to steal the stuff consistently...
Hay people im new to this forum as you probably know allready and i need some help with morrowind.
You see i have started this game again many times...
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id say the breton/atronach is definately the heaviest power player character. and as far as the stunted magika goes, thats why we use alchemy. as...
Well I've just read through a few character creation FAQs and they were quite helpful. I've since restarted as a thief type with mysticism and...
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70 a pop? wow.... lol thats cheap. my guy cruises around with a 50 k intelligence that lasts for 12000 seconds, one strength potion gets me up a full...
i have the xbox the xbox version and i am thinking about geting the PC version. i really want to do some mods. can someone tell me what the controls...
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Not so: CPU does matter, though after a different fashion than memory.
To make a rather broad and crude distinction, memory allows you to add in...
i already beat the game. but my sister wants to get HIGH LEVEL fast. she justs wants too run around on Solsthiem. so can someone help me and tell me...
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use cheats then she has to be like lvl 10 to live on solsteim
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