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New Player needs Help :

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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New Player needs Help :

Post by Dreez »

After a few years i finally got around to play this game and see how good it
really is since all my friends keep playing it year after year.
I have always been facinated by the awesome power of the mages so i
decided to create a Darkelf-mage (Drow warlock) but allready at the start
i ran into some serious problems. I can kill 2-3 animals then my "mana" is
depleted and i have to rest for 24 hours , surely there must be some way
that my mana can be restored alot faster then having to rest 24 hours every
minute... cuz it dont take long untill my mana is depleted. My Magica is at
75 and each Fireball takes 5 , and i have to spend a few points healing,

And i must say that im rather dissapointed in the loadingtimes that i get
when entering some areas, and sometimes the game itself holds up for a few
seconds , loading something .

Im running it on a rather good computer , compared to the recommended stats.
AMD 1800.
512M Kingston Ram.
SB Live 5.1 EAX.
Win XP.

I have a feeling about this game and that it can become one of my favorites
but i could really need some nice advices to get starting, cuz atm i hit a
brickwall , and i aint got no wreckingball :rolleyes: .

So please Help.

/emote me* thanks in advance.
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Post by fable »

I can kill 2-3 animals then my "mana" is
depleted and i have to rest for 24 hours , surely there must be some way
that my mana can be restored alot faster then having to rest 24 hours every
minute... cuz it dont take long untill my mana is depleted. My Magica is at
75 and each Fireball takes 5 , and i have to spend a few points healing,

Since you're running a PC version, I would suggest downloading Advanced Magicka Regeneration, a mod (that is, a piece of code developed by a player to modify the game) by Lennart Schulz. You can find it here, at Morrowind Summit. Note that you need to click on the Search function at the top of the page, then enter regen in the title field, and click go. (I can't link you directly to the mod.) This will bring up several mods with 'regen" in their titles, including Schulz's.

This mod offers you a selection of several files with different rates at which your mana will regenerate. Choose the one you like best, put it in your Morrowind/Data Files subdirectory, and check the box on your Morrowind launch screen to run the mod. Then run Morrowind, and you should find that mana regenerates for you. :)

If you need more help installing mods, try this. It's a good tutorial by Grumpy, who has done several excellent "companion" mods.

And i must say that im rather dissapointed in the loadingtimes that i get
when entering some areas, and sometimes the game itself holds up for a few
seconds , loading something .

Im running it on a rather good computer , compared to the recommended stats.
AMD 1800.
512M Kingston Ram.
SB Live 5.1 EAX.
Win XP.

Morrowind is not well-optimized for memory or speed. 512 MB RAM is fine, but at 1800 GHz, your CPU is a bit slow. That explains why the loading times as you move between areas takes a while. One thing I can suggest is to turn down the viewing distance under Options. Another is to substitute these values in your Morrowind INI file:

Interior Cell Buffer=64
Exterior Cell Buffer=128

I hope all this helps. And welcome to the forum. :)
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Post by Dreez »

So what you´re saying is that Morrowind does not have Manaregen in the
origional codeing , must suck for all Mage-fans out there then that tried this
game before that Mod came out..

And i dont feel like this game deserves to be played if i need to install a
mod to be able to play as a mage.. thats bad programming to me.
Sorry to say.
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Post by dairy »

i play morrowind on Xbox which means no mods. i have no problem playing a mage. its a little harder to get started, but you end up immensely strong. i've found this to be true of most rpgs. i really suggest you try again, and if you're having trouble, try a character with some melee skills to help you get started. once you get a little leveled up start to use your magic skills. and as for magic regen, there are potions for it. you can make, take, steal or buy magic potions almost anywhere. then again, if you dont like the game no one is gonna hold you down and make you play it.
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Post by fable »

As Dairy said; and I played MW when it first appeared, without any mana regen. I suspect it was coded that way so that players would be forced to sleep at regular, frequent intervals, thus preventing the accumulation of large multipliers when raising stats. If you can hold off sleeping, you can make levels with huge multipliers, allowing you to easily overpower the run-of-the-mill monsters that appear.
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Post by Lowkei »


I know it's not much help because the other guys have already said most helpful things to do, but if you put alchemy as a skill you could try and use some ingrediants to come up with a fortifiy magica potion and then just make alot of them they will help to give you a little boost in your maximum amount of magica. The only trouble is it means playing round with loads of ingrediants to find the rite ones for the potion. Hope that was of some help. :rolleyes:
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Post by fable »

The only trouble is it means playing round with loads of ingrediants to find the rite ones for the potion.

Or you could 1) access one of the websites that lists all combinations of ingredients and possible potions; 2) download a mod that creates an in-game book with all of the above.
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Post by Lowkei »

nice one

Good tip fable i didn't think of that. Yes there are many websites that give potion lists
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Post by Rookierookie »

Geforce 4 doesn't mean anything since it can be either MX or Ti.
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