really is since all my friends keep playing it year after year.
I have always been facinated by the awesome power of the mages so i
decided to create a Darkelf-mage (Drow warlock) but allready at the start
i ran into some serious problems. I can kill 2-3 animals then my "mana" is
depleted and i have to rest for 24 hours , surely there must be some way
that my mana can be restored alot faster then having to rest 24 hours every
minute... cuz it dont take long untill my mana is depleted. My Magica is at
75 and each Fireball takes 5 , and i have to spend a few points healing,
And i must say that im rather dissapointed in the loadingtimes that i get
when entering some areas, and sometimes the game itself holds up for a few
seconds , loading something .
Im running it on a rather good computer , compared to the recommended stats.
AMD 1800.
512M Kingston Ram.
SB Live 5.1 EAX.
Win XP.
I have a feeling about this game and that it can become one of my favorites
but i could really need some nice advices to get starting, cuz atm i hit a
brickwall , and i aint got no wreckingball
So please Help.
/emote me* thanks in advance.