This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I decided to go to the skaal to start the main quest.but When i got there no one wants to talk.The only interactive option is goodbye.They all say i...
Expansive is an understatement. I just delivered the package to the dude in Balmora, and I walked the whole way. Picked up a few goodies on the way....
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You'll catch on, and be power-gaming in no time! :D
Ok, this time I think I totally blew it. Now during the MQ I met with the Urhuraspockirk tribe and he sent me on the trial of strength. Well, when I...
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Jeepers, I only mentioned his name because he was a great help last time. I really didn't mean to aim the post at just one person tho. But I hear...
I was wondering about the glitch in the game where you can join 2 houses at once. join either telvanni or redoran houses and the Kill orvas dren then...
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IIRC, the patched version (which GoTY is) fixes the glitch.
The last two months i've tried to experiment with the TES construction set, building some new houses, writing some simple scripts and such, and now...
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I was planning a sort of nature-bound faction together with the new Centaur race, but that won't be for tomorrow :) It's just an idea that's still in...
ok i know its possible to perm strength, speed etc. But is it possible to perm destruction, conjuration and etc? if so where do i get the spells for...
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If you have Tribunal, you can get them in Mournhold. I can't recall seeing them on the island .. but I could be wrong...
There is a great website...
Ok I went and got the totem of claw and fang. I returned it to that shawman guy and he told me that I could now somon a wolf to fight beside me but I...
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i dont think x boxers can get patches but there isnt any item you need to equip it should just be in your magic menu
I need help with the quest to find the door to Sovngard. I have don all the missions for the east empire company and I have done the thirsk missions...
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Why don't you check what the bookseller in Thrisk has to offer? (hint, hint)
As we all now, the newer version succesfully forbids using the Mage Guild's teleporters or bying spells from the staff there unless you're a member....
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well actually the problem is that no one is willing to sell me spells, cause Their services are for members only . Now I ain't wanna join no goddamn...
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