This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Hey hey, alright in the dungeon on Mournhold of Bamz-Amschendz there are several Dwemer books. As well there is a set of plans for the airship found...
I know that this is probably much easier that I think, but how do you level up within a faction? I'm currently in the 'Blades' and meet every minimum...
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I got kind of the same problem: I have done all quests for the thieves guild in Balmora, Ald-Ruhn and Sadrith Mora, and some for Gentleman in Vivec....
Is it just me or does noone read the rules and go look through the search function before posting. Please people use the search function, thats why...
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I just wanted to remind people of the abilitly to use the search function. Because I have noticed a lot of new People in the Morrowind Forum and many...
Trueflame or Hopesfire which do you prefer?
Trueflame is more powerful in terms of normal attack.And has fire damage.
While Hopesfire is lighter and...
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next time use the search option located in the tool bar... i had alredy started a thread like this a wile bak moltivir beat me to it though :mad: ;)
You know the runes on the little paper map that comes with Morrowind (I can't remember if they are dwemer or daedric) But anyways has anyone actually...
Ok, I have restarted, and are now a Dark Elf. Scince I'm the type that prefer mobility over resitance, I went for the light armor. Also, I equipped a...
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This is an entirely different topic. Please start a new thread. :)
No, this isn't another thread asking the location of the fabled boots, nor is it a query as to how one avoids their blinding effect ;)
There are...
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True dat, the boots are most likely in a crate somewhere because i never use them or maybe didn't even bother to acquire them in my current file, as...
Ok, I'm confused, how do I get these? Not, where are the actual indices, but how do I get the quest to get them ... ? Or do I just take them and they...
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ok. now thats all cleared up, why didn't you just search fr one of the many other threads asking exactly the same question?
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