I am trying to get a list of all of the NPC pictures so I can exchange them with my own pictures. I cannot edit the MES file due to my computer being...
Seems like a waste of XP and money/items to have them. I'm just going through with 4 members of my own and ignoring them. Is there anything necessary...
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Check out this thread if you want to know all there is about the various Npc's
Why is it that now that I patched my game with both the Atari and the Co8 patch, I can no longer get items off my kills? Half the fun is in looting.
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O.K. so I have the Co8 Patch(latest Version), it doesn't allow looting. Then set up windowed mode, I can loot, but now the screen doesn't move......I...
:confused: My quests don't get registered in the quests log book, so I'm stuck!!! I've installed the newest official patch available, but it didn't...
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Thanks a lot for your help. Even though I've been playing the game for quite a while, I never noticed that it was everythime I put an NPC in the lead...
I went to the moathouse and killed the brigands in the courtyard, but for some reason i click on the bodies to take their $ and nothing happens. Any...
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This problem has been discussed before, here , and here .
DirectX 9.0c and Windows Servicepack 2 seem to affect looting.
This game looks beautiful. Is the story and gameplay fun? It seems there is a low level cap. . .level 5 mage spells max for example? I don't know, I...
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Be sure to get the latest patches though! Out of the box, without the updates, is not much fun.
Definitely. It's amazing what some patching does...
I guess I beat the game. I didn't expect it to end so soon. Basically, I beat that big purple/blue lady with a party of a barbarian (whose dexterity...
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moving around hommlet
the only thing i can think of is using the world map to go to the different locations. south for the inn and metalsmith,...
Why cant i scroll around the map, my characters get to the edge of the map and i cant go any farther? Is there something in the game setup i need to...
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Yes i did.. and i appreciated it very much. :)
I was quite surprised to get mail from the GB forum on the day, but it made the day better. :)...
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