I got the quest to hunt down the Thieves Guild from Andre, I've killed Attile and got the rusty key, I've talked to Lares to find out where the...
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It's normal for there to be no description of the door when you look at it. Look straight at it, and do what you normally do to open a door. You may...
Hey, all. I was over at Best Buy on Monday and I noticed these 3 games bundled together in one box. I have never played before but I have been...
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The interface in Gothic 1 & 2 is indeed quite questionable. The controls in the first game are also a bit odd, but you can get used to them. Outside...
Having gotten all the way to the end and being able to kill anything with my Lvl 61 hero who has a 7800 slashing point sword with over 7800 spirit I...
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also if you can get him to follow you to the shrine where you respawn (the big cross) you will continue to die but you respawn before he can run...
A few weeks ago, a friend came over to borrow some games. I showed him my collection and after a bit of pondering, he had made his choice.
I noticed...
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all decent games(in my opinion any way :) ) gawainbs, have fond memories off all of them,and even still go back to play the ones i haven't completed...
I'm looking for recomendations for my next RPG to play. My favourite games are Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Knights of the old Republic and...
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Despite its bugs and unfinishedness, KotORII is a hell of an enjoyable title.
I also second Jade Empire.
ive just finished tq normal :D and was really looking forward to going to epic, but when i started i got this major problem to level the same way as...
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All I can suggest is make sure you do all of the quests handed to you and make sure you try and kill all of the monsters you can on each map....if...
Hello, I am a level 59 Assassin. I am having difficulties defeating some mini bosses. I asked for help on multi play and the people who came to help...
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Some good ways to find epic or Ledgendary items is to fight the big bosses a couple of times. And if u play on epic or ledgendary the chances that...
I wonder, where I can find prometeus flame and bat fang??
I'm level 39 elementalist at the boss cerberus, and I...
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Prometheus Flame can be found on any creature from act 1 and beyond (but higher chance if in act 1), and Bat Fang's can be found on bats, also in Act...
I have the alchemical skills to make both these arrow types, but I have not been able to get the recipe for either one as yet.. where can I buy/find...
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That was the first place I went.. and all I found was 1 person in the forum that said you can buy the recipe from most any alchemy merchant . I've...
I started a new character and bought Immortal Throne, everything ok, BUT.....I'm in Act 3 now and I only have 1 bag, what gives? My last char which I...
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Yeah, it was because I played the character online. People skipping quests and acts too fast messing things up lol. When i played offline yesterday...
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