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IWD2 powergaming guide

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Post by silverdragon72 »

8.2. level squatting


Level-squatting just means not to take levels as you could!

...and to try to always keep your party at a the maximum sum of levels that the game rounds the average party level down!

On the one hand this makes the game a little bit harder as at least some PCs are on a lower level then they could be, on the other hand you get much more EXP this way and this allows at least a few PCs to have a higher level then they should have!

- every PC-build has levels that don't give a great benefit so it could make sense to squat them
- there are points in the game being easy enough to win with a lower party level
- and there are parts of the game that could give that much combat EXP (e.g. ice-tempel) that you should try to win on the lowest average party level possible! (it's quite a difference if a single golem gives 1000 EXP or 8000 EXP!)

Level-squatting is also a good strategy to avoid the EXP penalty:

if you have a male drow wiz 20 - rogue 3 for example and you want to give him 4 fighter levels at this point you would get an EXP if you would only take one fighter level. But if you squat and wait until you can take at least 2 levels you can avoid the penalty this way!

But beware if you take squatted levels:

- you always have to take all squatted levels available!

- and you have to take all squatted levels in one class! always keep an eye on the EXP of your PCs that you don't have to take 6 fighter levels if you have planned to take only 4!!! ;)

and especially if you have use extense level-squatting - if you take levels that increases your average party level by more then one level: save before levelling and then fight some typical enemies of that chapter to be sure that you still get enough exp! It's quite easy to get an average party level that results in getting no EXP from combat!!!

resumee: best concept by far - but if used extensively not that easy to manage!

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Post by silverdragon72 »

8.3. muling


An advanced concept of 8.1. - but from my point of view very close to cheating! :p

With a party of less then 6 you have the problem that the combat EXP is shared between lower party members, but the average party level will increase fast and you won't get combat EXP later in the game!

To avoid this you just add level 1 PCs to your party to decrease the average party level! The EXP is shared among these PCs afterwards but they reduce the average party level that much - that you will get tons of EXP that way!


a party of 4 PCs at level 15 -> average party level of 15

when adding 2 level 1 PCs you get 62 / 6 resulting in an average party level of 10!!!

but you have to insure that the mules survive the battle, what could be difficult sometimes!

resumee: very effective concept - but as already said close to cheating from my point of view!

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9. Powergaming, Mods & HOF


there are three major mods for IWD2:

9.1. Ease-of-Use

-> at least some of the 22 seperate components are recommended to install - some other could be usefull or give a better balancing!

9.2. Undead Targos

-> an ultra-hard challenge, adding more & tougher enemies on all Targos maps and on the village-shaerngard map

9.3. bonus merchant

-> adding some very expensive BG2 items to IWD2 - some are just useless, some overpowered but others could be quite usefull for a powergamer - especially if you think that IWD2 has the worst item selection/handling of all D&D CRPGs ever - ok - I forget ToEE! ;)

you will find these mods here:

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1. Weimer ease of use mod


The from my point of view most important IWD2 mod is the "Ease of Use Mod" by Westley Weimer:

It contains a total of 22 components that could be installed seperatly!

I will seperate them in 5 categories:

1. recommend to install

2. recommended only for the lazy player

3. optional - as it could be considered as cheating by some players

4. definetly cheating

5. not recommended to install due to other reason

...and give a short explanation and or comment on each!

table of all Weimer components:

Component 1: Bugfixes
Component 7: Deep Gnome Starting XP
Component 2: Infinite Stacking
Component 3: Non-Combat War Chant of the Sith
Component 4: Improved Holy Avenger
Component 5: Two-Handed Greatsword Holy Avenger
Component 6: No-Fists for Iron Body
Component 8: Improved Moonblades
Component 9: Improved Monk Fists
Component 9b: Magic Weapon Finesse
Component 10: Collector's Edition Bonus Items
Component 11: No Alignment Class Restrictions
Component 12: Always Get Some XP Per Kill
Component 13: Some Heart of Fury Items in Normal Mode
Component 14: Stronger Bastard Swords
Component 15: All Items Identified
Component 16: Non-Linear Teleporting
Component 17: Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance
Component 18: Include Forgotten Armor and Shields
Component 19: Additional Druid Spellls
Component 20: Alternate Shapeshifting
Component 21: Skip Battle Square
Component 22: Randomized Treasure

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1.1. Weimer mod: components recommended to install


Component 1: Bugfixes

This component contains honest-to-goodness bugfixes. There are precious few that can be fixed by mods, and quite a few that cannot.

(1) The Bastard Sword of Heroism should give a +3 attack bonus based on its description.

(2) Phaen should drop Phaen's Ironshod Staff [11STAFPI.ITM] or the Iron-Banded Staff [11HFSFPI.ITM] when he dies, not a normal quarterstaff.

(3) Screamer [00AX1HSC.ITM] should give a strength bonus when thrown.

(4) Pudu's Blight [63HALBPB.ITM] should have a 25% chance of stunning (not 24%), based on its description.

(5) Stunning Arrows +1 [00AROW88.ITM] should have a 50% chance of stunning (not 25%), based on its description.

(6) Stun Flail +1 [00FLAL87.ITM] should have a 50% chance of stunning (not 25%), based on its description.

(7) The Shambling Mound attacks [00CWSHM*.ITM] (both the normal one and the druid shapechange one) were not casting the entangle spell correctly (targets weren't getting the DEX penalty, etc.).

(8) The HOF random equipment chart [RT_FURY.2DA] contains two spelling errors for item codes. This meant that you might not get a random drop when you should have gotten one.

...bugfixes are always recommended!

Component 7: Deep Gnome Starting XP

All races start 1000 XP from level 2 ... except deep gnomes, who for no apparent reason start 5000 XP from level 2. This component makes deep gnomes start 1000 XP away from level 2, just like everyone else.

...seems also be more a bugfix then anything else

Component 8: Improved Moonblades

This changes Emma's Moonblade and the Moonblade from the Moonblade spell to count as small blades so that (1) you can use Expertise with them and (2) you can dual-wield them more easily. This only makes sense: Moonblades are insubstantial magical constructs that have no moment of inertia: you should be able to flick them around very quickly. This also changes Emma's Moonblade so that it has the same stats as the Moonblade Spell Moonblade (e.g., no to-hit bonus, more damage, scambles magic).

...make absolutely sense and seems to be conform with the D&D rules!

Component 9: Improved Monk Fists

This makes monk fists count as "small blades" so that you can use Weapon Finesse (feat that allows you to use DEX for to-hit bonuses instead of STR) with them. Fists are even smaller than daggers -- this only makes sense. In addition, I believe you can do this anyway in 3E (although I think it takes a separate feat).

...same as above!

Component 9b: Magic Weapon Finesse

This changes weightless magical weapons (black blade of disaster, lich touch, ghoul touch, harm, destruction, mordy's sword) to qualify as small blades so that you can use Weapon Finesse with them.

...same as above!

Component 10: Collector's Edition Bonus Items

This component gives you the extra items from the Collector's Edition bonus CD. Here's the original README:

"Welcome to the Icewind Dale II Bonus Disc. This disc contains eleven unique items that have never been seen before in the Forgotten Realms. They also have Heart of Fury mode equivalents so technically there are twenty-one unique items. Below is where you can find them in the game. If you want to know where they are, read on. If you would rather try and find them yourself, please stop now. We really hope you enjoy the bonus items and your adventures in Icewind Dale II. Good hunting."

Tower Store: To find the new store, head to the town of Kuldahar. There you will see a tower in the northwest corner of the map. After entering the tower, you will go into dialogue with an NPC. After you finish this dialogue, go to the air elemental in the the western part of the room. He has all of the unique items for sale, except for one...
[Editor's Note: You may want to free him instead. The items will still be available, but you get XP.]

The Avarine Decanter: In the Wandering Village, you will meet up with an NPC named Nym. Nym has the Avarine Decanter for sale in his store. It is a very unique item, but it is up to you to decipher its mysteries. you get this with the official Collector's Edition - and you will need some of these items for the recommended builds in this guide!

Component 18: Include Forgotten Armor and Shields

This component takes a number of items are are defined in the offical game resource files but do not actually appear anywhere in the game and puts them into the game. I am fairly certain that there is no other way to obtain these items. IWD2 has long been criticized for its vast lack of armor and shields. they are just forgotten - but there are not "must" items for powergaming among them!

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1.2. Weimer mod: components recommended only for the lazy player


Component 2: Infinite Stacking

This allows you to stack up to 9999 of any type of stacking weapon or potion. This game should not be a quest for inventory management.

...recommended - as you still have the weight limit, and inventory management could get quite a pain in the a** without any chests with permanent access in IWD2!

Component 15: All Items Identified

This component causes all items to be auto-identified (lore requirement: 0). Believe it or not, more than one person asked for this component.

...could also been seen as cheating as you could increase skill, pay or use spells/scrolls for his!

Component 16: Non-Linear Teleporting

This attempts to make IWD2 less linear (and thus increase its replay value) by allowing you to teleport to more or less any location conveniently.

Even if you don't want to do things out of order, it can speed up a number of fedex quests.

While AI is enabled (the guy in the lower right of the GUI has glowing eyes), select a single character and press T. You will be given a dialogue listing possible places to go. Pick one. Note that teleporting a level 1 party to Kuldahar (or whatnot) is probably a recipe for disaster.

...never tried this as there aren't that many fedex quests and I don't really see the reason for this!

Component 21: Skip Battle Square

This component gives you the option of automatically completing all (3+4+5+6+7)*10 = 250 battles in the Battle Square "challenge" in the Ice Temple. You may now talk to the Ice Golem champion that controls the battle square and pick an option to complete them all in one fell swoop. You will be given all of the rewards (mostly a bunch of ammo, but some of the rewards cannot be obtained any other way) and all of the game variables will be updated. The normal Battle Square rewards are somewhat random (e.g., you might get Bolts +1 or Arrows +1). If you use the Skip component you will always get a "well-balanced" reward that I picked using the game's algorithm (i.e., it is possible to get exactly this reward by just playing the game normally).

Installing this component will not automatically skip the Battle Square in every game -- you still have to talk to the Golem. So if you decide that you want to complete the BS normally, just don't talk to him.

...also never tried this - as it's somehow cheating - but if you really want the items and don't want to fight all battles...

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1.3. Weimer mod: components - optional - as it could be considered as cheating by s


Component 3: Non-Combat War Chant of the Sith

Component 4: Improved Holy Avenger

Component 5: Two-Handed Greatsword Holy Avenger

Component 6: No-Fists for Iron Body

Component 14: Stronger Bastard Swords

Component 19: Additional Druid Spellls

Component 20: Alternate Shapeshifting

Component 12: Always Get Some XP Per Kill

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1.4. Weimer mod: components - definetly cheating


Component 11: No Alignment Class Restrictions

Component 13: Some Heart of Fury Items in Normal Mode

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.1.5. Weimer mod: components - not recommended to install due to other reason


Component 17: Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance

Component 22: Randomized Treasure

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.2. Undead Targos mod

. we talk about powergaming - we should also talk about maximum challenge! ;)

The undead targos mod in the normal game give some of the hardest battles in D&D CRPGs ever - especially as you have to fight these battles between party level 1 and 5, at a point were you don't benefit much from powerbuilds!

...and you only gain a challenge - no extra EXP nor loot!

...and for non-veteran D&D players this mod will be quite impossible to beat - even if you know what you do, you will need some luck to beat it on insane difficulty!

...same thing like some of the other mod components above...-... changes were made from one extreme to the other - in this case from stupid easy to insane difficult!

..btw. this mod is only a challenge in normal - in HOF it's quite easy!

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Post by silverdragon72 »

9.3. BG2 bonus merchant


This is a mod that makes a bonus merchant in IWD2 selling equipment from BG2. If you've played BG2, you know how these bonus merchants work: vastly overpriced, moderately powerful items that you wouldn't get anywhere else.

This adds Ribald Barterman as a bonus merchant selling BG2 equipment. He appears in the Gallaway Trading Post and Conlan's Smithy in Kuldahar. All of the items have been faithfully converted to Third Edition / Icewind Dale 2 rules and statistics. For example, Katanas are now (Masterwork) Bastard Swords, etc. We also continue the tradition of offering items that you shouldn't really be able to use (like the Zerth Blade in BG2).

Special Note: "adamantine" does not dissolve in IWD2. For example, Stormcaller, Hammer of Lightning, Order's Nemesis, Life's Blood Drinker, Implaer, Rage of Chaos, Despana Insignia, and Despana Piwafwi are all made from it in vanilla IWD2 and none of them turn to dust.

Equalizer - quite overpowered damage output

Flail of Ages - by far not that good as it was in ToB

Gesen Short Bow - quite a good bow - but not better then some IWD2 bows

Jaheira's Harper Pin - overpowered and definetly not roleplaying ;)

Jansen Adventurewear - if you find a use for it, overpowered and definetly not roleplaying ;)

Flasher Master Bruiser Mate -

Hallowed Redeemer -

Firecam Full-Plate -

Mace of Disruption -

Shadow Dragon Armor -

Drow Elven Chain - similar to Draccas, you just get it early enough in the game

Tsuki no Ken - best off-hand weapon - very powerfull but not overpowered in relation to other IWD2 weapons - just extremly usefull ;)

Corthala Family Blade -

Corthala Family Armor -

Sword of Arvoreen -

Some of these items are quite overpowered in normal mode - but in normal you also can't effort most of these items eitherway! In HOF some of these items seems still to be a little bit to powerfull. But as items are unbalanced and bad designed in IWD2, and there are many overpowered random items, I think it's acceptable to buy the one or the other if you have bad luck!

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Post by wbdigi »

I. basics on races:

most important race boni:

- SR (spell resistance)
- extra stat points (needed for some powerfull MC builds)
- racial boni
- the right favored class for the planned build

support @ WBDIGI.COM
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Post by Sloty1984 »

If you would reduce your party to only 3-4 members, which of your guys would you take and how would you change them?
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Post by Claudius »

@Sloty1984, There are a few other guides out there. UPP and JUPP (something like that). I think UPP is a four party team with a deep gnome decoy.
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