It looks to a novice like me that this game is harder to play the the games I've played so far.
As any of you that have followed my post, I've played BG, BG2, PS:T, and IWD, all with out a walkthrough.
I was hoping some of you IWD2 veterans could give me what you think would make a survivable party. I would like to play a 6 person party, in normal mode.
I"m still trying to understand what the purpose of HOF mode is?
As an example:
Fighter (st-dex-con-int-wis-cha and any other helpful hints.)
I know I will get different opinions, and that's OK. Will try to take the best advice everyone has to offer.
And as most of you know that have read my post, I'm a roleplayer not a power gamer.
Thanks in advance