Best Class?
Yes especially with Battlegrounds adding to the reputation of different factions. For me as a priest I can take down almost all classes in one to one PvP. The only ones I have problem with is well played Druids and shamans. Maybe if I had been a shadow priest instead of disc I could take these two as well, but they just have to much endurance. I have yet to try to duel a paladin in a fair 1-1 fight as one paladin rarely travels alone.
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
[QUOTE=Yeltsu]I think the number is 700g actually, so this just proves that the class specific mounts (warlock, pally) is quite definetly harder to get...[/QUOTE]
I warock friend of mine got his mount for about 600g. The thing about "free" mounts is that their price varies alot form server to server. The price of an arcanite bar is not the same at all on different servers.
I warock friend of mine got his mount for about 600g. The thing about "free" mounts is that their price varies alot form server to server. The price of an arcanite bar is not the same at all on different servers.
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
Yes of course
on my server an arcanite bar costs about 25g, but on my brother's server they can cost as much as 45g (!)
Oh, and don't worry about pallys in 1 on 1 pvp, we suck against priests.. mana drain is a pally killer, I can't beat my friend who plays a priest, and he is holy/disc
Last time I defeated him in a duel was when he was 3 levels lower than me.. 
Oh, and don't worry about pallys in 1 on 1 pvp, we suck against priests.. mana drain is a pally killer, I can't beat my friend who plays a priest, and he is holy/disc
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