- ability to ride/drive in some vehicles (like speeders, and not just swoop stuff)
- more... entertaining and challenging mini-games.
- bigger cities/areas.... Telos had like 3 halls with a couple of rooms, 1 shop, nothing really interesting. Nar Shadda was bigger, sort of, but it was still so empty. All of KOTOR 2's cities seemed so small and lifeless.
- dynamic NPCs... make them walk around, make them talk to each other ala Oblivion, make them seem alive.
- more skills, more skill-checks, and harder ones too.
- ability to upgrade the ebon hawk.
- more facial expressions and body movement/action poses, especially in cut-scenes.
- a quicker intro area so it doesn't become tedious like Pegasus when starting a new character.
- ability to kick out some of your cohorts. I'm not saying you should necessarily have the ability to kill them (I guess) but maybe you could kick some of them out in exchange for others.. permanently.
- higher levels.
- more xp situations for LS. I had the impression that DS get more XP because they can opt to kill everyone in some situations.
- more outfits/clothes/armor. I only wore maybe 3 outfits in the games... and 2 were with big baggy cloaks so I saw a head floating on some lightsaber-flashing brown bags. Blah.
- non-human options for the PC race.
- more customizable features, more pleasant-looking bodies (get rid of that absurd female standing pose!), have a beefy body and a lean body for each gender. Maybe based on their constitution/strength scores.
- make it so my dumb cohorts have a "follow me but only attack what I attack" setting, and "do jedi/sith stuff but follow me and only attack what I attack" setting... the jedi setting was auto-aggressive in KOTOR II and I hated it!
- multiplayer support, even if it's just limited - playing a particular non-storyline cohort, or playing your enemy and then linking in to scheduled fights over the LAN... anything Multiplayer!
- possible module creation similar to NWN, for developers. I know this will never be done, but still. Multiplayer ability + mod support? It would be amazing.
- more rooms packed to the brink with gand. :mischief: Oh gand... you are my levelling kobolds, and I would hug each and every one if it gave me xp, which it doesn't, so you have to die.