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What Do You Want in KotOR III?

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Post by bigredpanda »

There was a discussion about this some pages back. I can't see the benefit of it, myself. I've had many a game ruined by having some irritating "hero" voice of the main character nagging in my ear. The freedom of the character creation is one of my favourite features of the game, I'd be incredibly annoyed to have it limited in that way.

@Darth skittles: the "miss" when you're bashing a footlocker is due to the way combat is worked out, on a dice roll. It does look a bit random, I know, but essentially, the higher your stats, the less it should happen.
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Post by DesR85 »

I would like to see this not only for KOTOR III but also for other RPGs too but you will have to consider the nature of the game in question. Aside from whether people like having a talking main character or not, the reasons for the 'mute' virus found in the main characters of quite a number of RPGs is because if the RPG is focused on the good/bad aspect (could be others but this is the closest example I can think of), then having a voiced character may be out of the question.

On the other hand, if the game in question use the route like achieve a common goal but how you pull this off is relatively up to you, then it is possible to have a voiced main character. Example of RPGs that fit this category are the upcoming Mass Effect (XBox 360) and the Witcher (PC).
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by bigredpanda »

DesR85 wrote:Aside from whether people like having a talking main character or not, the reasons for the 'mute' virus found in the main characters of quite a number of RPGs is because if the RPG is focused on the good/bad aspect (could be others but this is the closest example I can think of), then having a voiced character may be out of the question.
This is a very good point. Would your character get a different voice the darker they got? Like, when they were DS they would have a Vader-esque tone, but if they were LS they would be echoed by a choir of angels?

I've also found, though this may just be me, that a lot of the spken dialogue is quite annoying to listen through - espeically the twi-leks, saying the same tihng over and over again.
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Post by Tovec »

The Name Game
bigredpanda wrote:This is a very good point. Would your character get a different voice the darker they got? Like, when they were DS they would have a Vader-esque tone, but if they were LS they would be echoed by a choir of angels?

I've also found, though this may just be me, that a lot of the spken dialogue is quite annoying to listen through - espeically the twi-leks, saying the same tihng over and over again.
Why would that be something required to have overly different voices for DS and LS? They got one person to do everyone else no matter if they are LS or DS. Besides the fact that Vader had a synthesized voice because he had very little in the way of lungs anymore. And why a choir of angels for LS? I haven't seen/heard that for any Jedi so far.

I agree that the aliens that could talk and say your name are all crappy, they speak in repeatability tones and I can't honestly believe that sentence A means the same as sentence B except the fact they SOUND the same.

If they did have a "hero" voice they could just exclude dubbing to the lines where the hero says their name. It would allow people who want the main character to have a voice to have a voice. While at the same time it wouldn't restrict voice options for the actual name of the character.

Beyond that the only way to solve the name problem is introduce a sub-naming program that basically asks, Okay, [spelling of name], how does the name sound out? Like I spell Tovec and sound it out like Toevek to get the phonetics.
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.

Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?

Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
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Post by bigredpanda »

Tovec wrote:Why would that be something required to have overly different voices for DS and LS? They got one person to do everyone else no matter if they are LS or DS. Besides the fact that Vader had a synthesized voice because he had very little in the way of lungs anymore. And why a choir of angels for LS? I haven't seen/heard that for any Jedi so far.
I was exaggerating, obviously... If your appearance changes so drastically, I presumed the voice would as well. Otherwise, it's going to sound odd. It was odd in Jedi Academy when, if you selected your character as a Rodian, they still spoke like an American teenager. I say odd - I mean, of course, highly irritating.

I'm not dissing your ways around the problems of giving the hero a voice, btw, they're interesting - it just sounds like a whole load of hassle prgramme-wise for no substantial reason.

Maybe, for some people, it destroys the immersion by not having a generic voice actor forced upon your carefully crafted infidividual charcater, reading out lines which you've already read seven times before they finish... :mischief:
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Post by Trooper »

I agree it would be little tricky to create voice for main caracter but why not it`s not like it`s impossible they just have to try harder. And why not make voice for your caracter, we played I and II without it we can trie III with voice it`s not like they can`t create off option in option menu.

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Post by Atton Rand »

Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum. I've been reading through your ideas and they look interesting. I just really hope they bring out a third KotOR, preferably for the XBOX 360.
What i'd really like is for there to be more options of choosing who you want as companions. Let me explain it a bit more:
In the previous KotOR games, we have had limited choice of who is in our party. For example, in KotOR 1, we had the option of killing or sparing Juhani, and whether or not to buy HK-47. In KotOR 2, we could get Mira or Hanharr depending on our character's alignment, we could get Handmaiden or the Disciple depending on our gender, we could decide whether to fix HK-47, and we could decide whether we wanted to let Visas Marr stay or not.
I think there should be more expansion on this. There should be several different characters offering to join the party, each with there own abilities and background. Some could be Jedi like Jolee Bindo, or have the potential to become Jedi like Mira and Atton, others could be technicians like Bao Dur or superb fighters like Mandalore and Carth. Some could be from other species. I'd like to see maybe Selkath or Twi'leks joining your party as well as Wookies.

But ultimately, there should be possibly 20 or 30 or more different characters who you could potentially have in your party, but you have to choose who you want to let join you. Obviously, there will have to be a few characters who HAVE to be in your party, but then I think we should be able to choose who can join.
Whether it be a Twi'lek prisoner who you save from the Sith, a farmer from Dantooine you meet, a damaged old Droid you buy in a shop who you can repair and fix to be your perfect little companion, or a Dark Lord who offers to join your quest in evil, we should have more control of who joins our party.
Thats what I think anyway! Tell me what you think. Cheers!
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Post by DesR85 »

Hello, Atton Rand. Welcome to the forums. :)
Atton Rand wrote: But ultimately, there should be possibly 20 or 30 or more different characters who you could potentially have in your party, but you have to choose who you want to let join you. Obviously, there will have to be a few characters who HAVE to be in your party, but then I think we should be able to choose who can join.
Whether it be a Twi'lek prisoner who you save from the Sith, a farmer from Dantooine you meet, a damaged old Droid you buy in a shop who you can repair and fix to be your perfect little companion, or a Dark Lord who offers to join your quest in evil, we should have more control of who joins our party.
Thats what I think anyway! Tell me what you think. Cheers!
Wouldn't having 20-30 or more people in a party be overkill? :confused: The KOTOR series is a team-based RPG, I agree, but having 30+ people in a party would make it look like a strategy game. Not to mention that even with a limit of how many people you can allow into a team, it will still look odd to have 30+ people in the game, even from a replayability perspective.

To me, I'd much prefer if they ditch the multiple character feature most common in any team-based RPG out there because the fact is, it is very hard to concentrate on all of the characters in your party since the ones who are always in your team are bound to get more attention than the others, in my honest opinion.

I tend to prefer a team-based game with a set number of characters in your team like 4 people (including you) in the team and they will travel with you from start to finish because, at least you are free from the hassel of taking care of multiple characters that you rarely use or don't use at all. If another person want to join the team, sure, but it will be for that certain mission (or a few other missions). After accomplishing that mission, then he will give you a reward and leave.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by bigredpanda »

DesR85 wrote:Hello, Atton Rand. Welcome to the forums. :)

Wouldn't having 20-30 or more people in a party be overkill? :confused:
I don't think that's what he meant, Des. I think the idea was that you retain the maximum of 8 or 9 or whatever, but you have more of a choice over who those people might be.

I like that idea, but I guess the concern with that would be if such an expansion came at the expense of the depth of characters.
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Post by DesR85 »

bigredpanda wrote:I don't think that's what he meant, Des. I think the idea was that you retain the maximum of 8 or 9 or whatever, but you have more of a choice over who those people might be.

I like that idea, but I guess the concern with that would be if such an expansion came at the expense of the depth of characters.
Whoops. Sorry. My mistake. I didn't read the post properly and gave the wrong answer, I take back what I said. :) To respond properly to this idea this time: In my opinion, choosing between 20-30 people to join your party would be hard to pull of not only in an RPG but also in any game of any genre. There's too many people.

And as what Bigrepanda had mentioned, the depth of an individual character might be compromised due to the large number of characters involved. And even if the developer strive to provide as much depth as possible to each individual character, it will consume a lot of time and resources especially when recording dialogue for that many characters.

I remember the last time I read a certain article about the making of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Bioware recorded almost 14, 000 hours of voice-over work for the dialogues in that game (just for a handful of characters, both main characters and NPCs). Considering the nature of KOTOR, I won't be surprised why is it so. Imagine trying to record dialogue for more than 30 characters.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by bigredpanda »

DesR85 wrote: I remember the last time I read a certain article about the making of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Bioware recorded almost 14, 000 hours of voice-over work for the dialogues in that game (just for a handful of characters, both main characters and NPCs). Considering the nature of KOTOR, I won't be surprised why is it so. Imagine trying to record dialogue for more than 30 characters.
This is a very good point. This is, by the by, a big reason against having a voice for the main character.
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Post by LordBane »

I think there should be more powers and feats if possible, along with having more in the begining.

It be a lot better in my opinion if you could actually create your characters looks instead of choosing from like three people.

I agree there should be much bigger citys, (EX. Manaan looked really big, but it turned out you only have like 6 places you can go into. That made no sense).

Itd be great if you could choose what alignment your members would go into, maybe even be able to switch to play as them and talk to people as them instead of just talking yourself. That way everyone could get some DS or LS points.

Charaters: Carth, Canderous, Hk-47, and maybe a more mature Mission.

Planets: Manaan, Korriban, Tatooine, Courasant(sp), and alot more new ones.

It'd also be nice if they have a choice for a story line, like maybe you could start as a :mischief: sith padawan or jedi padawan and go through training on Korriban and Courisant(again sp).
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Post by Romans1133 »

Yes, I think that the ability to make my own hilt at the begining and choose who will be in my party, would be a splendid idea. Also, I would like to see the ability to make my own robe and cloak and have the hood up or down as well.

There is this also, in Kotor2, while at the palace battle, I had the option to direct my character to have general whatsHisFace to give me all of his force senstive people but, nothing ever came of this. I would like to create my own personality cult of the DarkSide if I wish. And the slave traders on the city planet? I felt for sure I would be able to go to that guy in the bar in the space station and sell Him my slaves from the red blood guys on that city world. But alas, nothing!

Multiple paths from the story line would be really nice!
And the ability to choke anyone I wish. Including my onw guys!

And man, can't I have some more worlds to explore too?!?!
Here is some food for thought: The option to further the story line from my guy in Kotor 2.
The choice to begin as a laerner from either the sith or the jedi. And I could even kill my master and take his lightsaber. The story would move on regardless but, in a slightly differant direction.
I could then give my own apprentice my masters lightsbaer if I choose to do so.

And the whole thing about being on the dark side takes more power to use the lightside powers!?
Utter foolishness. The force is neutral except on how we use it. Which was why I like the cheat code to add on to my force use in Kotor 2. There had been some nice faces in Kotor 2, both female and male, could we get these back as well along with some new?

Well, to start off...
Perhaps I start off as a laerner and I have the ability to kill my master. Whether jedi or sith. And takes his lightsaber to give to my own learner.

Maybe, I could even choose which side to start off as?
Anyway, the story would still go on with or without my master but, only slightly differant here and there.

Being able to make my own hilt, cloaks, robes etc.
Lots of worlds to explore with many cities upon these worlds.

Perhaps, Kotor 3 could begin with the option to continue on with my old party and character with some memory transfer thing. Who knows. Here is some food for thought:
In Kotor 2, I had the option to tell whatsHisFace after I help general vaclue attack the palce to give me all of his force sensitive people, so I could have my own personality cult. I choose this but, nothing had ever come of it. It would be nice if it did this time.

Don't just let me go to the dark side, let me redefine it. Let me go all darth vader on their a#$
When I swoop down on my enemy, I want to have a REAL lightsaber! I know in both games they gave us those sissy training sabers! I'm on to you Kotor 1,2 game developers. :look:

I also wish to have more influence over the other npcs when I become a dark Lord. This sort of thing seemed to be kind of subtle in the first two games. I want major changes, obviouse changes when I become a Sith Lord.
Let me see my enemies fry when I use force lighting!

Is there a possibility of moving around like in StarWars jedi acedemy? No matter, it is only a wish list afterall.
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Post by caw »

that would take YEARS to make.. and its not practical. dont get ur hopes up
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Post by CaPtAnObVuS »

They need to make your character able to talk. Everyone has a voice except for you even if its a generic male or female voice I want to hear some speech. They also need to tie in all the characters. You can't go from Revan to some random exile and never see Revan again. In the third game you either need to play as Revan or the exile and they need to meet up with each other and work togeather unvailing this grand plot that links the two games togeather. The whole problem with KoTOR is that KoTOR 1 and KoTOR 2 where made by two different companies so they can't link the games togeather. Also they need to make it less hard to covnvert your members to Jedi. The whole convorsation thing, if you say practically one thing wrong then they never become Jedi. They need to add two or three more worlds too, and make them alot bigger.

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Post by caw »

for some reason after u play k2 and then k1 you really notice the differances.
kotor 1 was more star wars-ish wheras k2 was a poor effort, i mean kotor 2 was a good enough story but it was alot of missing little things that ended making the game poor. its annoying that your first saber on saber batle is near the end od the game and the sith lords had absolutely no charachter about them and they didnt really have a porpose in the game except to kill u ..... eewwwwwwwww scarey !!!! even Malak in k1 had history and abit of character.
there were also not space battles and i would have really liked it if there was a equal force of good guys and bad guys......

thats my opinion let me know what u think
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Post by CaPtAnObVuS »

I completely agree with you, the characters in the first game had much more depth behind them. The Dark Lord in the second game had no history or character. You really wondered why he was there except the fact you had killed the first one. That's another thing, what happened after the Star Forge? What happened after you killed Malak? That is why BioWare, who did so much better of a job on KoTOR anyway should have made the second one. If BioWare had made the second one then we could have had the same characters. Since Obsidian made it they couldn't use the characters BioWare had in it so they made up new characters and left out all the history and everything so the game left you wondering alot and it had alot to be desired.

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Post by Jmillertime6 »


well alot of people are recommending things that will not happen...

Taris for one cannot come back..because it was blown up, Dantooine cant come back because it was destroyed, Jolee cannot come back, because if u went dark side in the first game u killed him.

what i would like to see:


Coruscant maybe

I think you should be a new character and ur journey will be to find hte exile adn Revan and bring them back adn ur choices in the game will determine if hte three of you Finish off the Republic for good or Save it from destruction

thats my thoughts
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Post by Romans1133 »

Why should I have to team up with Revan or the exile.
I want to overthrow one or both of them.

Imagine this: I am my own guy from Kotor II, some how from my saved files, it goes on into Kotor III so I get to actually move on with the story. Yes.
I was a Dark Lord of the Sith, and the others had become ( through altered add ons,) Sith as well.

I want to see my old game move on. Give it some depth, give it some pazazz.
Give me the ability to sell slaves, no control the slave drivers from that red sun faction or whatever it had been.

Put some depth between the characters.
Is there a romance between the marmaluka and my guy? But, don't get carried away with it like a bunch of geeks. Can I actually have a lightsaber, a real one this time!??
I mean, I know they gave me a training lightsaber in game one and two.
Could it possibly be like the grand theft auto games, moving where I wish.
Or at the least, let me have more cities upon a planet.

And could the force powers be anymore dull?
Make em strong! Let me use force lighting and watch em fry! Baw aha ha haha. No really, they had been lame. Give me something worthmy money.
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Post by bigredpanda »

CaPtAnObVuS wrote:They need to make your character able to talk. Everyone has a voice except for you even if its a generic male or female voice I want to hear some speech.
I can't see why they "need" to do this. Obviously "everyone else" can talk, their characters are specified by the game - your character is created individually by you.
The whole problem with KoTOR is that KoTOR 1 and KoTOR 2 where made by two different companies so they can't link the games togeather.
I'll disagree with you here as well. I thought the games linked together well - essentially, each game stands as a separate effort that, if you've played them both, you can pick up on the connections. I've said this quite a few times before, but you have to think about players who would be coming to the game new, and not having played the previous games. K3 would have to have some "meaning" to them as well.
Also they need to make it less hard to covnvert your members to Jedi. The whole convorsation thing, if you say practically one thing wrong then they never become Jedi.
I liked that part of the game. A bit of difficulty never hurt anybody. Jedi's are meant to be special people, after all... It's true there could have been ways to make up for your mistakes somehow, though.