But then..fails started..
No multiplayer..ffs which century are those ppl living in..
(there is a multi mod which is damn hard to imply..i managed but it is also crappy,makes the other player appear as an npc.he appears as a human no matter if it's dunmer or khajit.besides u can,yes enter same buildings dungeons but actually u both are playing on ur own world.1player kills an npc but its alive in urs..no trade between players and the accuracy of the location of other player is just close to the actual place he is standing)
The item infos are bad..all swords appear same damage somehow..i thought it is because of my skill..being so low..but I didnt see any difference as i gain levels and skills,same in the armor..why not using 2 digit numbers so i can see difference..but no
map..dont even wanna talk about it. a 10 yearold designer can get better results.
levelling system..those little goblins are much better than me gaining levels..lol game forces u to get +5 multiplers all the time or u wont be able to beat 2 monsters at same time.u get blade skill as ur major..but nono..u should raise ur Hth and blunt..whats the point of choosing it as major if i am forced to use other ones at dungeons..
u can never see the actual hitpoints that ur items have..u wont even know about it unless u check some f.a.q.
u can open very hard locks at the begining of game..mini game looks cool but..why raise ur skill if u can already able to make it.
morrowind was much fun..exploring wise,there were tons of legendary items to chase..but in this game loots are matching ur level..well yes there are some exceptions but do u remember morrowind??
arena ..being a gladiator?? u can drink potions..so where is the challenge..even worse if u are conjuror.summon and just block..kids are dying
did they actually played their own game?what is beta testers for? no one complaint about map and so on?
overall this game is a 6 over 10 and a toal dissapointment for the fans.i cant even imagine how game magazines rated this game so high?possibly because there arent much alternatives.
Rpg is dying because of mmo games out there.
damn i typed too much x) but dunno just need to talk someone
yet still there are many gamers on this community..maybe some can suggest some other games to me..for multiplayer..i am looking for a good 2 player rpg if possible.are there any good games out there worth playing?