I have been playing my character for some 14 hours, and have gotten to level 22. I'm pretty happy with my character, but maybe someone can propose a more refined version of what I have;
Race: Khajiit
Birthsign: The Thief
Class: (Custom) Doombringer
Level: 22
Health: 133
Magicka: 168
Fatigue: 258
(I'm only going to put down my preferred stats here
Intelligence: 84 (its been damaged, and I have 140 infamy so no forgiveness for me....)
Willpower: 83 (same story as Intellligence)
Agility: 100
Speed: 91
Major Skills;
Alteration: 79
Destruction: 31
Illusion: 40
Mysticism: 46
Light Armour: 100
Marksman: 54 (59 with my permanent +5 boost)
Sneak: 62 (67 with my +5 boost)
I don't use my magic an awful lot (except for my alteration which I use for levelling), I'd rather shoot with my Hatred's Soul bow anyway.
So again, if anyone has a better version of this build, I'd like to hear it.