I'm looking forward to the next restart with this mod!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to your playing reports, too!

They have a PURPOSE! lol Danged slimes! But they do give Ophelia Wort now and I am very happy about THAT! Now I'm really looking forward to travelling to Arindale! Oh! But sometimes you get Ochre Pollen in the sewers! Yeah!! Very happy!
Let me guess, you already have some Poisonous Clouds now, am I right?
GTS is now what you've called your Giant Spiders, and they give more experience--good. I like that. Scorpions are called "Secret Car"?? lol What's up with that, eh? More experience for them, as well.. and more experience for snakes. Yeah.
"GTS" actually means "Giant Trapdoor Spider". The term "secret car" is just for fun. Yes, they give more EXP because of their annoying poison - I thought that the more annoying an enemy is, the more experience it should give. It made no sense that a Dire Wolf could give more EXP than a Black Widow! So this has been changed. Several other types of enemies also give a little bit more experience, and by all means, kill the Elven Wizard in the last Trial of the Elders if you get there, he will give 1.5 million experience points (but depending on your character it can easily take a few hours to whittle him down)!
I'm struggling hard not to put points into bargain though..........."Please, Sir? May I?" LOL
Just wait a little more time until you have a good feeling for how the game plays without that skill

By the way, I started a new character some days ago, and for the added challenge I decided to play
multiplayer mode. Of course there is nobody who I could play with, so I'm playing alone, but without the "inventory cheat" the game is much harder. My urgoth died twice already (and it's not a Minimum Urgoth

), the first time happened in the Catacombs where two Headless Brutes cornered me and chopped my head off (with inventory cheat they would have been a snap) and the second time was in Talendor where Captain Durreck and several dozen Grim soldiers, mages, goblins, goblin mages and helos all attacked me at once, they once again cornered and killed me.
Maybe from now on I will always play in multiplayer mode to make the game harder

! Cause now the game will not pause if I go into my inventory - strictly speaking, every time one enters inventory in single player mode is cheating because the player will continue to regenerate health and spells and no new monsters will spawn, this is also something that will not work in multiplayer. And of course the dreaded Cursed Spirits are a huge pain in the posterior now because I cannot wait out the freeze effect by going into inventory. They nearly killed me several times already. Now that I have a Ward of Ice crystal with lots of charges they aren't as problematic any longer but in the Catacombs I didn't have the crystal yet and had to fling fireballs and magic missiles at them while trying valiantly not to get hit or I would be slain without hope. If there is more than one cursed spirit attacking me at the same time and I do not have the crystal active, it's GAME OVER!
However, I did not die again after the Talendor incident. Now I'm past Ulm already and my Urgoth is Fighter/Mage/Knight/Sorcerer, the third tier class will be the cheesy wizard (when I started this character I figured I'd need as much spell power as I could get, so I can stand a chance against the enemies even if I don't have an ability to wait out negative effects in inventory mode). And I also found out that Nether Magic (especially summoning spells) is way more useful in multiplayer mode as I can summon rats/skeletons/borloths who will stand guard while I'm opening chests and such (the game will never pause now, even if I'm in conversation with an NPC). And this brings me to the worst problem that I encountered in multiplayer mode so far:
The placing of Feros Duul in Skuldoon. Arrrrrrgh! Whenever I try to trade with him now, the game will spawn some annoying monsters close by which will continue to breath fire/locust swarm/whatever through the wall or walk around the hut and corner me in there while I'm trying to buy some nether magic from Duul! Because this is so endlessly annoying I tried to buy one of everything, sell all of them to Mundruff and then buy as many as I want from him, avoiding the random spawns, but Mundruff is one greedy as hell ******* who charges me almost double the price!

And no, I'm not going to put a point into bargain.
Well, at least Rianna is in an area where random spawns are less annoying and she also sells nether/arcane magic. In the swamp the random encounters are often fish who never ever come after me while I'm standing at Rianna and buying stuff from her. The fish can go on land but only if I'm in the water, and even if they somehow managed to get inside the shop, they wouldn't be too annoying because the piranhas don't deal no damage anyway and the bloodgills are easy targets if they are on land.
Of course I absolutely owned all the Elders in the Ancients Trial. Kyusho was pushed out of his corner by my skeletons, falling down on the ground, then I locked him up with Poisonous Cloud and my Kama of Flame and he never landed a blow. The banshee was a pushover and the "Master Elder" almost put me to sleep. Of course the last remaining *******, the wizard, was harder to beat because I didn't have any flying summons (no summon haunt, no fiend, and certainly no divine intervention) so I emptied all my arcane magic on him, taking off about one third of his health. Then I tried locust swarm and poisonous cloud but it didn't work right, the locusts needed way too long to fly up to the wizard's platform and didn't do any meaningful damage while the poison cloud never flew up far enough and didn't do any damage at all. So I pinged away with shuriken and every so often I fired off more arcane magic until he finally died.
Ulm was very easy. The only oops moment was when battling Myrus Fathien, my borloth had him locked up and I was also trying to keep the sweet bladewitches at bay by summoning rats. Myrus died too far away and I did not get the key, so I was SOL and had to load my game. But everything else was no problem. Thanks to the blast nova spellbooks I let whole squads of Poison Slimes go up in smoke, greatly increasing my supply of Ophelia Worts thanks to a level 6 alchemy skill.

When I was finished with Ulm two fire drakes spawned at the same time on the road back to Arindale, and I was crazy enough to attack them in melee with a dwarfen axe of fire. Hmm, I just noticed that there can be only 10 smilies in one post... that's annoying! But anyway, I ran out of ward of fire charges before I could finish one of the drakes so I stood back and fired zap, magic missile and fire burst. Of course I didn't bother with summoning. But after firing off all my arcane magic both drakes were still alive, and a squad of Drey Elves had spawned. I nova'ed them to Oblivion and decided to be insane: I went toe to toe with the first drake, without crystal ward of fire, and I KILLED THE DAMNED THING! WOOHOO! So now there was only one left, but a squad of Carrion Worms had spawned so I cast a few novas again. Now the other drake was very low on health and I used my axe again and hacked him to pieces. Hahahahahahaha!