Menzoberranzan was a role playing game that SSI brought out in 1994. The game starts in a human village which is attacked and torched by Drow. After you help to douse the fires it comes to light that a lot of villagers have been kidnapped. Your task is to find the entrance to the Drow lair and descend into the underdark, find the Drow city and free the captives. It's a party game, and when ou find the entrance you are confronted by A Drow elf wielding twin scimitars who offers to help you.Stworca wrote:You've picked my interest. What is this? Where? How?
There is one fairly large (by the standards of the day) where you can hone your skills a bit, but from then on it's a dungeon crawl ending with you (in disguise IIRC) exploiting Drow intrigue to achieve your ultimate goal.
Menzoberranzan is of course Dizzt's home town, so maybe this is the first encounter he has with the surface. I'm not sure about this because I've never bothered with any of the books, but I've always since then considered Drizzt to be 'my' protegé.
PS I still have the original disk for the game, but have never been able to get it to run on XP.