I 'm about to enter Baldur's Gate (after killing Prat & co. In the catacombs) & I'm having a bit of trouble thinking up a strategy for killing Sarevok & his friends... I don't want to have to spam the Wand Of Monster summoning,(or cast a bunch of monster summoning spells) so please keep that in mind. My mage (conjurer) has hit the experience cap, & has basically every spell possible. That means everything from Magic Missile to Cloudkill. Thanks for your help in advance
Edit: Okay now I ran into a bug that every time I would try to save or rest I would get the message
"you cannot save when resting, chapter informatives, or movies. I have to uninstall TOTSC to be able to save again, so now I can only cast up to Lv 3 spells... This is gonna be a hell of a challenge... HELP!