This is very difficult to answer.
I think someone's already said it, but I'll say it again anyway, the main problem with this topic is that for a game to be THAT bad one would probably have turned it off and deleted it before it even had a chance to lodge in one's memory.
I've bought countless games over the years I have no recollection of in any way other than 'that game I bought that didn't work or I didn't get the hang of so I sold it back to the resale shop' or similar.
It seems unfair to list any that I can remember the titles of as this would do them less justice than the ones that didn't even qualify for memory space.
I tried one of the
Heroes of Might and Magic games once. That lasted about 10 minutes on my hard drive. I currently have
A Farewell To Dragons, but it crashes to desktop so I deleted that after 10 minutes.
Morrowind is a first person game, but I can't enjoy first person games, I like the bird's eye view, so that only lasted 30 minutes on my hard drive. Both
Sacred and
Fable had regenerating monsters, and I can't stand regenerating monsters, so they both lasted until my initial blast session was over then they were deleted. I can't remember if it was
Diablo or
Balder's Gate, but one of those had regenerating monsters so that went the same way.
Fallout just had too much micro-detail and over-fussy inventory management and skill allocation, so goodbye to that (not to mention too much NPC dialogue from NPCs who had no part in the story, though there was no way of telling before you engage them in tedious conversation, oh and the map was freaky weird aswell - but then mine might have been glitched).
The reasons can be many and varied.
But it's for personal taste reasons that people such as myself can really enjoy
Neverwinter or
Dragon Age.
Let's see the checkboxes...
Bird's eye view - tick
Obvious inventory - tick
Bad guys stay dead - tick
Immediate gratification stat allocation - tick
Doesn't crash - tick
Are they perfect games? No chance, but, for me at least, they do continue the type and style I like, even if they lack the magic of older titles in the same format.
Controversial tag-line