First, do you meet all the requirements for Arcane Scholar. (From the GB subsite) They are:
� Skills: Spellcraft 8 ranks
� Feats: Empower Spell, Skill Focus (Concentration), and Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
� Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
Also, might you be restricted from Arcane Scholar based on your race? I haven't played NWN2 in years, so I cannot recall if it does that.
If you meet the requirements, are you running any mods for the game, are you playing Multi-Player or on another server, or have you done any file editing? Any of these could impose special rules or change requirements. For example, a balance mod might restrict or limit over-powered combinations.
If all else fails, read ... faqs/50858 . It's pretty long, but it has a complete breakdown of class-building strategies, with links to other sites which suggest builds.