I know it isn't a true vision. From what I have read their hasn't every been a true communist country. With human nature the way it is, I doupt there will be one in the way it was written to be.Originally posted by fable:
<STRONG>It's not necessarily a true vision of Communism; the specific does not automatically imply the general. But it is a true vision of Chinese cultural life, which for all its extraordinary achievements (and I mean that) has simply never placed a high value on human life or dignity.</STRONG>
I found this while looking up information on China and the Olympics.
I kind of agree with this statement.Well essentially it boils down to who got it right - Adam Smith or Karl Marx. I think Smith was more the realist and Marx more of the idealist.
I think as long as you have a class structure in society, the capitalist model (however exploitive) is the one that will be in place. If you can somehow eliminate class (ironically, even the 'communist' governments simply replaced the bourgeosie/nobility with a powerful and relatively wealthy beaurocrat class), then communism could work. I just don't see this happening.
Capitalism may have its evils, but its the end result of how humans have developed over time. Wealth and power have always been unequally distributed in recorded history, what would make that stop now?