Ok, time to get things rolling again.
Despite numerous feedings, Melosh-tar continues to feel weak. Something is draining him...slowly and inexorably killing him. His ?sickness? is getting worse, and Melosh feels worse every day. That night he can hardly rise from his sleep. If he doesn't do something quick, Melosh knows he will surely perish.
Doubt me if you must, I care not. Anything else?
Void and Aran stare intently at each other for a moment, assessing each other. Then Aran breaks the silence.
Aran: That's it for now, oh cynical one.(smiles) Keep your secret for all I care. Give Magus and his little elf my regards.
He gives a mocking salute, and the meeting adjourns. The party walks past the sentries into the hall, and the doors close behind them.
(to the party)
That one is crafty. But it's only to be expected from the leader of the Shadow Thieves.
Fallout: Are we done sneaking around? I say we go smash in Ubik's door now and end this.
Rail: Not yet, my friend. We have one more ace yet to play. (turns to Void, grinning)
The hakeashar's eyes light up in a conspiratory smile.
(to party)
Indeed. But let us discuss this in a safer place. For now, we will retire to the Rift. We'll need Magus for the next step of our plan. Hopefully the Rift has rejuvenated him by now.
That said, Void concentrates his energies, and the surroundings fade around the party. They reappear in Magus's bedroom.
The room is large and well decorated. Pictures of famous people, battles, and things pertaining to magic adorn the walls, framed in a strange glowing material. The pictures themselves lie behind a strange surface that seems to shimmer. One in particular catches the eye. It portrays Mystra's death at the hands of Helm during the Time of Troubles.
Several windows are built into the far wall, looking out over the beautiful garden. A lavish silk bed with an overhang lies in one corner, in the style popular among royalty and nobles. In the center of the room lies the comatose Magus, looking slightly more pallid than before. His breathing is barely discernable.
Void hovers, appearing to be deep in concentration.
@All: Take this as an opportunity to explore the room, examine Magus, etc. Any contact with Void will initiate the next sequence. Besides Magus, of course, there are some other items of significance in the room. They're not story-critical, but you can have some fun with them. Hint: There's something funny about those pictures...
@Aegis: I can't hold things up any longer. I'll check back tomorrow, and if you haven't responded I'm going to have to do the battle myself. The story's progression is now directly linked to the continued development of Magus and Aerie, so I can't wait any more.
@Gruntboy: You're such a spammer.
Thanks for the compliment about the story. Hop in whenever you like.
@Fallout: Nice story. There was so many different characters I couldn't keep them straight.
Did you play them as a party in BG1 or BG2? (playing as your own party through multiplayer) How do you like your "Can we just kill Ubik already?" line?
@Melosh: I'm not kidding about you dying. There's a simple and specific reason for this, one that you brought up and not me. Here's what you can do:
1)Scour your messages for little slips that could have caused this. Then remedy it yourself.
2)Do some research on vampires (in the game). I'll respond with your findings.
3)Find someone who will help you. I'll play the person, but you can give me attire and personality details of the person if you wish.
If you don't do something quick, the consequences could be grim.
@Rail: Magus is a force for good! At least when he's not spazzing or lying comatose.
Didn't intrude upon anything you wanted to do with Aran, did I? Also, I replied to your e-mail.
BTW, that's gracious of you to offer to play KidD01's character. I thank you.
Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-01-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-01-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-01-2001).]