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Athkathla II

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Post by Xandax »

I didn't have time to write today (java-programming problem :eek: ), so feel free to advance my character
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Post by Magus »

@all: Where is everybody? :( I’ll wait to post until some of you guys get a chance to.
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Post by Xandax »

not many is around on weekends (except me :) ) - btw I don't really know what to do next, so my "piece" is taking a bit time :o
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Post by CM »

I am out of the picture so i can't do anything.
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: I really don't know what you have planned. I am gonna have to see, or least get something of a hint, before I can continue.
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Post by Aegis »

@All: Chapter nine is now edited, and up.
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Post by Rail »

Magus remarked to Vridel, "You have much fighting prowess, Drow. Perhaps, in the future, you may learn to use for the better good, and not your petty assassinations."

The irony of the comment struck forcefully on Rail, and he struggled to keep back a smile. He had stayed at Magus' side during the struggle, only out of respect for the goodly mage. He made it no secret who he'd rather have come out on top on this struggle, or any other involving the hated Cowled fools.

He remained calm through the revelation of the lurking Thryn and the mention of Lazal once again, though his mind was racing. He was slowly starting to piece together what he'd figured Magus already knew, and his hatred of Lazal grew by the minute. He glanced down at the scarred, rune-covered fist and vowed once again to kill, but whether it was for vengeance of for fullfilling his sense of what was right, he could not tell. A mix of the two, most likely. He glanced at the eager drow and the grim human and smiled. They were all ready do do the same as Rail. Only the method differed. When it came down to it, maybe he wasn't so far gone, thought Rail of himself. Maybe there was hope for his own salvation. Maybe the monster hadn't taken him over yet. Time and deeds would tell, he supposed. He forceably unclenched his fist and listened to the mage, his friend.
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Post by Aegis »

As MAgus spoke to the small group, the Theives having left a few minutes ago, Virdel found his mind begining to wander back to the day were he helped slay that demon. It wasn't so much the demon, or the presence of the Shadow Theives fighting such an evil creature that made him think, but the Mage who stood on the upper rafters, and in the shadows. The one that cast the fireball into their midst. Could've that been Lazal? Could he have any connection. He didn't know for sure, and knew for fact that no trace would be left, especially this long after the encounter. He also felt no need to bring it up to Magus, as the intelligent Mage probably had suspicians about events like that already.

The Drow wiped some grime off his face, and looked into space for a few minutes more before saying anything. There was an odd sensation in the air. He felt it, having spent his childhood growing up in Drow society. It was very faint, and he figured it was from the recent battle. It wasn't he noticed the Hakeashar above him turn it's own coporeal head, trying to discern what exactly it was in the air. Virdel wasn't sure if Magus knew, or if the Half-Elf's senses were keen enough to pick it up, but both Void and Virdel sensed it. It was a familar sensation. One of death.


@All: I kept this one short, because it seems that no one else is really posting (except Rail) and I want to progress this more. Magus, it's in your court now.
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Post by Xandax »

It seemed the business at the battleground were over. Xandax looked around at the people gathered. Not feeling the need to stay in this area Xandax wondered where to go to next.
”I’ll take my leave for now – there is no reason for me being here. I’ll go see what the Helm is up to, if I can find any.” Xandax said to Magus, then he walked away. As he turned away he saw the expression on the drows face – Xandax smelled it to. This stench had all but engulfed the city during Xandax’ stay.
Xandax started to walk away, wondering what to do next.
He would go to the former Helm compound, to see what survivors there were. They would inevitably gather there, to regroup, to lay down arms and scatter. Xandax walked slowly down the alleys, the air was cool, and not a sound was heard. It would be dawn soon, and the citizens of Atkathla would once again emerge from their homes, out to the street, greeted by the numerous dead that were scatter all over the place from the nights many encounters between the thieves and the Helm. Xandax thought about how many thieves that had laid their live, how many they still had in Atkathla – if they had time to bring in reinforcement from nearby cities. The Helm would properly be all but decimated, seeing as they were part of the city guards this would leave the defence of Atkathla pretty thin.
And again the wizards came to mind – were the cowards, it would not seem likely. Were they infact allianced with the thieves? – not likely either. Was this Lazal part of the wizards – didn’t seem likely either, Magus would properly have know it then – he seemed to command respect from the wizards.
During his thinking Xandax came to the conclusion – either the wizards would be attacked by some force during the next couple of days, or the wizards were partly responsible for this nights slaughter.

He got closer to the building that once served as the headquarters for the Black Helm. It was now a ruin, parts of it burning, while other parts had collapsed. The streets were still empty, the commoners were properly afraid to come out of their houses.
Xandax noticed a group sitting on the ground. Calahan was one of them, he had recovered from his battle with Virdel. He was not happy. He was talking to a roped man.
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Post by Magus »

@all: All right :) I thought I was going to have to roleplay everybody! :eek:

* * * * *

As Xandax left, Magus fell deep into thought. Corellan had accused the Shadow Thieves of plotting the Cowled Wizards’ downfall. But from the looks of it, Aran thought the attack had been totally unprovoked. Such a dangerous misunderstanding was uncharacteristic of the keen guild leaders. He had a nagging feeling that Lazal had a part in all this.

Magus thought back to his meeting with Corellan.

“How did you find out about this plot, as you call it?” he had asked.

“One of our freelance operators warned us...”

Freelance operator! Why hadn’t he realized it sooner!?

But why...?

His eyes shot towards the dark assassin, his voice sharp and commanding. “Rail. Do you know any reason at all why Lazal would have conspired to start a guild war?”

* * * * *

“If each leader tells the truth, I fear something sinister is going on. And I bet Lazal is somehow involved.”

Aerie watched her husband’s face. They hadn’t had much time to talk, and she knew little of this Lazal. But powerful he must have been to do what he did to Rail. Gazing at Magus, she saw the wheels spinning feverishly behind his eyes.

Then a feeling, an odor almost, passed over her. As a cleric, she knew it only too well. It was the stench of death, the reek of the living dead. The faint sensation was gone in an instant.

“Rail. Do you know any reason at all why Lazal would have conspired to start a guild war?”

Magus’s voice jolted her from her reflections. She pushed them to the back of her mind, giving Magus and Rail her full attention.

* * * * *

“Where in the Hells were you bastards during the fight? We were nearly wiped out!” Calahan yelled at the robed man, his helm conspicuously absent.

Xandax approached unnoticed.

“Calm yourself,” the man commanded, irritated. -Did he always have to be the one to deal with all the Wizards’ undesirables?- Sarak thought.

“It wasn’t our fault that you people let word of the assault leak. Our preparations weren’t finished yet,” Sarak reminded him.

Calahan’s face turned beat red, and he looked ready to rip the wizard apart with his bare hands. As it was, he barely restrained himself.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I must depart. The time of our own attack draws nigh.” The Cowled Wizard gestured, and disappeared in a swirl of magic.

Calahan’s armored fists clenched. Suddenly he recognized Xandax standing nearby.

“YOU! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN THOSE DAMNED THIEVES BURNED DOWN OUR HEADQUARTERS!?” Calahan screamed, grabbing his halberd and advancing threateningly.

* * * * *

@Aegis: Was the sensation of death Virdel was feeling the approaching undead? If it was, I’m not sure how he felt it...
BTW, I’m kind of ignoring Void right now, as you can probably see. It’s a flaw of mine that I can’t effectively play three characters simultaneously :) (Magus, Aerie, Void) Void probably would have sensed the undead, as you said, so you can have him and Virdel interact if you want.

@Fas: It’s up to you whether Faisal senses the approaching undead ;)

@craig: Sent you another PM.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by CM »

Jolted from his bed by an unidentifiable stench, Faisal was tired weary and confused. It took a good 5 minutes to recognize where he was and recall the events earlier. He checked for any wounds but there was no trace of them.

Again the stench permeated the room and Faisal gagged and almost threw up on the floor. Faisal left an urgency for what reason he did not know but he must get to Ribald at once. His heart was in his throat and pounding fast by the time he reached the old cleric.

Ribald was already awake and pouring over his cleric spells and he had another book on his bedside table.

“Ah you are finally awake,” said Ribald “that is good I was about to wake you. You can smell and feel it can’t you?” Without waiting for a response the old cleric continued, “That is the reek of the dead, there seems to have been a great battle through the night and many have died. I believe that your friends are some how involved and so you must leave to help them.”

Faisal with his mouth open could not think of what to say, so Ribald continued “I have taken all the spells within this temple and made a copy for you.” Handing over the book on the table he said, “This is your cleric spell book. All the spells known to me have been added to the book on special paper, which will not age or be stained by anything.”

Faisal still shocked and half sleepy did not how to react to this sudden spur of events and just sat down on the chair next to him. Ribald came up to Faisal and put the book in his lap and said, “You must hurry, and if the dead are raised your friends will need you to help turn the undead.”

With that Ribald grabbed Faisal and lead him to his room, where Faisal dressed for battle grabbing his shield and sword and the old cleric checked the spell book again if anything was missing. Faisal suddenly came to life as everything had sunk in, and turned to the old man, grabbed his hand in a warrior’s handshake and ran towards the exit. As soon as he step out, the stench of decay was obvious. But what do I do now? Where would they be? With no better idea of what to do, Faisal headed for the Copper Coronet in hope that he could find a clue to what his friends had been up too.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Rail »

@Magus- Well, I'm going to take some initiative on the story line, here. You've kinda set me up to answer some questions that I'd like to run with, but I hope it doesn't mess up any of your plans.

@All- sorry again for the length.
* * *

“Rail. Do you know any reason at all why Lazal would have conspired to start a guild war?”

The assassin scowled, but somehow a smile seemed to work it's way to his face. It was the kind of smile that banished the hope in even the most arrogant of mages. "It's not Lazal we need to worry about." Rail wasn't sure if the smell of death in the air was coming from his dark mood or from another source, but he didn't really care. He had lived so long in death's shadow, he knew no other way. That the shadow had failed to claim him was a comfort, albeit a small one.

Aerie's brow furrowed in confusion as she gazed worriedly at her husband's friend. "If not Lazal, then who?"

Thryn responded, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Every sign I can see seems to point right at the mage and the other Cowled Wizards, so..."

Rail cut him off before he could finish. "Lazal is either a pawn or a fool. Probably both!" His speech was slow and steady. Precise. Cold.

Magus remained silent, watching the exchange. The grim set of his jaw looked unnatural with his elven features. It was a look only gained through observed or endured hardship and suffering. It was of past tragedies remember, and future ones foreseen. He hoped the people around him would be spared experiencing what he had seen in his lifetime. He straightened his stance and sighed, drawing upon that inner strength he was famous for. Share your insight, my friend.

"A pawn of whom, thief?" Virdel was full of defiance, arms crossed and feet set firmly apart.

Rail smiled again, showing no mirth. "You know that smell, drow. I can tell." Virdel shifted uncomfortably, but set his jaw firmer, if that were possible. "When was the last time you could feel such a weight in the air? Notice how it called to it's dispensers like a dryad lures the weak. It hates those that resist but fight on, even as it feeds in their wake. It howls insatiably, yet makes you believe it can be satisfied. It has not howled like this since the time of troubles."

Aerie gasped and put her hand over her mouth, staring in horror, either at the assassin or at his words.

Thryn frowned. "What do you mean, thief? Is he a god?"

Rail shrugged, though his answer was far more clear. "No. Perhaps he is a Chosen. Perhaps he is Bhaalspawn. Perhaps he feigns to fill a vacancy. Regardless, he is being directed by another power, that much is clear." Shadows and darkness seemed to cling to the assassin's words, though Rail seemed not to mind.

Virdel's eyes narrowed and a smile grew. The assassin is defeated and he believes divine intervention has to be the cause. Relaxing to a more casual pose, hands on hilts, the drow remarked, "What makes you believe this man is who you claim?"

Magus stood wordless, taking in the group.

Rail turned his dark smile toward the drow warrior. "He knew I was there, but he couldn't detect me himself. He never used single target spells, only area affect, and only centered near me. He adjusted his eyes as though someone were telling him where to look, not as someone who noticed anything. His spells and power are laced with the divine, not in ways a cleric uses, but more as a planetar wields divine energy, though with much less grace." Magus raised an eyebrow at that last comment, but Rail seemed not to notice. "He spends much of his time in communion-type ritual I am not familiar with, and those don't exist for conventional mages. Need I go on or have I met with your approval, yet?"

Virdel smiled slightly at the arrogance of the human, though it was not so different from his own. Yet the words hit the warrior with the grim ring of truth. Here in Lazal was a beast far more fearsome than a Yochlol or a Balur. Here was a foe unlike any the drow had crossed blades with. Somewhere deep with in the warrior, he longed for the challenge, even while he knew the task could be deadly unlike any he had ever known. He nodded in respect to the dark assassin who, cloaked in intangible shadows of body and soul, seemed an unlikely ally in such an upright cause. The line in the sand had been drawn and Virdel was ready to fight.

Magus stepped slowly forward, looking each of the companions in the eye, one by one, seeming to see deep into each heart with his soul-searching gaze. Aerie hoped her husband would chime in to refute the assassin's claim, but the firm but peaceful set of his jaw spoke volumes. She hadn't seen such calm sadness in Magus' eyes in many years. "Now you know," the mage began with grim finality, "and if any of you wish to turn back, you will not be though less for doing so."
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Post by Craig »

"No magus i wish to continue, this may be fun", a grin came up on his face "Besides Sarevoks path should not be an example", the others looked in intresest,
"He has the guilds wraped round his, godly, finger, a war is comming"
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Post by Magus »

@Rail: Wow, you guessed my plans right on. Well, at least you don't know exactly who he's working for ;)
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Post by Aegis »

@Craig: Sarevok? What is he doing here?
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Post by Rail »

Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>@Rail: Wow, you guessed my plans right on. Well, at least you don't know exactly who he's working for ;) </STRONG>
I tried to leave that open (who he's working for). I'm glad I wasn't too far off on my presumption.
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Post by Magus »

@all: Sorry guys, got piled with work today. I'll post tomorrow :)
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Post by Craig »

@Aegis no where isn't Magus the bhaal spawn? and killed him did athkatla I and now is doing Athkatla II so sarevok is dead
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Post by Xandax »

I actually have no real idea of what to do next, so I don't think I'll be able to post tonight :eek:
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Post by Aegis »

@Craig: you've really lost me.... Magus is a Half-Elf Mage. Athkatla I didn't have anything to do with the bhaal Spawn
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