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Athkathla II

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Post by Rail »

@Aegis- I'm with you. :confused:

@Craig- You lost me there. I threw in the bhaalspawn comment to show he is someone powerful and somehow tied to the gods. I think this story is taking place after the Bhaalspawn wars, and I'm sure anyone with a feel for the pulse of the Sword Coast would be familiar with them. However, I doubt most people would know of any resolution to the conflict and certainly they would not know of any "ascension" to godhood. My character would know of the Bhaalspawn, but he would not know it is all over. He may assume another one could pop up, even though there has not been one around for many years.

@all- Just as a side note (and a rhetorical question)..., was Bhaal the only god who forsaw his own demise? Could other gods have prepared for their fall in the same way as Bhaal? Could Lazal be a "banespawn"? Just a thought. :)

[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
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Post by Magus »

@craig: Ok. You just said Magus was a Bhaalspawn, right? And that Magus killed Sarevok in Roleplaying in Athkatla? If so, that’s a nay on both counts. Magus is no Bhaalspawn. And Sarevok had almost nothing to do with Roleplaying in Athkatla (maybe you’re thinking of Raistlin). Though KidD01 briefly mentioned himself killing Sarevok in his past, I think.

@Xandax: Do what your character would do, of course :) Just don’t assume it will/won’t work. Throwing out tight situations and seeing what you’ll all do is a sadistic pleasure of mine :D Perhaps you could call them tests of character.. ;)

* * * * *

"Now you know," the mage began with grim finality, "and if any of you wish to turn back, you will not be thought less of for doing so."

"No Magus, I wish to continue. This may be fun." A grin came up on Thryn’s face. "Besides, Sarevok’s path should not be an example." The others looked in interest.

"He has the guilds wrapped round his godly finger. A war is coming."

The name Sarevok ringed faintly to Magus. Then he remembered. Sarevok was an upstart in Baldur’s Gate that had tried to start a war with Amn a while ago. But he was swiftly deposed by a band of vengeful adventurers, and relations between the two powers returned to normal. Perhaps Thryn had been a member of the group.

Regardless, Thryn was right. The river of fate flowed swiftly, and its currents threatened war. Of its own accord the image of a raft came to mind, carried steadily by rushing waters to a falls. He and his friends were aboard it, paddling furiously against the inexorable tide. Against fate. The thought sent an involuntary shudder down his spine.

But that didn’t mean they should stop paddling...

Looking from one person to the next, he realized they were all with him. Thryn for adventure. Virdel for the challenge, and perhaps the sheer, arrogant obstinance of one who wouldn’t, even couldn’t, acknowledge someone greater than he.

And then Rail. Magus never quite knew what motivated the assassin. Friendship, of course, perhaps duty. But there was something else too, something that he couldn’t put his finger on. Something darker...

Magus nodded towards Rail. “I’ve suspected what you say since our bout with that demon. Wizards summon creatures; they don’t create them. And your disease was no mere sorcery. But you knew that.”

Magus’s gaze encompassed everyone. “We must tread carefully, my friends. We don’t know who, or what we’re dealing with.” He paused. “But we do know one thing. Forever whatever reason, whatever twisted end, he’s pitted the Guilds, the de facto rulers of Amn, at each other’s throats.”

He looked off into the distance, thinking. He spoke next as if to himself. “The Council of Ten should be in session now, what with the crisis and all.” His eyes traveled back to the group. “I’d like to have words with them before we stumble about further.”

As dimensional doors surrounded them, the uneasy feeling of approaching undead came over Aerie again. She would have to talk to Magus about it after they met with the Council.

* * * * *

@Fas: You know, you could spend the rest of the story trailing after us ;) Why don’t you just stumble into us somewhere? :)
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Post by Magus »

@Rail: Didn't see your last comment when I posted, so here goes:

I kind of imagine the story in a "pseudoworld" of its own, if that makes any sense :) The events of Throne of Bhaal either have not yet taken place, or will not. I favor the latter answer. My reasoning is that the Bhaalspawn conflict never grew to such proportions. It stayed localized and on the individual level. A few new tyrants and heroes arose here and there, but nothing significant changed on the global level.

As for your stated question, I think I'll leave you wondering :D Can't spoil everything, you know? ;)
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: Council of six. small goof on your part! :D by the way, i'm going to take a bit of lee-way, and have you, Rail, and Virdel go meet with the council.


Lazal stalked the length of the council room. Everything he had planned was moving along nicely, and even though the Black Helm still had forces, he deemed them no threat to his over all wishes. A sadistic smile crossed his face as he thought of the casulties on both sides of the recent engagment. Both the shadow Theives and Black Helm had been decimated, and reduced in numbers drastically. He stopped his paceing, and gleemed out the nearest window. He watched as the sun broke through the clouds, and over the city. The streets below, having been the scene of a vicious guild war that night, glistened with the still wet blood. bodies littered almost every corner of the district. The havoc he had caused. Lazal reveled in it, almost as if he fed of it.

He turned his gaze to his replaced Council of Six. they had done their job's well so far, each one keeping the people ignorant to what was going on. He wondered if this next challenge would prove to be to difficult, or if they would handle it nicely. Lazal was not an imbecile. He knew that the second the Arch-Mage, Magus, saw this carnage, he would be knocking at the doors to speak to the Council.

As if on que, the sound of argueing could be heard outside the main door to the chamber. the words were muffled beyond his hearing, but Lazal knew it was Magus. He calmly took a step back into the shadows of the room, making sure he remained invisible to anyone who might enter the room.


Magus strode to the door gaurd outside the Council's chamber, his jaw locked with grim determination. Beside him both Rail and Virdel kept pace, the same determined look set upon their faces. Virdel had his cloak drawn tightly around his face, hiding his Drowish features, and so far it was doing it's job. Both of the Dark Elf's hands rested upon the scimitars that rested on his hip. Rail was a little more relaxed, but no less cautious. His numerous weapons remained hidden on his body, but were all accessable with a moments notice. He clenched his artifucal, rune covered hand.

Magus approached the gaurd, stopping a few feet before him. "I am here to speak with Athkatla's ruling council." He betrayed no emotion, standing firm, and with an awe inspiring presence.

The man before Magus merely stuttered, intimidated by the powerful Mage. He had heard tales of Magus, and didn't want to go into bad favour with him, but the man was also loyal to his duties. "I- I can't... Can't let you in..." the man stumbled over his words, each one sounding unfamilar in his mind, even though he had spoken them many times before.

Magus didn't react. He just glanced back to Virdel, who nodded. In the blink of an eye, the Drow covered the distance between him and the gaurd, a scimitar already raised, and held closly to the man's throat. "I beleive that Magus didn't request an audience. He demanded it." The grim look on the Drow was now visible to the man, as was Virdel's features. He didn't react, now fearing both the wrath of Magus, and the Dark Elf's blade. "Now open the door, and we shall not be long."

again, the gaurd stammered, fumbling with his many keys on his belt. finding the right one took a few moments, but as the key slid into the door, and unlocked it, the trio looked pleased. Virdel slid his weapon back into his sheathe, and glanced to Magus. Although Magus did not approve of the Drow's method's, he had to admit that Virdel was proficient. Rail just grinned, noticing how much the Drow resembled his youthful, impetious self.

Magus opened the door to room and casualy walked in, his two companions at his side. He stood to face the shoruded features of the Council, and prepared to make his statment.


@Magus: All yours. :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Sorry :D I was going to check back in the story, but I was offline and didn’t have the page saved. So I just gave it my best guess ;)

@Xandax: Can’t continue your part without you, you know...

* * * * *

Magus opened the door to the room and casually walked in, his two companions at his side. He stood to face the shrouded figures of the Council, and prepared to make his statement.

“Ladies and gentleman,” he began. “I’m sure you’re aware of the terrible guild war that has broken out on Athkatla’s fair streets. Provoked or not, the Black Helm, aided by members of the Cowled Wizards, launched an assault against the Shadow Thieves within the city around midnight. The attack was repelled, with many deaths on both sides. In retaliation, the Thieves razed the Helm’s headquarters only a couple blocks away from here to the ground.”

“I know this situation distresses us all. But action must be taken. This lawless violence cannot be allowed to continue. Not only because of the loss of life and destruction that would undoubtedly result. But because, as I’m sure you all know, such conflict would endanger the safety of the entire country.”

“The guilds have been allowed to have their way for too long, and now we’re paying the price. I implore the Council to take immediate action to quell what is no less than an outright rebellion. The Black Helm’s control of the military is still tremulous. A public condemnation of these renegade guilds and some inspired leadership would be all it will take to win the army over. That accomplished, it would be but a simple matter to declare martial law and subjugate the guilds by force, if necessary.”

“And, of course, I would do all in my power to assist the Council in retaking the authority that the guilds have so flagrantly usurped.”

Magus bowed, and awaited the Council’s response.

* * * * *

@Aegis: You wanted some leeway? Here you go :D Just don’t have Lazal do anything drastic yet ;)
But if you don’t want to handle quite so much, no problem. I’ll finish this tomorrow then.
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: Can’t continue your part without you, you know...
ooc: sorry been tied up with programming, I'll post later today, when I get home from school :)
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Post by Rail »

@All- I'll be taking a much needed vacation over the next week, so I'll have very little time to post. I had hoped to get out a great update to the story, but I've just been swamped, so it'll have to wait until I can next post. See you all soon.
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Post by Xandax »

“YOU! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN THOSE DAMNED THIEVES BURNED DOWN OUR HEADQUARTERS!?” Calahan screamed, grabbing his halberd and advancing threateningly.

Quickly bracing his shield on his arm, and wielding his sword, just in case, Xandax looked at the angry and irritated Calahan.
”Stop right there!” Xandax said in a calmly, yet firmly, tone.
Calahan stopped in his track – this “welp” had never talked back at him before.
“You know, if I didn’t see to it, you’d still be lying under a drow where you got ambushed.”
Xandax said cold.
“I think you need to get your act together, and start telling me what is going on here – otherwise I’d just as well seek other places to pass time” Xandax continued.
Xandax could see in Calahans eyes, that he didn’t know how to react to this mercenary tone of voice.
Xandax standing in a defensive position, with his shield covering his torso and the sword ready to be used – just in case that Calahan didn’t take nicely to being told of.

Xandax waited to see.

I've not written much, because I would imagine you have plans for how Calahan reacts to stuff right now :) , he is proberly not happy}
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Post by CM »

Ok where is aerie?
So that i can meet up with her, as i can't show up at the council meeting! :D
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Post by Aegis »

The council listened patiently to Magus as he spoke. Even though they were doppelgangers controled by the powerful Lazal, they still knew when to pay respect to others who could easily destroy them. One of the Council members stood up from around the circular table, a ashen cloak covering his identity, as was custom of the Council.

"Arch-Mage Magus," He began, his voice strong, showing no hints of any deception. "As you have already pointed out, we are well aware of last nights events, as we can veiw the result from the very window in this room." The man gestured to the window Lazal had been looking out mere minutes ago. Around him, his last comment gathered scattered mumblings, and whispering from the rest of the group. "We also know of your role in the events that happened a decade ago, and the involvement of those you wished to remain hidden." the man began to walk around the edge of the table, his arms folded neatly into the recesses of his cloak. "We have also been informed of you neglectence to join with the Cowled Wizards earlier this month. A proposition that would've allowed this mess to never happen."

The man was leading to something, but Magus was, as yet, unable to figure out what exactly. One thing was sure though, he wouldn't like the result very much.

"We, as the ruling body of Athkatla, have spent the night reveiwing the acts you have commited in the last decade, begining with the occupation of Raistlin Majere, and Aegis Hevet. During this investigation, we learned of your invovlment of yours in training the warrior mage, Aegis." Magus was begining to understand where this was leading, but did not turn in his resolve. "In the past week, you have again showen questionable acts. Casting Tolgerias, a high ranking Cowled wizard, out of your domain out of anger, and not showing proper respect, and then hiring your assasin friend," The man pointed to Rail, oblivious to who the real killer was. Virdel shifted slightly, and glanced to Rail, who wore an expression of anger. "And then your constant conflict with the Cowled Wizards, and your involvement in the recent fight in the Bar known as the Copper Coronet. We have deliberated over this information, and have come to one conclusion."

Magus remained firm, staring straight into the hole where the council Members face was being hidden by the shroud. No words could describe the anger and resentment he was feeling right now. the sheer insolence of these men.

"Magus, we, as Athkatla's ruling council, have branded you as a Traitor to Amn, and as the mastermind behind the events that took place in this fair city. You are charged with plotting conspiracy to all of Amn. You and your coherts will be imprisoned, and sentenced to death." The man finished, and stood still, a fair distance from the mage.

Magus could do no more to hold his outrage. To be branded a traitor, and a conspirator to the land. A look of utter contempt was locked on his face. similar looks found their way to both Rail and Virdel. The Volitile Drow, who no longer cared of those who knew of his race, had thrown back his hood, and both scimitars were raised. Rail had his own blade up, ready to defend himself, and Magus's keen mind was already formulating a plan. As the three were about to react to the charges, the crackling of magic was heard all around them as a dozen blue sphere's appeared from the magical transportaion spell.

A dozen high ranking Cowled Wizards appeared from their magical doorways, some holding wooden staffs, others using swords, which was rare for a mage. All these weapons, Magus held no doubt, were magical in nature. These new men that appeared were of the Command structure of the Cowled Wizards, Corellon among them.

Still hidden in the shadows, Lazal smiled...


@Magus: I believe you mentioned something about akward little situations to get off that you like so much? :D
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Post by Magus »

@Xandax: Just curious: what did Xandax have to do with Virdel sparing Calahan’s life?

@Fas: They’re all with Magus in the Council room. Sorry about that :)

* * * * *

“I think you need to get your act together, and start telling me what is going on here – otherwise I’d just as well seek other places to pass time” Xandax continued.
Xandax could see in Calahan’s eyes, that he didn’t know how to react to this mercenary] tone of voice.
Xandax standing in a defensive position, with his shield covering his torso and the sword ready to be used – just in case that Calahan didn’t take nicely to being told off.

“Get MY act together, scum?” he exclaimed. His eyes narrowed. “You think you’re really something, don’t you hotshot? Do you actually think the allegiance of one stinkin’ merc makes a d*mn difference? Give me one d*mn reason why I shouldn’t gut you where you stand!” Calahan growled, moving into a fighting stance.

Xandax took the big man’s measure as he talked. He showed no signs of any wounds from the night’s battle, and his movements were sure and balanced. He had seen the guy fight, and if this ended in conflict, he wasn’t sure of the outcome...

* * * * *

Magus bowed, and awaited the Council’s response.

One of the hooded figures rose.

“Archmage, with all due respect, I believe you are taking this all out of proportion.” The voice was gentle, almost patronizing. “There is no rebellion. Only a few minor skirmishes between guilds. It has happened before and will happen again. It is not a matter that requires our interference.”

Five hooded heads nodded in agreement.

Magus was taken aback. “A few minor skirmishes? Are you sure you realize the scope of this conflict? A revolt has broken out in our capital. Even now the guilds draw on assets throughout the nation. If the Council does not act decisively, we shall soon have hired armies rampaging throughout the countryside. The people’s faith in this ruling council will vanish, and the entire nation will be plunged into a terrible civil war. After that it’s only a matter of time before the border countries decide Amn is ripe for the plucking.”

“Archmage, our course of action has already been decided. The Council will not interfere in the internal affairs of the guilds.”

Magus’s reaction changed from surprise to disbelief. This was completely uncharacteristic of the proud but clever group he had come to know over the years. But it wasn’t just their absurd decision. They NEVER agreed on anything. Much of the reason the Council was in such a sorry state was because they were always bickering. Something definitely wasn’t right here.

-A cloak of magic hangs thickly over them- Void whispered to him alone.

Magus didn’t miss a beat. He muttered a word of magic and moved his hands in a gesture of cancellation. The potent power word immediately dispelled all active spells in the area.

Lazal’s invisibility flickered and returned. Luckily he had wrapped himself in natural shadows as well.
The council members weren’t so fortunate. Their disguises vanished, revealing them for what they truly were: a band of powerful greater dopplegangers. Discovered, four of them rushed to the attack, a contingency rendering them mirror imaged and improve hasted. The other two hung back, chanting in the language of magic. Before anyone could react a pair of planar gates formed behind them in front of the exit, spawning a duo of bloodthirsty pit fiends.

Energy coursed and sizzled as Magus and Aerie’s contingencies went off, instantly surrounding them in protections as they expertly wove their arcane spells.

* * * * *

@all: Just to make it crystal clear, Thryn, Rail, Virdel, Magus, Aerie, and Void are in the Council building.

@Fas: You can stumble upon the battle if you want. Or you can wait til afterwards to find us. You can even link up with Xandax if you want. It’s your choice.
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Post by Magus »

@all: Um...we have a problem :D
POST-LAG! :eek:

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: I've got to get to bed. We'll have to sort this out tomorrow. This really sucks :)
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: I like mine more... :D It just seems to go with the twisted plans of a person like Lazal, having his cronies twist the truth around of past events to charge someone falsly. PM me, and we can sort this out.
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Post by Xandax »

Well I had nothing to do per se with Aegis battle, but he left him unconsions on the ground, for everybody to finish off, so I told a couple of helmsmen to carry him back to the former compoud, that is what my character is refereeing to :)

“Give me one d*mn reason why I shouldn’t gut you where you stand!”

Calahan had reacted pretty much as Xandax had expected.
“Well for starters” Xandax said calmly, yet still ready to react, “I’m one of the only men you have left, and after what I’ve seen, the thieves were not alone in planning this – they must have had help – even you must have figured that out! The mages are the most obvious choice, or somebody within that organisation”
Xandax used the words he knew would trigger reactions from Calahan.
“Secondly – what else have you got to do, commanding dead men, would properly be dull in the long run, and the helm as an organisation is gone – what has survived this night has most likely either fled the city, or are incapable to fight, and those that are still here, are properly scared stiff.”
Xandax pointed at some helmsmen sitting on the ground nearby, tending to their wounds.
”So I ask you again, where do you stand?”

Xandax knew this was a gamble, either it would work or one of them would most likely not live long.
Xandax never feared death, he had seen it many times – and was always ready to meet his demise, that is the choice of a warrior - and after all, with the ghosts haunting him, afterlife could not be worse than this life.
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Actually, I think yours is better too :) Plus I get to take a break from the DM’ing thing for a bit ;) . So we’ll go with your post, and ignore mine. But I have long-term plans for Lazal, so try to avoid anything that would reveal more about him or his motivations. In other words, don’t dispel his aura of mystery :D
BTW, I’m assuming our group is rather close together.

@Xandax: quote: I told a couple of helmsmen to carry him back to the former compoud, that is what my character is refereeing to

I don’t remember that, considering I wrote that part, but okay :D

* * * * *

“Secondly – what else have you got to do, commanding dead men, would properly be dull in the long run, and the helm as an organisation is gone – what has survived this night has most likely either fled the city, or are incapable to fight, and those that are still here, are properly scared stiff.”
Xandax pointed at some helmsmen sitting on the ground nearby, tending to their wounds.

Calahan laughed bitterly.

“Is that what you think, whelp? The Black Helm’s finished?”

Xandax was silent.

“The Helm is everywhere in Amn. Not just Athkatla. We ARE the military. Tonight’s battle was just a little skirmish. Soon word will get out that the war has begun. And fighting between soldier and rogue will break out across the entire country. All the while the Wizards will sit back and laugh.”

Calahan’s tone was bitter and resentful, but at the same time, resigned. He sighed and lowered his weapon, not even looking at Xandax anymore.

“Duty above all,” he whispered, reciting the guild’s first tenet.

* * * * *

A dozen high ranking Cowled Wizards appeared from their magical doorways, some holding wooden staffs, others using swords, which was rare for a mage. All these weapons, Magus held no doubt, were magical in nature. These new men that appeared were of the Command structure of the Cowled Wizards, Corellon among them.

Thoughts flashed across Magus’s mind at a feverish pace. It was too risky to take them all on. Instinctively he sensed a teleportation barrier. No escape by that method. He could cloak himself in a potent invisibility spell, nearly impossible to dispel, but that would leave his friends.

They’d have to escape by force.

He nodded to Aerie and Void. Withdrawing deep within the mind, he grasped the frantic energies within, nurturing them, magnifying them. Then he released them forth in a massive psionic blast. Centered on him, it started weak and grew in momentum as it expanded, barely affecting his nearby friends but hitting the more distant enemy with mind numbing force.

Simultaneously Aerie chanted in prayer to her Avariel goddess. A wave of protective energies flowed forth, shielding the group from the lick of fiery flames. Then Void hurled a giant ball of fire into the ground, which exploded in a blossom of superheated plasma.

“We have to get out of here!” Magus yelled.

* * * * *

@craig: Thryn is also in the room with Virdel and Rail.

@Aegis: All yours. :D :D
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: quote: I told a couple of helmsmen to carry him back to the former compoud, that is what my character is refereeing to

I don’t remember that, considering I wrote that part, but okay :D
qutoe from last page, one of my last posts:

Xandax surveyed the battle scene, and told the 2 Helmsmen that had followed him, to pick up Calahan and take him back to the compound, or what was left of it.


[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: And thus the fun begins... :D


Virdel felt the psionic energy surround him, and the others. He smirk at the mages power, and intuitivness. Almost in unison with Magus's attack, the Drow had already began to murmer the command words for a globe of darkness to overtake the group. He watched as the Wizards were reeling, attempting to overcome this sudden attack, and he knew it wouldn't take long. Darkness then crept over the group, blinding not only themselves, but those attacking them. From withen the darkness, Virdel heard Magus calling for everyone to get out of the room, and regroup elsewhere. Virdel had no intentions of running quite yet.

Rail, in all his usual cunning, had come prepared for potential trouble. He had a small, explosive vial tucked away in his belt, something he found useful in situations this this. He deftly removed it from it's resting place, and tossed it out of the globe, and to the wizards. It wasn't much, certainly not enough to kill someone, but it would allow time for escape. His quick feet carried him out of the globe, and back into the hallway quickly.

Magus and Aerie had recovered quickly from the expending of the mental energy, and were already outside of the room, above them, as always, Void lingered. A sense of urgency was present on everyone's face. No plans were needed for escape, as they all knew the way out, and how to get there. Magus glanced quickly to the darkness, waiting only a moments time before seeing Thryn and Virdel charge out of the darkness. He nodded breifly to the Drow, almost as if thanking him for the cover of escape. The group then took off down the hallway. towards the exit, Virdel taking up the rear.

As they neared the exit, Virdel skidded to a halt, and spun on his heel back towards the pursueing forces. Only Magus saw him do this. He watch, out of the corner of his, the rest of the group leave the building hurriedly, and glanced back to Virdel. The Drow had both weapons drawn, and his jaw was set with grim determination. He knew he couldn't do much right now, but knew Virdel would not yield easily, his pride wouldn't let him. Magus whispered a silent prayer to Mystra for Virdel, and left the building, going to regroup with the rest.

Virdel stood defiantly in the centre of the hall, his hands gripping his weapons tightly. He wished he could use the summoning stone Ferchen had given him earlier in the week, but it's power had been expended until the next day. He watched the Wizards round the corner, and he could sense the magical protections they all had around them. He set his feet firmly on the ground, digging his heel into the floor, so he would be able to launch himself to attack quickly. He said no prayer for this coming battle. He intended to let his own ability decide the outcome.

As the last Wizard rounded the corner, Virdel launched himself down the narrow corridor into a frenized melee. He knew that if he could keep the mages occupied for even a moments time, the rest could escape. His sudden attack set the first of the mages of balance, not expecting such a forward attack and one of such power. Virdel's blades whirred in the air, cutting a swath of death through the air. The first mage felt the cold steel of Lash Bearer cut into his skin, and the small teeth bit into his muscle, seizing his arm up. The man screamed in pain, and dropped to one knee. Virdel continued his attack, breaking through the magical protections of the wizard after a few swift attacks. To his side, he saw that the others were already preparing an attack. He heard the muttering of magic, but paid no heed to it. He spun on his heel, letting his blade seep through the last of the protections, and into the mages chest, striking the man dead.

He turned to the others, who were forming up tightly in the small hallway, and charged valiantly towards the rest of the group. He knew these ones would not be taken by surprise. He swung his scimitars forcefully, feeling the blades rebound harmlessly off the stoneskin of another mage, but relentlessly continued the attack. He felt the protection weaken, but also heard the spells of the others conclude. He didn't care. He broke through the last protection of the second mage, abd felt his blade dig into the soft flesh. He felt another one die under his blade.

He tured to the res, knowing that a magical blast was coming his way, and crossed his weapons defencivly. The magic cast against him was reletivly low level, but there was enough of the blast to knock him to the ground, sear part of his flesh. The centre of his tunic, where the magic hit, was charred black, and was torn. He didn't feel this pain. He swiftly stood back to his feet, shaking the daze off, and prepared for another attack, but was again cut short but yet another magical blast. This one forced the Drows body back against the wall. Virdel got the wind knocked out of his battered body, and fell to the group, gasping for breath, but unrelenting.

As one of the mages came close to inspect the body, attempting to see if he was indeed incapicitated, Virdel lashed out violently, sweeping his leg around, and bringing the foolhardy man to the ground, where Virdel's waiting blade quickly disrupted the magical protections, and slit his throat. Virdel brought himself to one knee, them to his feet. He was breathing heavily now, and the pain was slowing his reactions. Again he laucnhed himself into the crowd of mages, and again he was met by a blast of magical energy. He fell to the ground, his grip loosening on his weapons. He stared up to the ceiling, his vision blurring a bit. He could taste his own blood on his lips. As his hands dropped to his side, the small gem that Magus had given him rolled out of his pocket, and near the base of his palm. He dazedly looked to it, and shifted his hand so that he could grasp it. As his last bit of stength fled his beaten form, he grabed the gem, and clenched it tightly...


@All: I'll leave it at that for now.

@Magus: I'll let you decide what you and the others do next, but I'll handly Virdel. Just keep in mind he's not quite dead yet. :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: You know, I assumed that those wizards were pretty high level...from their fight with Virdel it sounds like together we could have defeated them easily.

@Xandax: Oh, I found it now. You posted that after I said “ A couple of soldiers lifted Calahan on their shoulders as the column retreated. As they withdrew, a few guards recognized the dark elf as that afternoon’s intruder in the headquarters." Sorry I missed your clarification :D
(I’m just kidding around. It really doesn’t matter :) )

* * * * *

They met outside, less one dark elf. The sounds of battle faintly echoed from within.

Magus made up his mind.

“Scatter for now. We’ll regroup at the Copper Coronet at 4:00,” he instructed. “I’m going in after Virdel.”

This met with several protests.

“It’ll be safer to do this alone. I’ll be alright.”

He cast a vocalize spell, so he could work his craft silently. Then he disappeared with a powerful invisibility enchantment.

Slipping back into the building without a sound, he went to help a friend in need.

* * * * *

Unnoticed, another trailed after the mage. His eyes dimmed, his body transparent, Void followed after his master. No doubt Magus would get into trouble that he’d need extricating from, he thought.

A familiar and its master are rarely parted.

* * * * *

[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: Keep in mind that Virdel only killed three of them, whereas if it were any other group of people, he may've even gotten them all. Also, remember that he took the first by complete surprise, and second was beaten on with enough time for a spell to nail him. The third one went down from sheer arogance, to think that Virdel was dead. Anyway, if you want to work your way into this little melee, help yourself... :D
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