@Magus: And thus the fun begins...
Virdel felt the psionic energy surround him, and the others. He smirk at the mages power, and intuitivness. Almost in unison with Magus's attack, the Drow had already began to murmer the command words for a globe of darkness to overtake the group. He watched as the Wizards were reeling, attempting to overcome this sudden attack, and he knew it wouldn't take long. Darkness then crept over the group, blinding not only themselves, but those attacking them. From withen the darkness, Virdel heard Magus calling for everyone to get out of the room, and regroup elsewhere. Virdel had no intentions of running quite yet.
Rail, in all his usual cunning, had come prepared for potential trouble. He had a small, explosive vial tucked away in his belt, something he found useful in situations this this. He deftly removed it from it's resting place, and tossed it out of the globe, and to the wizards. It wasn't much, certainly not enough to kill someone, but it would allow time for escape. His quick feet carried him out of the globe, and back into the hallway quickly.
Magus and Aerie had recovered quickly from the expending of the mental energy, and were already outside of the room, above them, as always, Void lingered. A sense of urgency was present on everyone's face. No plans were needed for escape, as they all knew the way out, and how to get there. Magus glanced quickly to the darkness, waiting only a moments time before seeing Thryn and Virdel charge out of the darkness. He nodded breifly to the Drow, almost as if thanking him for the cover of escape. The group then took off down the hallway. towards the exit, Virdel taking up the rear.
As they neared the exit, Virdel skidded to a halt, and spun on his heel back towards the pursueing forces. Only Magus saw him do this. He watch, out of the corner of his, the rest of the group leave the building hurriedly, and glanced back to Virdel. The Drow had both weapons drawn, and his jaw was set with grim determination. He knew he couldn't do much right now, but knew Virdel would not yield easily, his pride wouldn't let him. Magus whispered a silent prayer to Mystra for Virdel, and left the building, going to regroup with the rest.
Virdel stood defiantly in the centre of the hall, his hands gripping his weapons tightly. He wished he could use the summoning stone Ferchen had given him earlier in the week, but it's power had been expended until the next day. He watched the Wizards round the corner, and he could sense the magical protections they all had around them. He set his feet firmly on the ground, digging his heel into the floor, so he would be able to launch himself to attack quickly. He said no prayer for this coming battle. He intended to let his own ability decide the outcome.
As the last Wizard rounded the corner, Virdel launched himself down the narrow corridor into a frenized melee. He knew that if he could keep the mages occupied for even a moments time, the rest could escape. His sudden attack set the first of the mages of balance, not expecting such a forward attack and one of such power. Virdel's blades whirred in the air, cutting a swath of death through the air. The first mage felt the cold steel of Lash Bearer cut into his skin, and the small teeth bit into his muscle, seizing his arm up. The man screamed in pain, and dropped to one knee. Virdel continued his attack, breaking through the magical protections of the wizard after a few swift attacks. To his side, he saw that the others were already preparing an attack. He heard the muttering of magic, but paid no heed to it. He spun on his heel, letting his blade seep through the last of the protections, and into the mages chest, striking the man dead.
He turned to the others, who were forming up tightly in the small hallway, and charged valiantly towards the rest of the group. He knew these ones would not be taken by surprise. He swung his scimitars forcefully, feeling the blades rebound harmlessly off the stoneskin of another mage, but relentlessly continued the attack. He felt the protection weaken, but also heard the spells of the others conclude. He didn't care. He broke through the last protection of the second mage, abd felt his blade dig into the soft flesh. He felt another one die under his blade.
He tured to the res, knowing that a magical blast was coming his way, and crossed his weapons defencivly. The magic cast against him was reletivly low level, but there was enough of the blast to knock him to the ground, sear part of his flesh. The centre of his tunic, where the magic hit, was charred black, and was torn. He didn't feel this pain. He swiftly stood back to his feet, shaking the daze off, and prepared for another attack, but was again cut short but yet another magical blast. This one forced the Drows body back against the wall. Virdel got the wind knocked out of his battered body, and fell to the group, gasping for breath, but unrelenting.
As one of the mages came close to inspect the body, attempting to see if he was indeed incapicitated, Virdel lashed out violently, sweeping his leg around, and bringing the foolhardy man to the ground, where Virdel's waiting blade quickly disrupted the magical protections, and slit his throat. Virdel brought himself to one knee, them to his feet. He was breathing heavily now, and the pain was slowing his reactions. Again he laucnhed himself into the crowd of mages, and again he was met by a blast of magical energy. He fell to the ground, his grip loosening on his weapons. He stared up to the ceiling, his vision blurring a bit. He could taste his own blood on his lips. As his hands dropped to his side, the small gem that Magus had given him rolled out of his pocket, and near the base of his palm. He dazedly looked to it, and shifted his hand so that he could grasp it. As his last bit of stength fled his beaten form, he grabed the gem, and clenched it tightly...
@All: I'll leave it at that for now.
@Magus: I'll let you decide what you and the others do next, but I'll handly Virdel. Just keep in mind he's not quite dead yet.