@craig: If the blood’s from Thryn hitting the bookshelf, I didn’t intend for him to get hurt.
@Aegis: Magus said “The
Rift is under attack” out loud (Virrilis spoke as if he didn’t hear that). When characters say something out loud I put it in quotes. I denote a telepathic message with a dash before and after. Magus’s are in
bold and Void’s are in
* * * * *
Virrilis looked to Aerie. He saw the betrayed look upon her face, and offered a reassuring smile. "My dear, in order to make my ruse a success, I had to be as much like the Drow as I could." He placed his hand on her shoulder, "Do not think to much into it. Virdel was merly an act. I am the real person beneath the mask. I am a much more honorable man." He smiled again, and took his hand off her shoulder.
She returned the smile weakly, and backed away. Broken trust was broken trust, whatever the reason. She wasn’t quite ready to forgive him.
"Now, may you tell the good assassin and myself why it is that Magus left so abruptly? If it is danger, I would like to know, as having Magus assist me in my mission is key. I cannot risk having him fall." He smiled again, hoping she’d soften.
“I don’t know much more than you. But he wouldn’t hurry such if there was no danger. You’ll just have to trust his judgement. Whatever the case, the attackers will be at a severe disadvantage. Magus and most of the guards can tap the
Rift’s power, significantly increasing their own.”
Virrilis nodded. “Nonetheless, I’d like to help if I could. Could you take me to him?”
Aerie shook her head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. The majority of the servants are magic resistant, making them ideal for withstanding the mass destruction spells Magus would want to use. Without magical protection, you’d be a handicap.” Her tone was uncompromising.
As Virrilis searched for a response, he abruptly noticed the assassin was nowhere to be seen.
* * * * *
Magus stood before the
Rift’s outer structure, a tall obelisk sitting atop a large cliff. Below and to the north, a mass of armored figures, some mounted, were scaling a gentle slope, the only viable physical approach. They were clad in the dark armor of Black Helm elites.
It had to be a trick of some sort. A few well-placed fireballs and the whole column would collapse like a stack of dominoes. He scanned for mages among their ranks, aided by a wizard eye spell. There were at least twenty.
The commandant arrives-
The hakeashar floated past Void. To the untrained eye they all looked the same. But Magus knew better. This one had large, wide eyes, tinted an unusual flat red. They complemented its direct, no nonsense attitude.
The guards are ready. Shall we strike the first blow?-
“Not yet. Let us see if we can parley first.”
We pass up a valuable opportunity. But very well-
Magus waited and observed for a minute. Judging by their gait, the soldiers were tired, suggesting a long march. They weren’t from Athkatla then. Reinforcements, perhaps. It made sense, especially after the last night’s battle.
Xandax had said they had a new commandant named Calahan. Maybe that had something to do with this. He took a closer look at the leader, who was riding an armored horse. He was a big man, clad in seamless ebony armor, undoubtedly magical. He wielded a large halberd with a haft of solid oak, topped by a blue blade that shimmered with arcane energy.
That was close enough. He focused his mind for a powerful sending.
Halt, soldiers of the Black Helm! Continue to advance and your death will be swift-
The line stopped abruptly, the men whispering fearfully among each other. None of them had ever experienced telepathy, though they’d heard rumors of the archmage’s dark powers of the mind. Powers that could destroy the mind and leave the body an empty husk. They had thought them just stories until now.
Calahan motioned to his head battlemage. “We’ve got him. The fool. Have your wizards teleport in a circle around him. We’ll accompany them.”
“Sir, I’ve detected a strange field around the
Rift. If it’s an anti-magic barrier, teleporting could be dangerous.”
“I don’t care! Just follow orders!”
“Yes sir!” The mage signaled to a group of fifteen wizards, veterans of skirmishes along the Tethyrian border. They disappeared in a flash of magic, followed by him and Calahan. Suddenly he passed through the barrier. It was all he could do to hold the spell. He and Calahan appeared at their destination unharmed, along with four of the mages. The rest...it was horrible. Looking around, he saw body parts of mangled comrades littering the area, some still twitching. A couple colleagues were turned inside out, theirs guts spilling onto the ground as they breathed their last. “YOU MONSTER!” he screamed, protections activating with a flash as he shot a lightning bolt at the archmage.
It fizzled before it left his hands. Magus’s commandant was gone before he could stop it. A fist of solid shadow sprouted from the head battlemage’s back, blasting through protections like butter. He collapsed to the ground, dead instantly, blood pooling around him.
Magus snapped his fingers, and suddenly each wizard was flanked on each side by his own elite guards, his finest hakeashar.
Doon’t moove.” Spinning around, Calahan found himself face to face with a daunting spectre. The chill of death emanated from it like an unwashed cadet. He swung his halberd at it with all his might, but it disappeared before the blade could connect. He dropped to the ground just as the spectre reached for his heart. The hand went right through armor, numbing his left arm with a glancing touch, and making him drop his weapon.
“That’s enough,” Magus proclaimed, stepping forward. Calahan climbed angrily to his feet, glaring at the archmage. He could tell the damned spectre was right behind him again. Down below his soldiers were preparing to charge.
“Call off your men, or you die like the dog you are,” came Magus’s voice, sharp and demanding.
Calahan replied by spitting in his face. Suddenly he was face up on the ground, muscles twitching involuntarily. Another wretched hakeashar stood over him. Its eyes flared menacingly.
Do it- Void commanded.
Calahan slowly got up, signaling to one of the wizards. She shot a red colored light from her hand into the air. The soldiers quieted.
“We shall finish this inside.” Magus turned to his commandant. “Round up all the wizards and have them taken to the secure chambers. And tell the rest to make camp where they are. Deal with dissenters as you wish.”
It shall be done- It vanished, followed by the rest as the hakeashar carried out their orders. Only Magus, Void, Calahan, and the spectre remained.
“To the library, then. Perhaps Xandax can confirm your identity.” Magus noticed how he jerked at the name’s mention.
“I want my halberd.” Calahan scowled stubbornly at the archmage.
Magus glanced down at it. “I think not. But never fear. I’ll keep it safe while you’re here.” He gestured to Void, who floated over to it. Before Calahan could protest, he muttered a teleportation spell to take himself, the spectre, and the disgruntled fighter to the library.
* * * * *
@all: Whew. Long one for me.
@Xandax: All yours
@Aegis: I’ll let you write what Virrilis and Aerie did in the meantime. I’m done for tonight
[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]