A voice whispered from the alley, and my life was changed forever.
The moment was crystal clear in my mind, as if it had happened yesterday, though in fact it ten long horrible months had crept by. I shuddered, remembering the low serpentine voice, spilling out vile words, a foul incantation at me. In hindsight, had I drunken less that winters night, and ignored the pride that had always been my greatest folly I very well may not have been so arrogant to take that single step into the alleyway to challenge the fiend that called out to me. And quite possibly, had I not taken that step, I very well may not ended up here now, bound in iron, hand and foot, awaiting the punishment for the crimes I committed.
Looking up into the clear sky I saw the stars had vanished, fleeing like thieves from the revealing rays that would soon be upon us. The white orb of the moon stayed, a solemn companion, a silent witness to the last minutes of my life. Unable to move I knelt, the freezing rocky ground underneath, so solid, so real, denying me the simple pleasure of believing this was a bad dream, a nightmare that I would emerge from. I fixed my gaze in the distance, vowing to maintain my dignity in these last moments, and I knelt there, watching quietly as the horizon became clearer, no longer painted in the shadows of night.
A fierce red and orange outline outlined the distant features, trees and hills emerging as if a master crafter had molded them from clay. For the first time in my life things became clear. As the shadows stretched across the land, clawing like rabid beasts away from the suns brilliant gaze I wept. The tears poured down my face, and I shook quietly, not from fear of what was to come but because I had never before witnessed something so perfect. As the rays washed over my body I forced myself to keep my eyes open, embedding the image of that searing disk into my brain.
That moment, all the pain I had suffered somehow seemed worth it. The guilt I had carried for the past ten months fled. The blood that I had spilt, washed away, and I felt absolved. Quiet footsteps from behind announced their presence and a few moments later hands reached down to lift me. I shook my head, and slowly, summoning all my remaining strength raised my weary body from the ground. I did not waste my breath speaking, did not try to barter for my life, not wanting the last people to see me as a weak man. I would die as I had lived, with courage.
A calloused hand on my naked back shoved me forwards, and my time was upon me. I began to walk to the edge of the cliff. The iron shackles caused me to stumble and I snarled, carrying on over till I was at last at the edge. Looking upwards into the sky, I saw that now the moon was gone, leaving me with nothing more then my pride in my final moments. A wind picked up, blowing my hair and I sucked a breath in quietly.
The lonely cry of a hawk echoed in the hills. The wind blew softly; voices of loved ones no longer alive beckoning me. I heard the beat of my heart. Then I heard nothing and at last peace was mine.
With a smile on my face I jumped.
Critiques appreciated!