Yes, latge manuals really can make a difference, I agree, and BG2's was one of the best. I also remember the older Ultima series boxes, with moderate-sized manuals, cloth maps, and metal ankhs.
I've been playing Morrowind for about 8 hours straight, today. It definitely was addictive, especially after I made a level or two and my mage could hold his own in battle. The game just starts opening up, branching out all over the place. I discovered the mage's teleportation system housed in many mage guilds, which is very affordable (for mages). Did a task for a guild leader that took me to a guild in another city. Left to see what the rest of the metropolis looked like--
--and ran into the most realistic realtime sandstorm I've ever seen in a game, complete with perfect sound effects. My character even found it difficult to walk upwind, and all too easy to go the other way.
I must have done a good half dozen quests for three different guild leaders, all very quixotic. One has an idee fixe about Dwarven gods and magic; her third task (which I haven't accepted) actually was to steal a book from another guild leader. A second guild leader wanted me to lead a young lady over an isle at night, safely to a ship that awaited her--she was afraid of being accosted by a noble of House Telvenni, a bunch of high end mages who pretty much do whatever they want. Several times she made it clear that my guild rank was beneath hers.
A third guild leader told me to collect the 2,000 gold pieces owed in back dues by a member in a distant city, and that we'd split the results. Unless, of course, that the guild member refused to pay up, in which case I was supposed to kill her.
At the same time, I ran into a host of other forces who were eager to recruit me, plus an oldline bunch of thieves who hated foreigners, and included me with 'em.
I found an unattended alchemy set, all four pieces of excellent quality, and swiped it. My character has been turning out simple fatigue restoration potions for money, off herb samples he's found or stolen.
And I went through two small dungeons, Killing Many Things. It was fun, except when I had to carry a claymore back for sale that weighed *thirty pounds.*
I wish I had a site so I could link in some of the screens I took. The place looks astonishing. This is going to be one of the most talked about CRPGs for a long time to come.