Originally posted by Gwalchmai
I'm wondering where Senegal is.
It takes courage and openness to admitting such geographical ignorance. Senegal is on the north west coast of Africa, south of Morocco and West Sahara.
Why is it soccer here, but futbol in Mexico?
If we called it Football, would it be as popular as Football?
Because you Yanks are mad and misnome things in order to disfigure reality. If you renamed it, it would not be as popular as your handball-football: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose; by any other word would smell as sweet."
Will a vacation in Colorado be fun?
You won't know until you try, but I actually think a more exotic place would suit you better...a place across the sea, far north, with mountains, forests, lakes and pretty female neuropsychologists...
Is my kid really as smart as I think she is, or would putting her in an accelerated school harm her emotional growth?
It is a myth that intellectual and emotional development must be in conflict with each other, or that one occurs at the cost of the other. Most healthy kids from warm, loving, supporting families will mature faster emotionally if they are also very smart intellectually. It is however easy for parents and teacher to overfocus on a childs intellectual skills, so the adult world needs to watch themselves when dealing with very smart kids.
Is the lottery rigged?
What are all those blue flashing lights at the bottom of my computer screen?
Look at the time!
Oops, I need to pick up the kids.
If soccer isn't popular here in the states, then why is there a whole group of people who call themselves "soccer moms"?
I am happy you wish to share these deep and personaly thoughts with us, Gwally. It's really amazing to get a glimpse of what goes on in the deepest corners of your mind...