Now, I'm just putting it into words because a friend of mine (who doesn't have/want an account) thought it might be an interesting idea.
The PC charactor either accepts or denies the Throne of Bhaal. It doesn't matter which, as either path ends up as the same plot anyways.
The three priests in BG2 all become High Priests in thier respective alignment: Aerie (Lathander), Anomen (Helm) and Viconia (Talos). Each priest recieves a prophecy from thier god about how some evil deity will come and kick everybodys' butts and take over Fearun. The Harpers also know about this because...well...they do.
Because your had to romance one of the Clerics (-or a Harper, just wait for that) you have a strong communicational tie with that Priest (Or Druid. That's why the Harpers conveniently know about this oncoming deity -- somebody has to be around to tell Jaheira!)
When your husband/wife tells you about this little situation, you have to rally up a team on NPCs (Including you and your spouse, obviously) to prepare for the attacks. This team will include new and old NPCs from the two beginning BG games.
If you decided to become a god, then you will have to enter the Forgotten Realms in the form of a mortal human (or elf, or whatever...) for plot reasons.

This will somewhat weaken your PC because you'll lose your special god-like abilities once you leave your Abyssle realm.
So, your armies are attacked (in a movie sequence, for time's sake) and you're all beaten down quite badly. Finally, the deity shows itself for a one-on-one match with you. Low and behold, it's *your* duplicate. (Betcha didn't see that coming.

Eventually, the fight ends with your enemy dissapearing and you're left fighting until the opposing army falls.
Something special - If your romance in Aerie or Viconia, you're bound to have a kid. Since he/she is old enough to battle now, then your duplicate can grab the child and vanish, just adding to the plot and making it so that you don't have to worry about hiring a babysitter.
The Rest of it: The rest of the plot depends on your romance. If you didn't romance anyone or are starting a new game, it will automatically pick one for you (I.E. You're a Lawful Good male human, so you'll romance Aerie. Nuetral? Jaheira. Evil is in favor to Viccie and all female PCs get Anomen (Unless you drag Kelsey into this which I wouldn't reccomend 'cause that'll probably screw things up.))
Aerie or Viconia: You'll be pushed on simply because that idiot enemy of yours (Who is the dark side of you

) took your kid.
Jaheira or Anomen: These two will push you on simply because that's what they would do, no? Jaheira, woman of the balance would probably have your ass if you didn't go after this diety, and Anomen would do it simply because you guys need to spend some "quality time" together in the form of banishing evil.
It's an idea to build off of, I guess. I don't care for it because it's a stupid idea that popped out of the head of a nobody.

(**runs away from her friend who is trying to smack her outside the head**)