Re your beach experience: ROFL Like you, I have absolutely no hang ups about nudity, but I would prefer not to meet my prof without clothes It might sound strange, but I'd rather meet him if I was nude and he was clothed, than the other way around - I am pretty comfortable without clothes but I have no idea what he would think.
lol! Yes, I think I was probably more comfortable that occurred this way than the other way round It was most amusing, in all the times I've met with him, he has never maintained quite as much eye contact with me as he did today!
I am fine thanks, been very lazy the last 2 days How about you?
I am great, so far it has been a good weekend. We went out for dinner last night, and picked up a bottle of chilled rose wine before heading home, which we drank on the balcony once the child was asleep and today has been pleasant as well
may i enquire where this beach would be?
Somewhere along the British Columbia coastline....
Sounds absolutely wonderful *sigh* sometimes I feel far too removed from nature here in the middle of a city...more so now because I haven't had a vacation for 1.5 year,
that sounds rough.....